
The republic is an Aboriginal issue

Recognition must be at the heart of constitutional reform

Don’t bank on it

The banking royal commission is unlikely to lead to lasting reform

Rethinking the republic

A change in our head of state won’t change everything, and other lessons for the next push

Moment of Truth

Australia is on the brink of momentous change, but only if we can face up to the past – a Quarterly Essay extract

Unholy trinity suffers a setback

The sacking of Roman Quaedvlieg is only a minor impediment to Dutton’s plan

The PM faces failing his own Newspoll test

What next if Malcolm Turnbull loses 30 successive polls?

Pokies industry wins in Tasmania

Gaming is the next corporate interest to govern in the state

How politics works in Australia, and how to fix it

An insider’s guide to government

Labor has the most to lose in the Batman by-election

Ged Kearney might be the right candidate in the wrong battle

Oh the hypocrisy

Last week abounds in examples of double standards
