Scott Ludlam

Scott Ludlam is an ICAN ambassador and a former Australian Greens senator for Western Australia.

Articles by this author

Image of Marshall Islands, 1946
The risk posed by the global weapons complex is much worse than you know
Nuclear brinkmanship and the doomsday scenario
“I remember what I thought when I first held the single sheet with the graph on it. I thought, This piece of paper should not exist. It should never have existed. Not in America....
Image of senators in 2013
An insider’s guide to government
How politics works in Australia, and how to fix it
It’s remarkable how fast you can fall off the back of a wave you’ve been on for a while. Not long after leaving the Senate, I realised that it was halfway through a parliamentary...
Cover of Radical Technologies
Adam Greenfield’s ‘Radical Technologies’ is an essential guide to the tech revolution
Don’t believe the hype
On his blog, Speedbird, Adam Greenfield describes how he set out to write a book on cities and technology that went by the working title “The City Is Here for You To Use”. The...
Supermarket in Oregon.
Paul Mason’s ‘PostCapitalism’ and the future of economics
What comes next?
Paul Mason’s PostCapitalism (Allen Lane; $49.99) is an almost absurdly ambitious work. Parallel histories of Western industrial development, economic theory, the labour movement...