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🗣SHEH-nee zhar-DEN • health care for all • recovering • breast cancer • • xeni@xeni.net • like this? support it!

Inscrit en juillet 2006


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  1. Tweet épinglé

    Hello new followers. If you feel moved to support my voice here, FYI there's a for that. Grateful. 🌈🙏

  2. il y a 6 heures

    Here is a Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee saying that the Russians had a preference for Trump and an animus against Hillary.

  3. il y a 6 heures

    James Schwab, a spokesman for the San Francisco Division of ICE, has resigned, citing what he says are falsehoods being spread by members of the Trump administration including Attorney General Jeff Sessions

  4. il y a 6 heures

    Russia now has more intelligence agents deployed in London than at the height of the Cold War, former British intelligence officials have said.

  5. A month has passed and he's still missing.

  6. il y a 6 heures

    Mexico says arrests drug gang suspect in case of 43 murdered students

  7. il y a 6 heures

    We are seeing weaponized bigotry brought to platforms like and and a lot of hand-wriging and little action on behalf of the white-male dominated platforms to counteract.

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  8. il y a 11 heures

    New statement from ODNI: "The Intelligence Community stands by its January 2017 assessment, 'Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections.' We will review the HPSCI report findings."

  9. il y a 9 heures

    This was not the finding of the House Intelligence Committee, Mr. President, but only a statement by its GOP members, who lack the courage to stand up to a President of their own party when the national interest necessitates it.

  10. il y a 8 heures

    The sequel to Crash is going straight to Netflix.

  11. il y a 7 heures

    Russia may as well be conducting drone strikes in London. And banks right down the street overflowing with laundered Russian money. Gut check time.

  12. il y a 9 heures

    Very strong language from Pelosi, basically accusing GOP of treachery and betrayal: “House Republicans have abandoned their oath to support and defend the Constitution and protect the American people.”

  13. il y a 7 heures
    En réponse à
  14. 6 mars

    More authors should follow William Vollmann and do a "no thanks" section in their acknowledgements. I'd read this for every magazine feature. (From "Imperial")

  15. 17 févr.

    the IRA’s warning to thatcher after they narrowly failed to kill her in the brighton bombing has somehow leaked into inspirational american facebook as a thatcher quote

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  16. 11 mars

    This looks like a retirement party for a guy who mops up porno theaters

    Ce média pour contenir un document offensant. En savoir plus
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  17. il y a 9 heures

    This handheld color sensor on sale in our store matches hues to RGB, CMYK, brand-name paint colors, and more.

  18. il y a 10 heures
  19. il y a 17 heures

    Stevie Nicks belts out "Wild Heart" during an Annie Leibovitz photo session

  20. 10 mars
  21. il y a 8 heures

    The world’s top-selling screenwriting software is half off in our store right now.


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