

Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.

Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing sensational, sold-out live events.


Everything from sound projects to spoken word, from past editions and new content commissioned for online publication.

Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing sensational, sold-out live events.


Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.



Everything from sound projects to spoken word, from past editions and new content commissioned for online publication.

The Latest from The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge:

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

Notes from the Desperate Capitol of Somnopolis

It reeked of sleep. Somnopolis. It reeked of insomniac worry and disquiet, and thwarted escape. Because we are all poets or babies in the middle of the night, struggling...

PRISM International: Excerpt from 'This is How I Remember You'

Once a month we’re swapping articles with Canadian literary mag PRISM to share our writers with a wider international audience.