Saturday, March 10, 2018

Russian propaganda

I can see why the US is really furious about Russian propaganda.  Russian propaganda has become much better since the days of the USSR.  One of the biggest imbalances in the Cold War was that the US was far better and more effective in propaganda than USSR, which was lousy in that field. The US today is dealing with an adversary who is much better at propaganda.  And US propaganda is not what it used to be: it sells much less and the decline of the US TV and radio propaganda broadcast (and the shutting down of Sawa Radio) are recent manifestations.  The US was really effective in propaganda in the Cold War.

Hizbullah and social justice

My weekly article in Al-Akhbar: "Hizbullah and the Elections: Resistance and Social Justice".

Thursday, March 08, 2018

UN Panels explains that US bombing of civilians in Syria--unlike Russian bombing--cant be said to be war crimes

"The international coalition had also inflicted countless civilian casualties in daily airstrikes on Islamic State fighters in the city of Raqqa, launching attacks even though the militants were using civilians as human shields, the panel said."

UN Panel explains why when US killed 150-200 civilians in a school in Raqqa it was not a war crime

"The coalition attack did not amount to a war crime because it had no intent of hitting a civilian target".  Let me translate UN lingo: we were afraid that US would punish us with cut off of funding.

Fanatical Buddhist Monks really have good press in the West: and you never have articles: what is wrong with Buddhism?

"extremist Buddhist monks who have incited communal violence in the past"

What is happening to pro-Palestine activism in UK?

See this.

Look at this segment on Aljazeera: they award flowers on International Woman's Day but they skip the dark-skinned woman in the corner

Click here

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Israeli role in the Syrian war

My interview on the Israeli role in the Syrian war with the Realnews.

U.S. military and Hollywood: so nice

"The Defense Department has a long-standing relationship with Hollywood." "There will always be large-scale scripted projects, like the recent “12 Strong,” “The Long Road Home” and “15:17 to Paris,” or TV shows like “NCIS” and “Hawaii 5-0.” But there are also a lot of unscripted projects that require DoD attention, such as documentaries on the History and Discovery channels; game shows like “Jeopardy” and “The Price is Right” that often have military-themed episodes; and talk shows like Ellen, Steve Harvey and Conan."

The world's forgotten humanitarian crisis

"The UK has used standard arms licences to approve more than $6.4bn in arms to Saudi Arabia since the start of the war in Yemen in 2015, including advanced jets and munitions." "The conflict in Yemen killed more than 10,000 people - many of whom were civilians who died in Saudi-led coalition air strikes. Millions more civilians face starvation and disease in a humanitarian crisis aid agencies say has largely been ignored by world powers."

Hollywood and the Pentagon: this is real

It’s Sunday and did you know the works with to ensure the is correctly portrayed in films? Find out how these partnerships work: . Be sure to follow our coverage over on !

Foundations for Defense of Israel and Gulf autocracies

"The leading neoconservative think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies is functioning as an agent of the Israeli government, Al Jazeera’s forthcoming investigation on the US Israel lobby will reveal. According to a source who has seen the undercover documentary, it contains footage of a powerful Israeli official claiming that “We have FDD. We have others working on this.” "

Conspiracies are real

"Often the term “conspiracy” is applied dismissively whenever one suggests that people who occupy positions of political and economic power are consciously dedicated to advancing their elite interests. Even when they openly profess their designs, there are those who deny that intent is involved." "Indeed, they meet in rooms: corporate boardrooms, Pentagon command rooms,... in the many conference rooms at the White House, the NSA, the CIA, or wherever."
Parenti, M. 1996. Dirty Truths. San Francisco: City Lights Books. Pages 173-174

Child marriage in the U.S.

"Nationwide, more than 200,000 children under 18 – some as young as 10 – were married between 2000 and 2015. In most cases, the minor is a girl and her spouse is an older man." (thanks Amir)

More puff pieces on Saudi regime from Ben Hubbard

These are mere propaganda pieces on Saudi regime and its alleged reforms. The story that women are shopping for cars is treated as the greatest victory for feminism worldwide.

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Mona Alami and al-Monitor take a page from Nicholas Blanford's playbook (and quote him)

"“We are very ready for the possibility of a war breaking out, and it will be unlike any other,” said Ahmad, a Hezbollah sniper who spoke with Al-Monitor in Lebanon on condition of anonymity. A source close to Hezbollah fighters, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, told Al-Monitor that the recent February faceoff between Israel on one side and Iran, Hezbollah and Syria on the other was an ambush staged by Tehran.  Hezbollah expert and journalist Nicholas Blanford concurred, telling Al-Monitor the Lebanese organization has achieved a high degree of mobility in Syria, where it can deploy quickly with very little weaponry, like firefighters who put out fires when and where needed across a country. “Hezbollah, Iran and the Syrians have been tinkering with variants of the Iranian Fateh-110 family of missiles, such as reducing the size of warheads for increased range or slapping guidance systems on rockets," Blanford said. "The ability to accurately strike targets in Israel in the event of a war is of critical importance to Hezbollah and of equally critical concern to Israel.” (thanks Basim)

"Alami is a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council's Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, as well as Trends Research and Advisory and an Associate fellow at the King Faysal Center for Research and Islamic Studies. Alami is a regular contributor to a number of American and Arab publications including Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Monitor and The New Arab, among many others."

Qatari BDS students protest a talk by Alan Dershowitz

Watch here

List of "dont" in a Saudi musical concert by Egyptian Tamir Husni

It says: "ticket are limited to 3 per agent.  Children less than 12 are forbidden.  The theatre is segregated according to gender.  Dancing and shining is forbidden.  Smoking is forbidden inside the place.  Modest dress is required.  Eating is forbidden inside.  Sold tickets can't be exchanged or returned."

Fadlo of AUB disinvite an Iranian academic under orders from DC

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Shame on Netflix for promoting a racist, homophobic, sexist, and disgusting Lebanese comedians

Of all the Arab comedians (especially Egyptian and Syrians who are the funniest Arabs), Netflix chose the Lebanese comedian, Adel Karam.  His show is most disgusting and full of blatantly racist, sexist, and homophobic humor.  Forget about all that: it is most unfunny and Michele observed while I was watching it that nobody in the audience was laughing.  He made jokes about African men having big penises and African women having big butts and breasts.  There should be a petition by Arabs to remove this choice by Netflix.  Arab comedy is so much better than this trash.

PS This guy Karam is the same star of the lousy racist Lebanese movie which won academy award nomination.

Rev. Billy Graham: the Mufti fo the American Republican

My weekly article in Al-Akhbar: "Rev. Billy Graham is dead: the Mufti of the American Republic."

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Exclusive: some news from inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1) Israeli expert at Brandeis, Shai Feldman, was hosted by the Saudi regime and he delivered a lecture in Riyadh.  The regime didn't to announce the news in its media.
2) After the US decision to move the US embassy from occupied Jaffa to occupied Jerusalem, Prince Turki Al-Faysal sent an article in which he protested the move to the mouthpiece of Muhammad bin Salman, Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat.  His article was rejected, which was unprecedented.
3) I learned that Muhammad bin Salman has even put his own half-brothers under house arrest.
4) There are grumblings in the kingdom particularly about the social changes.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Israel reduces Gaza's fishing area, kills the fishermen

"Since 1996, following the signing of the Oslo accords by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, Israel restricted Gaza fishers to 20 nautical miles off the coast. That was eventually reduced to 12 miles, then six and now to just three." (thanks Amir)

Israeli-Saudi alliance

My interview with the RealNews.

The Canadian Clown

Monday, February 26, 2018

Regarding the warning about Russian spies infiltrating all aspects of life in the US

Regarding the post from yesterday about the warning on Lifetime channel at the end of a movie: it is not a parody.  It was a serious warning after a movie (claims to be based on "true events", called His Double Life) which alleges to show a Russian spy marrying a non-suspecting American woman and killing a number of people, in addition to trying to infiltrate the NSA.  Can you imagine if this warning appeared on North Korean or Russian TV? Can you imagine the uproar in US media about that? Can you imagine the mockery that this would have engendered if this was on an enemy TV station? 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

How the lies of the Israeli occupation army get free run in US media

"Palestinian killed in raid captured on video: A 33-year-old Palestinian man was killed early Thursday by Israeli troops who are seen on a security camera video kicking and beating him with their rifles after he comes charging down an alley, carrying a long object on his shoulder.  The Israeli military confirmed that the video showed parts of a predawn arrest raid in the West Bank town of Jericho. An army statement initially said that Palestinians attacked troops during the raid and that an armed man tried to grab a soldier’s gun. In a later statement, it said the man ran toward soldiers with an iron rod and tried to attack them. The statement said troops responded “by opening fire, confronted the terrorist at close proximity and managed to block him.” It added that a knife was found on the man."

The clowning of the Canadian prime minister: or the Sa'ib `Urayqat of Canada

When will his clowning end?

The Lebanese government summons me to a military court

I finally spoke to the Lebanese Minister of Justice.  We spoke about my case where the Lebanese government has summoned me to appear before the prosecutor of the Military Court, in response to a tweet of mine against meetings in Naqurah between Lebanese Army Officers and Israeli occupation Army officers and I called (by way of irony) for disarming the Lebanese Army and preserving the arms of resistance against Israeli occupation and aggression.  He told me that he is in favor of freedom of speech and advised me to hire a lawyer to contact the prosecutor. I explained that I am still waiting for a verdict from the courts from 4 years ago in which I filed a suit against Saudi-run media in a case of defamation.  We shall see.

Is there something wrong with this? International Crisis Group OFFICIALLY calling for safe passage for Al-Qa`idah "Fighters"?

Crisis Group (@CrisisGroup)
We welcome the #Syria #UNSC resolution. Implementation must include:
- aid for besieged civilians
- voluntary safe departure of HTS fighters from #Ghouta
- return to August 2017 de-escalation agreement
#Russia-brokered negotiations for a non-violent resolution in Ghouta

This is way too far: scaring the American people like that. This appeared at the end of a Lifetime Movie on TV. Kid you not.

My wife and I watched a Lifetime movie last night, and at the end of it, this message appeared on the screen.  I doubt this happened during the 1950s red scare.  

Saturday, February 24, 2018

When will Justin Trudeau's clowning come to an end?

"Justin Trudeau’s Celebrity Schtick Has Finally Blown Up in His Face"

America's secret wars

My weekly article in Al-Akhbar: "US (Semi) Secret Wars and the Targeting of Iran".

The most silly Western ranking of them all: Transparency International

Look at their methodology: "The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) aggregates data from a number of different sources that provide perceptions by business people and country experts of the level of corruption in the public sector....Performed by a credible institution".  And notice that they don't mind ranking countries at war, like Yemen and Syria.  I wonder what their methodology is there.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Israel and school violence

Of course, the New York Times account ignores the long record of Israeli bombing of schools in Lebanon and Palestine and the bombing by fighter jets of school children in refugee camps. Also, what about the targeting of Bahr Al-Baqar school in Egypt in April of 1970? That does not count as school violence for the New York Times?

Frontline on PBS on Saudi-Iranian conflict

I watched one hour of the first episode.  Horrible.  He goes to Iran and tells viewers that there is suppression of political freedoms in Iran. He goes to Saudi Arabia and offers no such warning to viewers.  His main experts on the subject of the documentary are two: 1) a retired US diplomat who is a big fan of Saudi regime; 2) a Princeton Professor who is know for being very close to the Saudi regime and to Muhammad bin Salman.  After one hour, I learned about US documentaries what I knew not before.  He also adheres to Saudi regime talking point: that Saudi Arabia was a feminist democratic republic until 1979 when Iran revolution came and the rebellion in the Grand Mosque occurred. But what about the Jihadi rhetoric and religious fanaticism which was employed by Saudi regime against Nasser and against the Left in general BEFORE 1979???

The prime minister of Canada is most offensive (and clownish) when he tries to be most sensitive

Ben Hubbard on the Lebanese comedian

What is funny (or unfunny) is that Hubbard left out that the Lebanese (Christian) comedian that he profiled supports Hizbullah in Lebanon.  Yet, the Wall Street Journal reporter here, blamed Hizbullah for his court summon.

Rev. Billy Graham: the Mufti of the American republic was a blatant anti-Semite but was forgiven because he supported Israel

""Not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews, are great friends of mine; they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I'm friendly with Israel. But they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country." Also, On Feb. 1, 1972, unaware of Nixon’s Oval Office taping system, when Nixon ranted about how Jews “totally dominated” the media, Graham said, “This stranglehold has got to be broken or this country is going down the drain.” He also told Nixon that Jews are the ones “putting out the pornographic stuff.”

An Israeli criminologist explains why for Israeli men, killing Palestinians make them less likely to kill other Israelis because they vent out against Palestinians

This is an incredible statement here: "“I would say that for many [Israeli] males, especially, military service serves as a kind of catharsis for their aggressive emotions, therefore much less of it is being expressed in civilian circles,” Dr. Rattner said."  Military service is a kind of catharsis? Because they get to kill and maim Palestinians which make them let some steam off?

This is the foreign policy columnist for the New York Times

Can you imagine Anthony Lewis or Tom Wicker or even William Safire writing like this: "reportedly had sex with a porn star shortly after his wife delivered their son".

Did Ibn Saud’s militants cause 400,000 casualties?

"Did Ibn Saud’s militants cause 400,000 casualties? Myths and evidence about the Wahhabi conquests, 1902–1925".  He is right, of course. The figure is inflated.

Look at this stupid sentence in the New York Times: in South Korea? Unlike the US??

So unlike the US, "In South Korea, men still dominate the top echelons of government, business and the arts".  I see.  When will South Korea have gender equality just like the US, when?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

AP clarification about Jerusalem

"Clarification: United Nations-Palestinians-Israel story
UNITED NATIONS — In a story Feb. 21, The Associated Press reported that east Jerusalem is Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967. The story should have made clear that this was quoting a speech by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the U.N. Security Council." (thanks Basim)

Correction: stoning illustration

I stand corrected. The stoning illustration below is not an official Saudi regime publication but came from here.