This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Patrick Bond
  • TOPICS: The complex and dynamic political situation in South Africa.

Democrats and the Crisis of Legitimacy

The American electoral system, and with it what passes for representative democracy, is facing a crisis of legitimacy reflected in continued fallout from the 2016 election. The duopoly political Parties—Democrats and Republicans, have both experienced mass exoduses for reasons specific to each. Because they have effective control over which candidates and programs get put forward in elections, they must be gotten out of the way for constructive political resolution to be possible. More

Fixing Global Warming is Bigger Than Paris ‘15

The worldwide effort to harness, slow down, lessen, reduce, remove the threat of global warming is epitomized by the Paris ’15 climate accord. This agreement calls for nations of the world to implement plans to slow down greenhouse gas emissions, specifically CO2 from fossil fuels, and to take other remedial actions necessary to hold global temps below 2°C but preferably 1.5°C relative to the start of the industrial revolution over 200 years ago. More

It’s North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, Not Trump, Who Forced the US to the Negotiating Table

I’m no fan of police states or of dictators, whether in Russia, China, North Korea or under development here in the United States, but let’s at least be honest about what’s behind the news that President Trump has agreed to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the man he has been calling “fat” and “Rocket Man.” More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Slap Heard Around the World

In this Issue: Jeffrey St. Clair on Edward Said, Ahed Tamimi and the new face of Palestinian resistance. The Perils of Bi-Partisanship: Jason Hirthler on how consensus empowers the elites; Stealing Honduras: Laura Carlsen on US-backed coups in Central America. Who Started the Korean War? by Marlon Ettinger; Iran on Four Wheels by Alison Aziz; The McMansions Arrive in LA by Julia Stein; I Used to be a Political Person by Ruth Fowler. PLUS: Mike Whitney on North Korea, Chris Floyd on the crumbling US empire, and Jeff Ballinger on the Nature of Human Nature.

What the Earth Would Look Like if All the Ice Melted
