Interviews, conversations, and collections of stories celebrating the best of WordPress
  1. What Giles Jordan Learned in His First Year of Blogging

    Giles Jordan says he made mistakes in his first year of blogging. He’s what he learned.

  2. 10 Ways to Generate Leads, Inquiries, and Sales From Your Site

    Selling products or offering services on your site? Here are 10 tips on generating leads and sales.

  3. 10 About Pages We Love

    There’s no magic formula for a great About page. Here are 10 effective but very different examples.

    About page illustration at thefrancofly, the site of Jessie Kanelos Weiner.
  4. Selling on Your Site: Tips on Using the Payment Button

    These successful sellers use the Simple Payments button in effective ways.

  5. WordPress on the Go: Five Ways to Start Using the App

    New to the WordPress app? Here are five ways to start blogging and interacting with your readers on your phone.

  6. What Do You Want to Accomplish This Year?

    Creators on WordPress.com share what they’d like to accomplish in 2018.

    "15 Minutes of Exercise Everyday" image from "Dizzy's Self-Care New Year Resolutions" at Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS.
  7. 24 Hours of New Year’s Eve: Your Pictures

    From Peru to Germany to Australia, from fireworks to music festivals to late-night hikes, bloggers around the world show us how they welcomed 2018.

    Celebrating the new year is fun for all ages! Photo by The Timekeeper.
  8. 365 Days of Inspiration: Our Readers’ Favorite Stories on Writing and Building Community

    From writing advice to hands-on blogging tips, these are 2017’s community favorites.

    Art by Zach Ramey, from Two Way Tree, his and Jennifer Ramey's art blog.
  9. Readers Respond: How Do You Say “I Love You?”

    Our readers tell us how they show their love.

  10. Get Readers Right Where You Want Them With the Click of a Button

    Try a call-to-action button to guide your readers to what’s most important on your site.

  11. Food, Art, Memory: Yaansoon’s Mediterranean Fusion

    A spotlight on an illustration portfolio site that channels the textures and flavors of a colorful, diverse region.


    Images from the food illustration portfolio at Yaansoon Illustration + Art.

  12. How Do You Say “I Love You”?

    How do you show your love for family, friends, and community?

    The Bell Tower in Winnipeg's North End neighborhood. Photo by Greg Littlejohn.
  13. A Brief Guide to Themes for Photography Sites

    A great photography site should look crisp regardless of format or device.

  14. What’s the Story Behind Your Avatar?

    Our avatar—our profile image—represents who we are online. Here, five bloggers tell us about theirs.

    Avatars of Automatticians, or the people who work on WordPress.com and other products at Automattic.
  15. Writing Through Grief: Five Posts

    For many of us, writing is catharsis: a way to process and release difficult emotions. Few things are as emotional as the loss of a friend, family member, personal hero, or pet so it’s no surprise that we read a lot of posts paying tribute to lost loved ones and trying to make sense of […]

    Photo by Robert Couse-Baker (CC BY 2.0)
  16. Author Amanda Mininger on Coming Back to Writing

    “I don’t recognize the words anymore. Who was I back then?”

  17. The Power of Reading: Readers Respond

    Last week, we highlighted Ann Morgan’s amazing reading project, Postcards from my bookshelf. For each month in 2017, she’s selecting a book and mailing it to a reader somewhere in the world. Readers had much to say about Ann’s book-labor of love. Here are a handful of their responses. Ready for a custom domain, advanced […]

  18. The Power of Reading: Connecting People Around the World Through Books

    In a guest post, author Ann Morgan—the blogger at A Year of Reading the World—reflects on her 2017 project, “Postcards from my bookshelf.”

    Author Ann Morgan of A Year of Reading the World in Crete.
  19. How Ann Coleman Found Her Voice Through Blogging

    Ann Coleman on silencing the inner critic and writing with confidence.

  20. Happy 11th Blogiversary, Smitten Kitchen!

    “The more you work at it, the closer it gets to what you have in your head.”


    All-butter pie crust. Image by Deb Perelman / smitten kitchen.

  21. Five Things We Love at The Chicago Review of Books

    Explore The Chicago Review of Books, a literary publication.

  22. What a Difference a Custom Header Makes

    These three blogs use the Libre 2 theme and custom headers in different ways.

  23. Getting Lost in the Magic of Maps: Three Stories

    Real or fictional, maps don’t just represent space — they also make storytelling possible.

    Image by ChadoNihi (CC0).
  24. Two More Ways to Sell on Your Site with a Payment Button

    These two websites use payment buttons to promote and sell seminars and books.

  25. The Dark and Gothic Worlds of Fantasy Artist Shaima Islam

    Browse the dark fantasy art of Shaima Islam.

    "Stroll by the Docks," inspired by the TV series Black Sails. Microns and markers on paper, 6×10″, 2016. All art by Shaima Islam.