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March 7, 2018 - click here for index of articles.

Election 2018 – Medicare privatisation

Despite all the Coalition government’s denials to the contrary, it still plans to privatise Medicare. With a federal election to be called later this year, behind the scenes the parasitic private health insurance (PHI) industry is gearing up to take over Medicare. Privatisation of Medicare was a big issue in the 2016 general election and is shaping up to be of concern to voters in the next.  more ...

Editorial – IWD: many gains, more to win

This Thursday, March 8, is International Women’s Day. It was first celebrated in Europe in 1911 after Clara Zetkin, then leader of the Women’s Office of the German Social Democratic Party, raised the idea at the 1910 Copenhagen International Conference of Working Women. Zetkin later played a leading role in the German Communist Party.  more ...

Perth celebrates IWD, One Billion Rising 2018

This week Perth was honoured to welcome Monique Wilson, director of One Billion Rising, OBR movement. Originally from the Philippines, she has been involved in performing arts since an early age. She launched the OBR dance initiative on February 14, 2013 and has taken the world by surprise with OBR groups in most countries worldwide, including a number of cities in Australia.  more ...

170th celebrations of the Communist Manifesto

The Western Australian branch of the Communist Party of Australia held its first Politics in the Pub for 2018 on the topic of the 170th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The book was first published in February 1848 and since then the spectre of Marx has been haunting not only Europe but the entire globe.  more ...

“Royal green light” – The Dismissal of the Whitlam Government

Professor Jenny Hocking is Gough Whitlam’s biographer. The Dismissal Dossier: Everything You Were Never Meant to Know About November 1975 – The Palace Connection has just been published by Melbourne University Press.  more ...

Tangle of lies

This past week the web of lies and crimes spun by the White House got more tangled and impossible to unravel than ever, as several major scandals played out on the national television news networks.  more ...

Wall-to-wall deception

“Fake news” may have shot to prominence in 2017, courtesy of Donald Trump, but the power of the corporate media to mislead, misinform and under-inform for political purposes – usually to protect the interests of those who control the media and their powerful allies – has deeper roots. And when deployed in Latin America, it has had serious consequences for ordinary citizens, as a look at three countries reveals.  more ...

Culture & Life – Have a glass of glyphosate!

Capitalism is not a system that thinks small. Its ambition is simply to rule the world, to eliminate any competing non-capitalist system and to make the world an obstacle-free playground for those engaged in the serious pursuit of profit.  more ...

Quote of the Week

The success of a revolution depends on the extent to which women take part in it.

VI Lenin

This web page was last updated: Wednesday, March 7, 2018

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