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The University of Wollongong Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts was formed in 2013 following an organisational restructure. It comprised an amalgamation of the former Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Creative Arts.


Browse the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts Collections:

4th Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity (4APCEI)

Animal Studies Journal

A Place for Art: The University of Wollongong Art Collection

Asia Pacific Media Educator

Centre for Multicultural Studies Occasional Papers

Centre for Multicultural Studies Working Papers

"ditto" - images in print exhibition

Faculty of Arts - Papers (Archive)

Faculty of Creative Arts - Papers (Archive)

Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts - Papers

Faculty of Law - Papers (Archive)

Global Animal: An Animal Studies Conference

Illawarra Unity - Journal of the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History

installation art

installation art (gallery)

International Gramsci Journal

Journal of Global Indigeneity


Labour & Community - Sixth National Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History

Law Text Culture

Paper Rock

RadioDoc Review

R.F.X. Connor Memorial Lectures


University of Wollongong Historical Journal