Community Legal Education and Reform Database

The Community Legal Education and Reform (CLEAR) Database is a clearinghouse for community legal education and law reform projects undertaken by legal assistance services including CLCs, Legal Aid Commissions, Family Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS).

Disclaimer: Laws and policies are often changing. We encourage you to check the currency of any laws or policies referenced in any projects listed on CLEAR.


The CLEAR Corner

Feature project for April 2017: Sample Letter Generator

Home page of the Sample Letter Generator page on the Financial Rights Legal Centre website

This new and free tool is an interactive letter generator that can help consumers, or community workers create professional and legal letters to send to financial service providers like banks, creditors and insurance companies.

Developed by the Financial Rights Legal Centre, the tool is designed for consumers to use without assistance, and also for community workers to use with their clients. 

Note: the insurance-related letters can be used all over Australia, but some of the letters about credit, debt and banking may only be applicable in NSW.

Access the CLEAR entry here for more info about the project or visit the Sample Letter Generator directly here.

CLEAR updates

Do you know that the CLEAR database was updated in mid-2016, in response to feedback from CLE workers across the legal assistance sector? These changes will make it easier for legal assistance services to access, search and contribute to CLEAR.

In particular, CLEAR users can now: 

  • browse by jurisdiction (top right)
  • browse by most recent (top right)
  • users can sort entries by 'Date Added' and by 'Title' (alphabetically)
  • when contributing projects, indicate whether projects have been evaluated, and 
  • use the advanced search to look for projects that have been evaluated.

NACLC has also added a disclaimer to each CLEAR entry, reminding users to check the currency of any laws or policies referred to in a CLEAR project.

Submitted an entry to CLEAR in the past? NACLC encourages you to review it and advise us via email of any updates, including whether the project has been evaluated. This helps CLCs using the database to inform the development, implementation and evaluation of their own projects.

If you need a simple step-by-step guide to contributing projects to CLEAR, check out this Prezi.



Problems? Questions?

Please contact NACLC on (02) 9264 9595 or
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