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Velocipede Infoshop

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Último inicio de sesión:  04/01/2009
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Miembro desde22/12/2006
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Velocipede Mixtape Club  (ver más)

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   Acerca de Velocipede Infoshop
Velocipede Infoshop was a non-profit, volunteer-run space providing a free lending library of books, booklets & zines; the booklets, zines and a few books were sold... alas! it is no more! ... In case you don't already know we aren't open in the hall mall anymore, also there will be no more shows happening via any of us at the Hall Mall. If you donated books or anything else and want it back, contact Ryan (in the 2 spot on Friends list). If you borrowed a book or zine from the library you may return it by doing the same. We'd like to open again, and there is some talk of reopening in a new locale... Hiatus, permanent or not? If this project is something you'd like to be a part of and live in the area, message us!

   Amigos de Velocipede Infoshop (Destacados 11)
Velocipede Infoshop tiene 402 amigos.





 A Murder of Crows 


 CrimethInc. International 

 The Bloom Collective 

 Unconventional Denver 


Velocipede Infoshop : Comentarios de amigos
Mirando 25 de 125 comentarios  ( Ver todos | Añadir un comentario )

joe lee

may 11 2009 03:35 a.m.

Iowa Live Music

Iowa Live Music

ene 8 2009 03:30 p.m.

Get out and see a show soon!

DC Anarchist Anti-War Network

George Orwell

dic 5 2008 05:20 a.m.

ZOMBIES on VIDEO Converge in Mall in Springfield, MO


ZOMBIES in the
Battlefield Mall
in Springfield, MO
Nov 28th 2008

Louis Vuitton Night is the Best of Denver!

Louis Vuitton Night is the Best of Denver!

dic 3 2008 07:17 a.m.

check out the boulevardier men's fashion column! Hilah​rious​!​ Thoug​ht Provo​king!​ Devas​tatin​gly Hones​t!​ Fashion and Anarchy!

boulevardier4eva. wordpress. com

Samuel Howard

oct 23 2008 06:13 a.m.

Check out my page
http://www. wholikesu. net/photos/6112171. html?b=4&w;=46

Let me know if you like me YES or NO
http://www. wholikesu. net/photos/6112171. html?b=4&w;=46


joe lee

oct 5 2008 02:55 p.m.

Are you ready?

Contained in this episode,
NBTV News, a skate video, An Alderman goes nuts,
Part 2 of the Band on Band interview with August Zimbal
and the Post Mortems, a performance from the Post Mortems,
Cooking with the Chef, PROTEST, Drunken Wisdom
and EPIC FAIL!!!

Watch and see!

This Again

This Again

sep 7 2008 10:08 p.m.

Louis Vuitton Night is the Best of Denver!

Louis Vuitton Night is the Best of Denver!

jul 9 2008 05:22 a.m.

Please forward this to all potentially interested parties and if you would like to get on the lv night review mailing please let us know!

Call for Submissions: Anarchist Yarns

Deadline: August 1st
Length: 1000 words or less
How to Submit: email louisvuittonnight@gmail.com

Anarchism has a bad rap. There are so many myths and negative assumptions about anarchists floating around that to wade through them all would turn anyone into a creature from the black and red lagoon. Which is why we’re devoting a whole issue to our stories from the silly to the poignant, from the hilahrious to the just fucked. We want everyone and their granny anarchy to write in a short little story that presents the real side of anarchists, whatever that may be. Don’t pull your punches though, no one’s selling anything, we want the truth and nothing but the truth. We are particularly interested in getting some good old punk house stories or stories about all the crazy anarchist co-op shit that goes down but we are equally interested in the personal side of things, the tears behind the sunglasses, so to speak. Honestly, it can even be made up if necessary, fuck the truth, in fact a bed-time story or two wouldn’t hurt anyone. We know you have your stories, and you have a full month, so make it work!

We’re still looking for anarchist erotic stories, do anarchists even have sex anymore?
Policing Dissent

Luis Fernandez

mar 25 2008 04:14 a.m.

Hello Iowa Infoshop. Thanks for the add. If you all get my book, let me know what you think.

Louis Vuitton Night is the Best of Denver!

Louis Vuitton Night is the Best of Denver!

feb 28 2008 07:44 p.m.

Call for Short Articles on Anarchism and Science: Deadline April 1, 2008


No Thanks

feb 15 2008 03:43 a.m.

happy valentines day veolcispede! I love you!

Mandy TC

feb 5 2008 06:28 p.m.

i miss you and your yummy zines
irregular rhythm asylum

irregular rhythm asylum

feb 5 2008 07:02 a.m.

irregular rhythm asylum

irregular rhythm asylum

ene 6 2008 11:46 a.m.



ene 5 2008 11:20 a.m.

This Again

This Again

dic 29 2007 06:46 p.m.

radical post-punk at picador!


dic 21 2007 09:20 p.m.


No Thanks

dic 4 2007 02:58 p.m.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

No Thanks

nov 24 2007 07:36 p.m.

I'm working on getting a temporary day job, so soon I'll be able to help get the shop open.
I can work pretty much whenever, minus daytime on week days.


nov 6 2007 04:23 p.m.

Polka Ostrich=Fun zines

Polka Ostrich=Fun zines

oct 21 2007 01:29 p.m.

How does she get away with posting this as her profile picture?
Illumination Street

Illumination Street

oct 19 2007 09:58 p.m.

this is happennin'...in omaha!
Devin Dangerfield

Devin Dangerfield

oct 8 2007 07:56 p.m.

I'll do what ever little things I can to help out getting the shop and everything up and going again
Velocipede Infoshop

Velocipede Infoshop

oct 6 2007 07:48 p.m.

my friend ben died today to an overdose of cough medicine. i've known him for some time and he was always fun and caring. he died at 18. life if both dangerous and precious, let's all take a second to pause on his behalf.
Ajax عدوة مطرقة

Ajax عدوة مطرقة

oct 5 2007 06:19 p.m.

RNC discussion:
A meeting to discuss going to the RNC in St. Paul next year. How to get there; bus, car pool ect. Were we can stay. When we will leave and get back. What we will do while there. Blah blah blah
Date: Saturday, December 1st, 2007
Time: 5:00pm-7:30pm
Location: Room B Iowa City Public Library
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