Undercovers TV

The Age of Stupid team join forces with Simon Beaufoy & Tony Garnett for true-life spy drama coming to TV & cinema in 2018

STATUS AS OF APRIL 2017: Script finished. Yeah! That only took three years of blood, sweat, arguments and many tears. Next: send to broadcasters. How can they possibly refuse such an amazingly dramatic and relevant true story??

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Belinda and Bob

The Story

SCRUFFY SQUAD is a new four-part TV drama series based on the true story of the police spies who infiltrated British activist groups over the last 50 years . . .  and the women who unwittingly had relationships and even children with the spies.

SCRUFFY SQUAD faithfully tells the jaw-dropping story of the dirty war fought between the Metropolitan Police and two generations of political activists in Britain over the last half century. The story starts in 1968, when the Met formed the “Special Demonstration Squad” - nicknamed “The Hairies” by their colleagues - after a Vietnam War protest turned violent in Grosvenor Square. It continues as police spies infiltrate every kind of political group, from neo-Nazis and the ALF, to climate campaigners, anti-capitalists, anti-racists, old ladies in peace groups and multicoloured ravers. Along the way, the spies  form long-term relationships, set up homes and even have children under their false identities, in what has been termed “state-sponsored sexual abuse”. When the spies inevitably disappear, they leave emotional carnage - and women obsessed with finding out the truth.

The Team


Franny Armstrong

Creator / Writer

Franny has directed three documentaries - THE AGE OF STUPID, McLIBEL, and DROWNED OUT - which have together been seen by 70 million people. She founded the 10:10 climate campaign and was named in the Guardian as one of the world's "Top 100 Women".

Simon Beaufoy headshot

Simon Beaufoy

Script Exec

Simon is one of Britain’s most successful screenwriters. At the age of only 25, he wrote the smash-hit film THE FULL MONTY. He then won an Oscar for SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. And his recent adaptation, THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE, just took a cool $840 million at the box office.

Nina Gold

Nina Gold

Casting Director

Nina has cast more than 100 film and TV productions including GAME OF THRONES, PADDINGTON, THE KING'S SPEECH, THE IMITATION GAME, THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING and Netflix's flagship series THE CROWN. Nina is credited with finding the two unknown leads, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega to play Rey and Finn in the modern STAR WARS trilogy.

John Battsek headshot

John Battsek

Executive Producer

John is probably Britain's most prolific documentary maker. He's produced more than 25 successful feature docs including Oscar-nominated RESTREPO, Oscar-winning ONE DAY IN SEPTEMBER, Oscar-shortlisted SERGIO and Oscar-winning SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN. He's also produced some dramas which didn't do quite as well.

Tony Garnett

Tony Garnett

Executive Producer

Tony is Britain's foremost producer of political television dramas. Throughout his 40-year career, he's had countless hits, including BETWEEN THE LINES, THIS LIFE, and BALLYKISSANGEL. He produced many of Ken Loach's movies, including the game-changing KES and CATHY COME HOME.

Lizzie Gillett

Lizzie Gillett


As producer of AGE OF STUPID, Lizzie managed a crew of 105 people in six countries. Alongside Franny she pioneered the now-ubiquitous "crowd-funding" model, raising £900,000 from 300+ people. She also produced Stupid’s GLOBAL PREMIERE - the world's biggest-ever live film event, featuring Kofi Annan and Radiohead's Thom Yorke, which was beamed by satellite from New York to over a million people in 63 countries.

Hilary Norrish

Hilary Norrish

Script Exec

Hilary has worked with Paul Abbot on the second season of NO OFFENCE, Guy Hibbert on both COMPLICIT and his Bafta-winning OMAGH, with Ronan Bennett on TOP BOY, and with Alan Bleasdale on THE SINKING OF THE LACONIA. Bleasdale says: "I sometimes have the feeling that Hilary, who is small in stature but not in courage, has for the past three years dragged a dead man around on her back."

Tamsin Allen

Tamsin Allen


Tamsin has provided expert legal advice - sometimes paid! - to every Spanner production since McLIBEL. Given the always-contentious nature of the subjects we choose to make films about, Tamsin is the lynchpin of our team and has got us out of hot water numerous times (including from bed at 4am in the UK whilst Franny and Lizzie were held up at gunpoint in Nigeria). She is Head of Media at Bindmans LLP and also represents the phone hacking victims in the Leveson Inquiry.

Spanner Films

Spanner Films

Production Company

Spanner Films is known primarily for AGE OF STUPID and McLIBEL and for inventing crowd-funding. We also love our film about Indian villages getting submerged by a giant dam, DROWNED OUT, and our software which lets anyone organise their own local film nights, INDIE SCREENINGS. We recently won the "inspiration award" at the UK's No 1 doc film festival, Sheffield Doc/Fest.

Stephen White

Stephen White


Stephen is the financial wizard who developed SCRUFFY SQUAD'S groundbreaking crowdfunding model, which takes advantage of the UK's SEIS/EIS tax breaks. Stephen has 10+ years experience advising everyone from cupcake sellers to tech companies to environmental consultants. He was previously the Finance Director at 10:10, the climate change campaign inspired by Spanner's film THE AGE OF STUPID.

Nicola Cutcher

Nicola Cutcher


Nicola has worked for Panorama, Newsnight, and This World. She made an innovative TV doc about the London riots with the BBC and the Guardian.

Eveline Lubbers

Eveline Lubbers


Eveline wrote her PhD about corporate and police spying, published as the book SECRET MANOEUVRES IN THE DARK. A research fellow at the University of Bath, she coordinates the Undercover Research Group - a group of independent activists building an in-depth public website about the spies.



Web Company

Torchbox have made Spanner Films’ websites for the past five years. They do “digital stuff for the good guys” and clients include the University of Oxford, RCA, World Economic Forum, WWF, Action Aid, ONE, Citizen’s Advice, UNHCR and Oxfam.

Invest in the film

As with all Spanner Films' projects, SCRUFFY SQUAD is being partly financed independently, so we can keep some editorial and creative control and therefore make the films we want to make. As of April 2017, we've raised £550,000 from equity crowd-funding for the project.

Probably the most important reason people decide to invest in SCRUFFY SQUAD is that they want to help get this story out to a massive international TV audience.  Second is probably the valuable personal tax breaks, the chance that it's a financial success and the possibility of making some (or even, fingers crossed!) lots of money.  And then there's the fun stuff like invitations to premieres, visiting the set and even appearing as extras.

Contact Spanner Films

We reply fastest by email so for any enquiries please contact us on hello@undercovers.tv

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