Friday, 11 October 2013

Quick sketch out of my mate's window in Gothenburg, Sweden

Embroidered pearl snap shirt

I embroidered a shirt for my mate JC. The back is a shout out to Chester-Le-Street, where he's from:

The front panels are in memory of two of his rats that died while we were on tour;

 JC runs Discount Horse records, in case you're on an internet voyage.

Ah crap, two years passed. Here's another NazDrove poster I made a couple of months ago...

For those not familiar with DC hardcore, it's a nod to this classic Bad Brains album cover...

Can't beat seats of power getting struck by lightning.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Fuck yeah!

My friend just got acquitted of conspiring to fight Nazis.

So I made a cake:

That is all.

Stop motion

I've been in America for two months - I got back last week and had one particularly jetlaggy night where I couldn't get off to sleep til 5am. I was awake enough in the mean time to finally get around to arranging an unfinished stop motion film to put online.

I made it in my flat with my cheap digital camera in Spring 2010. I took low-res photographs for each frame, then put them together using Windows Movie Maker. After years of thinking about making stop-motion films it was a revelation to realise that I already had the stuff I needed.

When I first started dreaming about stop-motion (age 11), you had to have a camcorder with a 'still' button. To be able to throw one together so easily is really exciting. I learned alot putting this one together and have lots of ideas. I just need more free time, it's so slow!

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Shape & Situate #2 contribution

Click for decent quality image...

This is my contribution to 'Shape and Situate #2', a zine of inspirational European women out soon. I made it for photocopying not scanning - the pen marks won't show up on the finished thing. You can read more about the legendary Jayaben Desai here. If you want a copy of the zine, comment here or search for it online innit.