Edd Baldry

I build teams. I collaborate. I move fast. I get awesome digital products shipped.

Making good things for amazing people.

I’m currently based in Bristol with previous existences in London, Paris and Philadelphia. I work on digital projects that take user centered decisions to change the world. I work with teams exploring new directions in which to take technology. I currently work for @potato.

Spanning digital trades

Originally training as a visual designer, I've since worked as a head of digital, a developer, an illustrator, a project manager, editor and digital product designer. I’ve been both client side and within agencies. I've delivered digital and physical products; online and offline experiences. The diversity of experience enables me to build teams and ship products, to budget and deadline, that offer real value to their users.

Some of the people I've worked with

Contact me

Get in touch! I'm always interested in hearing about interesting projects, conferences or code sprints.


+44(0)790 999 1778