
General strike, South Africa 1922 - Baruch Hirson

Baruch Hirson on the 1922 South African general strike. HIrson deals at length with the racial politics of the strike, which despite militancy and facing aerial bombings by the newly formed South African Air Force failed to include the black working class, who had been out on strike regularly in the proceeding three years.

Solidarity with the GDN Logistics workers


In the early afternoon of Tuesday, January 30, the police charged and drove a group of workers away from the gates of GDN Logistics of San Cipriano Po (Pavia). They were demonstrating in front of the company's gates to ask for an end to dismissals and suspensions (therefore for reinstatement) carried out by the company against some of their colleagues for the simple fact they were "registered with Sicobas". The strike began in the early morning, and the police charge took place after more than 10 hours of blockade in which protesting workers prevented the entry of trucks to the warehouse units.

The Memphis sanitation strike, 1968

Memphis sanitation strike

A short history of the 1968 strike of 1300 African-American sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee, during which Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.

Kate Mullany and the Collar Laundry Union

CLU commemorative graphic

A history of the Collar Laundry Union – the first female union in the United States – set up by Kate Mullany, Esther Keegan and others in Troy, New York in 1864.

Workers' self-management in the Caribbean

Workers demonstrate in the Caribbean, 1951

A compilation of the writings of Joseph Edwards (a.k.a. George Myers or Fundi, the "Caribbean Situationist"), a Jamaican mechanic, worker organiser and wildcat strike leader. A constant critic of political parties and union hierarchies, this collection of articles give a glimpse at the struggle for workers' power in the factories, fields and offices of the Caribbean in the 20th century.

Global Deliveroo strikes

Striking Deliveroo workers in Hong Kong.

Over the last couple of weeks, Deliveroo have been hit by a series of strikes and occupations all over the world: from Hong Kong to Belgium, Holland, France and Germany. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, the first union for online food deliverers has been formed.

The encyclopedia of strikes in American history

This comprehensive encyclopedia, edited by Aaron Brenner, Benjamin Henry Day Jr., and Immanuel Ness, is the first detailed collection of historical research on strikes in America. To provide the analytical tools for understanding strikes, the volume includes two types of essays - those focused on an industry or economic sector, and those focused on a theme.

The general strike and Irish independence

The 1918 general strike

Interesting article by John Dorney on the syndicalist tactic of the general strike and its relationship with the struggle for Irish independence in the early 20th century.

The 1945 Nigerian General Strike

In 1945 a general strike involving tens of thousands of workers began with railway workers, then spread to other nationalised industries including dock and civil service workers, with workers at private firms supporting the strike and refusing to cross picket lines. Estimates of involvement range between 42,000 to 200,000 workers making it one of the largest strikes in colonial Africa up until that point.

The Iva Valley Shooting at Enugu Colliery, Nigeria: African Workers’ Aspirations and the Failure of Colonial Labor Reform

The Iva Valley Shooting at Enugu Colliery, Nigeria: African Workers’ Aspirations and the Failure of Colonial Labor Reform