Richard Pithouse

South Africa: Land Expropriation from Below Faces Brutal Repression

The Women's Riot in Cato Manor, Durban, 1959

As the ruling African National Congress promises, with an eye on a coming election and the collapse in its popular support under Jacob Zuma, to expropriate land without compensation urban land occupations continue, and continue to face serious repression from the ruling party and the state.

Escalating Political Violence in South Africa

Abahlali baseMjondolo funeral in Durban

An article from the mainstream media in South Africa on escalating political violence including assassinations, police murders and violence from local party structures.

No Easy Path Through the Embers

A reflection on the repression of Abahlali baseMjondolo at the hands of the ANC in the wake of the case against the Kennedy 12 being thrown out of court.

Revolution Comes Like a Thief in the Night

Mohamed Bouzazi

A reflection on the revolts in North Africa.

The enduring rationality of revolt

Abahlali baseMjondolo Road Blockade in Khayeltisha, Cape Town, 19 October 2010

A defence of the road blockade as a tactic.

Rethinking Public Participation from Below

A red flag raised in a Johannesburg squatter settlement

A critique of 'civil society' - and left collaboration with it.

The Degeneration of the African National Congress

Working Together We Can Do More....Evictions? Arrests? Banning of Protests?

A critique of the corruption and authoritarianism within the ANC.

Mike Davis's 'Planet of Slums'

Rio slums

A critical review of Mike Davis' influential book on the huge growth in squatter settlements around the world.

A Short History of Shacks & Shack Dweller's Struggles in Durban

A short overview of the history of shacks and shack dwellers struggles in Durban with a focus on enclosure, insurgent commoning, and the politics of space.

Mass rebellion in South Africa

Protest in South Africa

In South Africa the state is being confronted by an eruption of self-organised popular protest on a scale not seen since the 1980s.