North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: Incendiary Attack by Action Cell Haukur Hilmarsson Against a Car Dealership that Sponsors AKP Regime Events

Early in the morning on 12.03 we placed incendiaries under the vehicles at the side of the company builing and disappeared unrecognized into the darkness of the night. Three vehicles were burned out completely, others were badly damaged by the fire. We noticed with regret that the fire we started was not enough to take out the company’s warehouse. Nevertheless, we were pleased to read that it caused about 75000 euros in property damage.

We join the #Fight4Afrin militant campaign called for by the autonomous groups and greet all the comrades and friends who have used the past nights to vent their hatred and anger against the massacres of the fascist Turkish State and its accomplices and make an irreconcilable expression. We have targeted the ‘Autopark Gütersloh’ at 8 Wilhelmstrasse in Gütersloh because they have recently come to our attention as being a generous sponsor of propaganda events for the AKP regime. Recently the ‘Autopark Gütersloh’ financed the so-called “Atatürk Tournament” on 14.01.18 that was organized by the Turkish Consulate General in Münster.

Since January 20th, the fascist Turkish State, together with Islamist militias has been conducting a brutal and ruthless campaign against the self-governing canton of Afrin in North-Western Syria. For more than 50 days a great deal of historical resistance has taken place with great sacrifices. In the past few days however, the occupiers have managed to get close to the center of Afrin and they are about to close their encirclement siege. The civilian population are threatened with a massacre.

In this war waged by the Turkish State mainly weapons produced by Germany are used. The Turkish army and its Islamist allies are fighting the forces of the Women’s and People’s Defense Units with German Leopard tanks, G3 rifles and German reconnaissance technology. This war is largely prepared, financed and supported both politically and logistically from Germany. As revolutionaries in the heart of the beast, in the imperialist metropoles, we consider it our duty to defend the advanced Rojava project against any attack.
Over the past six years, the Rojava revolution and the building of a gender-equal, ecological and grass-roots democratic society that has been realized there have become an impressive example of hope for us all.
Rojava has proven that another world is possible, and also that it is only achievable by fighting. We will not stand by and watch this revolutionary project be strangled right before our eyes.

We will defend our hope and we won’t let Afrin fall. Therefore, we call again on everybody, each and every night to attack creatively and to give the enemies of freedom no peace. All supporters and financiers of the AKP-MHP regime in Turkey and their propaganda events in the FRG, as well as the German defense industry, sponsors and profiteers of war such as Deutsche Bank, Allianz, AXA, HSBC and many more, as well as representatives of Turkish corporations in Germany and institutions of the German State are legitimate targets that are numerous and available to attack at any time. Anyone who thinks that they can wage a war against our friends without being brought to account will not experience their blue miracle.

In this sense, once again nice greetings to the next federal government and the cops of the State. We do not forget the blood that is on your hands. The day of reckoning will also come for you.

Action Cell Haukur Hilmarsson

(via Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)


Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Action Cell Haukur Hilmarsson, Afrin, Antifascism, Arson Attack, Defend Afrin, Fuck AKP, Germany, Incendiary Attack, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rojava, Rojava Revolution

Hamburg, Germany: Attack Against a Commerzbank Branch in Solidarity with the Afrin Resistance


12.03.18: For more than 50 days, the comrades have resisted the imperialist troops of Turkey. For over 50 days, people have been killed by German weapons in Afrin. For more than 50 days, Germany and the world have been silent about the fascist attacks against the Rojava project.

To break this silence we attacked the Commerzbank branch on Hamburger Strasse. We smashed their windows and left painted slogans. The Commerzbank profit from their investments in defense companies, such as Kraus-Maffei Wegmann (KMW), and from the war in Afrin. The Leopard 2 tank was produced by KMW along with many other German companies. Now the Leopard 2 is used against the Rojava project to quell the Revolution.

Lets take action in the heart of imperialism to give wars worlwide a respite.

Long live the resistance of Afrin.

(via Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Note from Insurrection News: Photo is for illustration purposes only and is from a previous attack against a Commerzbank branch.

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Anti-Militarism, Anti-War, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Germany, Graffiti, Hamburg, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Vandalism

Hamburg, Germany: Arson Attack Against a Turkish Nationalist’s Car in Response to the Call to #Fight4Afrin


11.03.18: Afrin is everywhere, resistance is everywhere.

We set fire to the car of a Turkish nationalist in Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg during the night of the 8th to the 9th of March.

This action was in response to the call from autonomous groups to militantly defend Afrin.

(via Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Arson Attack, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Germany, Hamburg, International Solidarity, Kurdish Struggle, Rojava, Rojava Revolution

Berlin, Germany: Police Patrol Ambushed on Rigaer Straße Against Repression & in Solidarity with the Call to #Fight4Afrin


11.03.18: During the night of Saturday to Sunday, we ambushed a group of police on patrol in their car with stones.

The patrol was helmeted and on assignment to occupy and terrorize our neighborhood. Nothing new from the Nordkiez..but it is time to attack again.

Our stones are meant as retaliation for the ID controls of the past few weeks. In addition, the struggle of the Apoistic Youth and the Autonomous Groups in Berlin should be supported by forcing the units of the counter-insurgency to use there forces here.

For us, Berlin is an epicenter of the capitalist forces, in the form of technologisation, in the form of the integration of everything into the logic of self-evaluation and social control and in the form of warfare, in loyal friendship with fascist autocrats worldwide.

We are against it and do not participate in their backlash against the Revolution

AZ Silvio Meier

(via Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, ACAB, Apoist Youth Initiative, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Fuck The Police, Germany, Nordkiez, Rigaer Street, Vandalism

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: Molotov Attack Against a Fascist ‘Grey Wolves’ Club in Meschede


11.03.18: With the advance of the occupation forces of the fascist Turkish State and in view of the expected genocide of the Kurdish people, the Kurdish youth in Europe are carrying out increasingly radical actions in all cities. In the North Rhine-Westphalia town of Meschede, young people carried out a Molotov action against a fascist Grey Wolves club.

Video of action HERE

(via Roja Ciwan, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Antifascism, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Fuck AKP, Germany, Kurdish Struggle, Molotov Attack, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rojava, Rojava Revolution

Berlin, Germany: Molotov Attack Against a DİTİB Propaganda Center


11.03.18: In Berlin there was an action with Molotov cocktails against a DİTİB (Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs) propaganda center. DİTİB is directly controlled by the fascist Turkish State and receives its instructions from them. When the international attack against Afrin began, most DİTİB mosques in Europe prayed for the victory of the Turkish occupying army. The aims of the DİTİB propaganda centers are to discredit the values of democratic Islam and instead convey a vision of humanity in the spirit of the AKP-MHP regime that aspires to a patriarchal, fascist society. Only a few months ago, the DİTİB supervisory authority in Ankara had announced that young girls were suitable for marriage at 9 years of age.

(via Roja Ciwan, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Antifascism, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Germany, Kurdish Struggle, Molotov Attack, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Uncategorized

Ariège, France: Arson Attack Against Energy Company GRDF Service Vehicles


10.03.18: Two service vehicles were torched during the night from Thursday to Friday in the GRDF carpark on Avenue de Fémouras in Pamiers. One other vehicle was damaged and others also suffered fire damage due to their proximity to the destroyed vehicles.

The incident occured at around 3:30AM. The alert was given by neighbours which allowed the GRDF staff to quickly intervene and move the other cars that were threatened by the fire.

The deliberate nature of the fire is not in doubt as it was triggered by barbecue cubes placed under the tires. From there, the fire then spread to the fuel tank.

(via Attaque, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Ariège, Arson Attack, Attaque (France), Direct Action, France