Posts Tagged ‘Zine’

PDF: “La Bomba” Zine #26 – Santiago (Chile)

Saturday, July 21st, 2018

PDF: 26 La Bomba 26 Marzo 2018

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Against Eco-Extremism : Mirror image of Civilisation & Religion (PDF)

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

PDF: Against Eco-Extremism : Mirror image of Civilisation & Religion

Small booklet compiling the recent texts critical to the so-called ‘Eco-Extremist’ trend written by nihilist-anarchists and anarchist-insurrectionalists from around the world.

Produced in collaboration with Verde Press.

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Of Indiscriminate Attacks and Wild Reactions (USA)

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

As we’ll be publishing a collection of the critiques of “eco-extremism” from the nihilist-anarchist and anarchist-insurrectionalist tendency that were previously published on our site and elsewhere, we republish this PDF which looks slightly deeper into the Little Black Cart published journal, Atassa, and the Church of ITS Mexico, as largely our tendency has not seen fit to waste too many words on anything other than dismissals of this crap. Although we really disagree with the author’s overarching positions on many topics “Letter to the Anarchist Galaxy”, “Nihilist Recuperation” etc, that they use to give frame to their argument and find the tedious referencing and ‘social-insurrectionary’ style to be repetitive, fanciful, lengthy and overcooked (which is a typical feature of these kind of texts from that sector of the solar-system), nevertheless we think it’s an interesting addition to the salt of critique advancing the dialogue against green authoritarianism and wee dafties. Where arrogance and stupidity meet, nothing good comes!!

[USA] Of Indiscriminate Attacks and Wild Reactions
An Anti-Civ Anarchist Engages with ITS and Atassa, their Defenders and Their false Critics

The following is the introduction to a short book critiquing so-called “eco-extremism” in Mexico, and those in support of it in the United States. To read two essays on the subject already published on IGD, go here.

Read and Download HERE

Author’s Note to IGD readers: This essay was written a year ago, in haste. It was prompted by the escalation in 2017 of conflict between insurrectionary anarchists and proponents of a new school of purportedly anti-civilization ideology known as “Eco-Extremism”, both in Mexico and the US. This conflict was signaled in part by the appearance of a US journal called Atassa: readings in Eco-Extremism, which presented ideas and writings associated with the armed struggle group known as Individualidades tendiendo a lo Salvaje, abbreviated ITS but most often translated from the Spanish as Individualists Tending toward the Wild (a group with a history stretching back to around 2011).

Some of you will remember the publication around the same time of two brief pieces of news/criticism on It’s Going Down by Scott Campbell (“There’s Nothing Anarchist About Eco-Fascism,” and “Not Our Comrades: ITS Attacks on Anarchists”) which also dealt with this conflict. These pieces appeared in the wake of ITS claims of responsibility for various apparently misogynistic or random murders, physical attacks on anarchists, and a ramping up of reactionary rhetoric on the part of the mysterious and media-savvy group. Fast forward to recent weeks, and a slew of the online Egoist milieu has issued its own analyses and condemnations of ITS, Atassa, and Eco-Extremist ideas in what appears to be an ongoing fallout. (more…)

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Call for contributions : ‘Insurgency’ – Eco-defence, Nihilist-anarchy and Insurrection (USA)

Monday, July 9th, 2018

“INSURGENCY: An Anarchist journal of Total Destruction issue #0” will be a zine project focused on anti-speciesist eco-defense, nihilist anarchy and insurrection.

Searching for essay submissions related to:

-Anti-civ anarchist critiques of psychiatry, mental “illness” and medication.
-Non-primitivist critiques of civilization.
-Thoughts on anarchy beyond leftism, towards savage attack.
-Anti-civ sxe critiques of intoxication culture.
-Nihilist-anarchist vegan critiques of speciesism and anthropocentrism.
-Post-left anarchist critiques of the recent wave of Tiqqunist/The Invisible Committee popularity within radical circles.
-Post-left anarchist critiques of leftism (anarcho-communism in particular).
-Anti-civ queer nihilist critiques of gender and of queer as part of “lgbtq etc”.)
-Nhilist-anarchist attacks/communiques against infrastructure in “america”. (if any. ha.)
-Armed self-defense.

Submit essays to warzone_distro (@) riseup.net


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Warzone Distro – Anarchist-nihilist green anarchy zine distro

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

A zine creating and distributing project focused on anarchy, insurrection and anti-civilization.

A is for Nihilism – This zine does not represent any “official” definition, nor a new program or political ideology. Instead it merely presents some common anarchist-nihilist ideas which encourage an anti-political critique of all social control and order, in favor of individual empowerment, anarchy and insurrection.


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New Zine: Starting an Anarchist Black Cross – A Guide

Sunday, July 8th, 2018

The Anarchist Black Cross is an international network of anarchist groups and individuals engaged in practical solidarity with prisoners and broader anti-repression struggles that started over 100 years ago.

This zine is a resource for anyone wanting to start an Anarchist Black Cross group. It was a collective effort of people from various ABC groups across Europe. We hope you find it inspiring and useful.

Inside you can find articles and resources on:

What is the Anarchist Black Cross and why does it exist?
How do ABC groups organise
What do ABC groups do
An overview of international days of solidarity
Top tips for fundraising
How to keep an ABC group going
Taking care of each other while doing ABC work

Download a copy for reading (8mb): ABC Zine Small for Download

Download a high resolution version for printing (30mb): ABC Zine Pages – High Res

This zine is dedicated to Anna Campbell. Anna was killed by Turkish forces while fighting alongside Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) in the defence of Afrin in March 2018. Anna was a dedicated member of Bristol Anarchist Black Cross and took her commitment to solidarity and mutual aid to her grave.


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PDF: “La Bomba” Zine #24 & #25 – Santiago (Chile)

Saturday, July 7th, 2018

Portada 25

Portada 24


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Issue #9 of “Fenrir”, an anarchist eco publication in Italian, is out (Italy)

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

Issue 9 of FENRIR, an anarchist eco publication in support of prisoners and direct action, with updates and analyses on the anarchist and animal, human and earth liberation struggle all over the world, is available.

80 pages A4

In this issue:

– Editorial
– If not now, when?
– Big data and techno-capitalist society
– The insurgents’ autism, a piece of writing by Alfredo Cospito
– Autopsy of the revolution
– Ideology of science
– Notes on de-realization
– Conversations between anarchists
– Interview with Gabriel Pombo da Silva
– A suggestion
– Nisan Farber and the anarchists in Bialystok
– News from the necro-world
– Updates on prisoners and state repression
– Letters from the prison
– Suggested reading

The price is 3 euros per copy or 2 euros for orders of 5 and more copies.
Postal fees are 1.50 euros.
To receive one or more copies write to: fenrir@riseup.net

Help us distribute Fenrir; if you have a distribution or want some copies, get in touch!


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Online release of Return Fire vol.5 (UK)

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

Welcome to the fifth installment of Return Fire, now available in PDF. Dated autumn 2017. Part international translation platform, part space for theoretical deliberation, part clearing house for action and repression, part archive for articles of interest, part literary collage of anarchist propaganda, art, poetry and subversion. An alternative version of the covers is also included for printing runs for distribution outside of the U.K. who prefer greyscale.



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PDF: #20 & #21 – “La Bomba” Zine – Santiago (Chile)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

La Bomba” – Nosotrxs agregamos esos publicaciones de Abril (#20) y Agosto (#21), que no vimos en ese entonces, a nuestra biblioteca. Fuerza y complicidad a lxs companerxs en Chile. Por la expansion del caos y anarquia.

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PDF: “La Bomba” #23 – Santiago (Chile)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Portada 23

PDF: Sale el número 23 del boletín “La Bomba”

*Santiago – Chile*

Para continuar con la idea final de la editorial pasada, queremos decir
que la recopilación de reivindicaciones de sabotajes, atentados, las
noticias formuladas etc. son con la intención de generar un archivo
online y material, para que las diversas ideas expresadas desde la
acción y las noticias lleguen a más compañerxs en la calle, como en
prisión -quienes no todxs tienen acceso a la contrainformación vía web-.
Estas recopilaciones son parte de una línea antiautoritaria, acciones
que sacamos con sus respectivas fuentes y otras anónimas que no
necesariamente pueden ser parte de la lucha anárquica pero de las cuales
vemos similitudes y son afines a esta iniciativa. (more…)

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Digital Anonymity & Security (PDF)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

As activists we must know the dangers of the cyberspace, and learn how to protect our privacy. Avoiding the use of telecommunication tools is not an option. But either we own the technology we use or the technology owns us.

Here are some basic concepts and tips from yesterday’s workshop. We publish this info and ask you to help spread it because information wants to be free.

Digitial Security PDF

From Insurrection Festival – Athens, Greece.

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PDF: “La Bomba” #22 – Santiago (Chile)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

*Santiago – Chile*

PDF: Sale el número 22 del boletín “La Bomba”

A nuestrxs queridxs lectores en cualquier parte del globo, y a lxs
presxs subversivxs de nuestro territorio. Entregamos para ustedes un
nuevo boletín recopilatorio, el cual esta vez corresponderá a

Empezamos esta recopilación adjuntando acciones que se desarrollaron en
el mes de agosto, como por ejemplo distintas manifestaciones
estudiantiles las cuales culminaron con fuertes enfrentamientos en
varios liceos de la ciudad y en donde la propaganda anárquica e
insurrecta se vio reflejada lejos de lxs convocantes y la
institucionalidad. Los cortes de calle con barricadas, las bombas
molotov contra la policía y los panfletos por los aires llamaban al caos
y a la solidaridad activa con lxs presxs. (more…)

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Le num. 1 de Kairos – Journal anarchiste, vient de paraitre (France)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

“En grec ancien, kairos désigne l’idée du moment opportun à saisir, ce
l’occasion favorable, de l’instant propice qui permet le réussite d’une
action au milieu des aléas du monde et des incertitudes des
circonstances extérieures. pour cela, il est nécessaire de passer à la
pratique, d’apprendre à saisir ce kairos, d’une part en cherchant à le
reconnaitre sans se cacher derrière l’alibi facile des circonstances,
d’autre part en se préparant à agir afin de ne pas laisser s’échapper
cette occasion.
En somme, ce journal est un outil pour sortir de la pure abstraction des
idées et inscrire notre discours dans une perspective pratique, dans une
volonté de propager l’action offensive anarchiste et de tendre vers
l’insurrection et le bouleversement de ce monde…”

à télécharger ici :

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PDF: The Fenix verdict – Defendants acquitted (Czech Republic)

Monday, October 30th, 2017

3 years of lack of evidence – 3 years that fucked up our lives

The Fenix case uproar, consists of a lot of accusations of many crimes, ranging from the one of so-called “promotion of terrorism” to the one of preparation of terrorist attacks. These are the ones that were most discussed at the latest Municipal Court Hearing in Prague. During their verdict, the judge acquitted all the five defendants of the Fenix 1 case. Is it a victory? Why this decision isn’t final? Followed article is a translation of a month old overview over the court hearings and some analyses of our situation and experience, originally written in Czech language.

This long court hearing was about five anarchists, three of them accused of plotting a terrorist attack on a train carrying military paraphernalia. Two of them were accused of knowing about such plans and not having stopped the presumed authors. Two of these five people were also accused of preparing an attack with Molotov cocktails on police cars during the eviction of the Cibulka squat. Basically, according to the deployed police agents, there are in total five people and three different crimes involved. (And all this is just for Fenix 1, because some of these people are facing further accusations in the context of Fenix 2). (more…)

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