Posts Tagged ‘Trial’

Comrade Tsutomu Shirosaki appeals conviction for embassy attacks in Jakarta (Indonesia, Japan)

Thursday, July 26th, 2018

The former Japanese Red Army activist Tsutomu Shirosaki has launched an appeal against his conviction for attempted murder.

He was found guilty in a trial at Tokyo District Court related to a May 1986 attack in Jakarta that saw a series of mortars hit the Japanese and United States embassies, though none caused injury or significant damage.

Now aged 70, Shirosaki was given a 12-year sentence in November 2016 at the conclusion of the trial, the first of a far-left activist in Japan for terrorism-related crimes for many years and the first to involve lay judges. Witnesses included the film director and former Japanese Red Army member Masao Adachi.

Notwithstanding the high-profile nature of the trial, the prosecution was undermined by its poor handling of Indonesian witness testimony. As reported in the media at the time, the court translation contained notable errors. These are a key part of Shirosaki’s appeal, which had its hearing on July 18th. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Imprisoned anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza transferred (Spain, France)

Sunday, July 22nd, 2018

The anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza (in prison in Spain since 1996) has been transferred several days ago to a maximum security prison in the Paris region. The transfer, which Claudio expected, is due to the conclusion of the definitive trial for actions for which he has been accused in France since the 1980s; Once the trial is over, he will return to Spain to finish serving his remaining sentence in that country.

When there are more updates, we will give you more news.

Against all prisons!


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Appeal Court continued on July 20th for the 250 CCF Attacks (Greece)

Saturday, July 21st, 2018

On Friday, July 20th at 10AM, in the Korydallos Prison Special Court, the Court of Appeal continues for the 250 explosive and incendiary attacks by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

The accused are the 10 members of the organization who were sentenced from 21 to 28 years.

Comrades who are prisoners of the State are part of our struggle and part of us.

Solidarity with prisoners and persecuted comrades is inextricably linked to the struggle for revolution, for a society of equality and freedom, for anarchy.

A network of counter-information and solidarity for political prisoners.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial begins against the Revolutionary Struggle for Bank Robberies (Greece)

Saturday, July 21st, 2018

On Monday, 23.07.18, in the Korydallos Prisons Special Court, another trial against the Revolutionary Struggle continues involving bank robberries attributed to the organization.

According to the indictment, there was a ‘criminal organization’ from 2006-2012 whom seven bank robberies are attributed to and whose members became members of the Revolutionary Struggle from 2012-2015 and committed bank robberies for the organization.

We, as members of the Revolutionary Struggle already publicy stated our position on this issue on October 23, 2017*, and recently the comrade Nikos Maziotis published a similar statement on 06.05.18**.

Nikos Maziotis – Pola Roupa

*Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa – ‘The Revolutionary Struggle is a Revolutionary Organization and not an Organization for Robbing Banks’ (Text in Greek language)

**Nikos Maziotis: The New Trial on 25.05.18 Against the Revolutionary Struggle for Bank Robberies (2012-15) Does Not Concern the Actions of the Revolutionary Struggle
(Text in Greek language)


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Pola Roupa, Imprisoned Comrade of the Revolutionary Struggle, Sentenced to Life Imprisonment + 25 Years (Greece)

Thursday, July 12th, 2018

The Court has imposed a life sentence plus 25 years on comrade Pola Roupa, adopting the positions of prosecutor Drako in his speech. The life sentence to which Comrade [Nikos] Maziotis was convicted in 2016 for the same attack is not just about rabid revenge against the two unrepentant and consistent rebels who were not delivered to jail in 2013 at the end of the first trial of the Revolutionary Struggle, but who went into illegality in order to continue the actions of the organization. It proves, according to prosecutor Drako’s speech, the dangerousness of the actions of the Revolutionary Struggle as a means of undermining and collapsing the economy and the State.

Let’s remind that prosecutor Drako in his speech had stated that the attack on the Bank of Greece could cause the collapse of the building and that if the building had collapsed, the financial system and the country’s economy would collapse.

The life sentence to Roupa, as for Maziotis, confirms from the enemy’s side, that is, the State, the correctness of the strategy of the Revolutionary Struggle, which considered that the major blows to key structures of an already weakened system in crisis, could cause its collapse.

Solidarity to the Revolutionary Struggle


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update on the trial of comrades Sven and Natasha (UK)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

Sven and Natasha had a short court hearing at Winchester on Wednesday 8th November. After a long time of ongoing negotiations in the background, their legal teams were able to meet with the prosecution and settle on a deal for both defendants that they were relatively satisfied with. They agreed to a non-cooperative plea deal which involved admissions of guilt about their own activities within the ‘conspiracy‘.

They did not relate to any other people. As a result, Sven and Natasha both entered guilty pleas for ‘conspiracy to blackmail’, and were bailed to await sentencing.

This now means that there will be no trial or any further hearings, with exception of sentencing, a date for which is still due to be decided.

(We expect it to be mid December or the start of January)

Thanks everyone for the ongoing support, we’ll keep you all posted as soon as there will be any development.

Unfortunately the website is down because of some server issue beyond our control, but it is being fixed and will be live again by the end of the week, hopefully.

From freesvenandnatasha.org


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Statement of anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma – Start of the “Script Manent” trial (Italy)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017


To the Court of Turin

Today, as well as for all the future hearings of this trial that sees me accused along with my brothers, sisters, but above all anarchist comrades, I will not give you the satisfaction of seeing my face in a courtroom of this tribunal.

I have never gone to the courtrooms where my funeral was being prepared in the past and I will not do so now!

I am anarchist, individualist, anti-authoritarian and above all I am for the insurrection, which has as one of its primary goals that of destroying places of death like this one and the prisons.

I will not be part of the spectacle set up by a judge who, suffering from hunger cramps, has put himself the payroll of a State that I do not recognize, being a citizen of the world in flight from its borders; I will not be there to listen to his delusions nor wait for the end to hear someone judge me “guilty or innocent.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from Nataly Casanova, Enrique Guzmán and Juan Flores (Chile)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Translation note: the following letter written by the imprisoned anarchist comrades Nataly, Enrique and Juan, was written for the SOLIDARIDAD A FLOR DE PIEL tattoo and body art convention that was held in solidarity with the prisoners of the social war in Santiago on November 4th.

These words were born and flew from the prison cells of San Miguel, the special high security unit and the former pententiary, to send a greeting of complicity that we dedicate to the comrades who have organized and given life to the SOLIDARIDAD A FLOR DE PIEL tattoo and body art convention…

With these first words from within the torture centres, we would like to send fraternal and complicit greetings to those who, at the intersection of rebellion and insubordinate creativity, organized and participated in this anti-prison initiative…a solidarity initiative for those who feel the bitter taste of prison every day – the anger, the frustration and the indignation of not being able to materialise the war because they are surrounded by bars, cameras and guards… (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Originally published in Vetriolo, anarchist journal, number 1 / Autumn 2017 (this text is also online here).

Note from Insurrection News: This English version of Alfredo’s text was translated by us from the French language translation by the comrades from Attaque.

Note from Vetriolo: Alfredo wrote this text of salutation for the number zero edition of Vetriolo, in November-December 2016. This letter, as is well known, was blocked by the prison censorship. Now we can publish it. We recall that in recent months the censorship has increased a lot, a tightening vise obviously ordered by the Prosecutor Sparagna, and not just the simple zeal of the prison guards. Apparently there are definite orders about what can and cannot be sent or received (Vetriolo, for example, was not received by anybody) [comrades imprisoned for Operation Scripta Manent]. To protest the censorship,
Alfredo went on a hunger strike from May 3 to 13.

Break the isolation!


With charges that could lead to 30 years of prison time hanging over my head like a sword of Damocles, the need to communicate projects and reflections may seem absurd. Under the influence of censorship, which modifies all that I write and say, the fact that I am continuing imperturbably to communicate and write reflections that inevitably lend themselves to repression, may seem stupid and insane. It is stupidity and madness that I cannot do without, to feel alive and active.

One choice, back against the wall: continue the fight. Continue with all means at my disposal.

The inspiration for writing this article was given to me by the inquisitor Sparagna, who during his ‘monologue-interrogation’, maintained, with barely concealed embarrassment, that he would have broken us [the 22 comrades under investigation from Operation Scripta Manent] by isolation, thanks to the ‘scorched earth’ that the anarchist movement would have made around us in Italy.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial ending for Juan, Nataly and Enrique – EN/ES (Chile)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

During the last fortnight of November it is expected that the process initiated under the anti-terrorist law for the attacks against the Subcenter Escuela Militar, Los Dominicos metro and two police stations in Santiago will come to an end.

The so-called Bombs Case 2 started more than two years ago against the compañerxs Enrique Guzman, Nataly Casanova and Juan Flores, who have been under 7 months of trial under the anti-terrorist law. It is finally in these days where the process is ending. After the closing arguments, the verdict it is to be expected where the criminal court will decide innocence or guilt and under what crime, and then – in case of being condemned guilty – to dictate the sentences. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

EN/ES/IT – Trial begins for Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

The trial will begin on November 16th in high security court in Turin prison.

The anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Danilo Cremonese, Nicola Gai will not be allowed to attend the trial in the courtroom, they will be subjected to a video-conference inside the High Surveillance 2 prison sections, where they are held.

The anarchist comrades Marco Bisesti, Valentina Speziale, Alessandro Mercogliano will be allowed to attend the trial in the courtroom, but they refuse to take part in the trial in solidarity with comrades subjected to video-conference.


via tracesoffire, autistici.


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Posted in Social Control

Call for International Solidarity on 16 Nov – Operation Scripta Manent Trial (Italy)

Saturday, October 14th, 2017

On November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court in Turin, will be held the first hearing of the trial Scripta Manent, and it will be a long-running case, in which 22 anarchist comrades are charged, and seven of them are still in prison.

The repressive State apparatus accuses a part of the anarchist movement of attacking it with the practices of: destructive direct action against its structures and agents, realization and distribution of anarchist publications, and support for revolutionary prisoners.

The theorem of prosecutor Sparagna is that the positions of accused comrades are isolated and distant from the anarchist context.

It is a blatant attempt to factionalise and confine the anarchism to certain fenced enclosures, legal and interpretative.

We demolish the attempt to isolate these comrades and we affirm that the practices and positions they are accused of, constitute a patrimony of all anarchists and revolutionaries, and we reaffirm our closeness and our solidarity with the defendants.

We make a call to take part in the gathering on Thursday, November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court of “le Vallette” Turin prison, and we relaunch the call for international solidarity with all anarchist, rebel and revolutionary prisoners; in any place and in accordance with the modalities that each person considers more appropriate.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Eco-anarchist comrades Billy, Costa and Silvia have trial process ended (Italy)

Monday, October 9th, 2017

A few days ago the trial court in Turin held a hearing of the trial going on in the Italian state against eco-anarchist comrades Billy, Costa and Silvia. The Supreme Court confirmed the “non-procedural default of jurisdiction”, as already decided at first instance and in appeal, for the principle of not being able to process twice a defendant for the same act. It then closes once and for all, with this definitive decision, their affair in the state courts.

Solidarity to the comrades – Fire to IBM and the techno-prison world

Info via CNA Italia.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Upcoming trial of imprisoned anarchist comrade Riccardo in Hamburg (Germany)

Monday, September 25th, 2017

The trial that will see Riccardo accused will be held on 5 October at 9.00 at the court of Altona – Hamburg (Max Bauer Allee 91.). It will be open but we do not yet know whether the judgment will be on the same day or will slip to another date. It depends on the hearing (in many cases they have been judged in a single day also because the defendants have confessed).

He will be judged by the second degree court that has sentences from two years upwards (in Germany the courts are divided into 3 levels based on the requested sentence, it is not a special court). The formal charges are: breach of the peace, attack by assault and resistance.

Regarding mail censorship, there have not been any systematic blocks but some letters are blocked (so far they are 3, spread over time: a postcard, a letter, an envelope containing newspapers from Hamburg).

Then envelopes containing counter-informative material and brochures were blocked.


Riccardo Lupano
Jva Billwerder
Dweerlandweg 100
22113 Hamburg

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Prague: Update in repression case “Fenix” – Trial (Czech Republic)

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

UPDATE: All the accused in “Fenix 1” are found innocent on all points. The verdict is inactive due to the appeal of the state attorney but all the custodies and so on are taken down and as a first step this is quite a relief. There will be more trials. There will be a proper post about it soon.

Tomorrow morning the city court in Prague will decide whether or not the 5 anarchists in Fenix 1 (the conspiracy of a preparation of a terrorist attack against the train carrying military equipment – entrapment by the state agents) will be found “guilty”. The sentence will be in the morning hours and besides deciding over the lives of the five, it will show how far police can take it in repression against counter-cultural movements or groups.

We will for sure inform you as soon as we know more. If they will be sentenced we will do an international call for action and organize stuff here.

All of this case cost us many emotional and physical resources and after all the court hearing we again hit the bottom of our economical budget, so if anyone has any extra money, we would very appreciate it.

We apologize we didn’t invite for the court through our blog, but we can’t access it due to admin problems. Hopefully it will change within hours.


(República Checa) Actualización en caso de represión “Fenix” – Juicio

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde 325]

El 22 de septiembre por la mañana el tribunal de la ciudad de Praga decidirá si lxs cinco anarquistas de Fénix 1 (conspiración para preparación de ataque terrorista contra el tren que transportaba equipo militar – captura por agentes estatales) serán considerados “culpables”.

La sentencia será en las horas de la mañana y además de decidir sobre las vidas de lxs cinco, se mostrará hasta qué punto la policía puede ejercer la represión contra los movimientos o grupos contra-culturales.

Por supuesto, informaremos tan pronto como sepamos más. Si fueran sentenciadxs haremos un llamado internacional para la acción y organizaremos las cosas aquí.

Todo este caso nos costó muchos recursos emocionales y físicos y después de todo el juicio de la corte volvimos a golpear el fondo de nuestro presupuesto económico, así que si alguien tiene algún dinero extra, lo apreciaríamos mucho.

Pedimos disculpas por no haber invitado a la corte a través de nuestro blog, pero no podemos acceder a él debido a problemas de administración.
Esperemos que cambie en cuestión de horas.


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