Posts Tagged ‘SHAC’

Update on the trial of comrades Sven and Natasha (UK)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

Sven and Natasha had a short court hearing at Winchester on Wednesday 8th November. After a long time of ongoing negotiations in the background, their legal teams were able to meet with the prosecution and settle on a deal for both defendants that they were relatively satisfied with. They agreed to a non-cooperative plea deal which involved admissions of guilt about their own activities within the ‘conspiracy‘.

They did not relate to any other people. As a result, Sven and Natasha both entered guilty pleas for ‘conspiracy to blackmail’, and were bailed to await sentencing.

This now means that there will be no trial or any further hearings, with exception of sentencing, a date for which is still due to be decided.

(We expect it to be mid December or the start of January)

Thanks everyone for the ongoing support, we’ll keep you all posted as soon as there will be any development.

Unfortunately the website is down because of some server issue beyond our control, but it is being fixed and will be live again by the end of the week, hopefully.

From freesvenandnatasha.org


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Winter European Speaking Tour – Learning from SHAC/Free Sven and Natasha

Friday, January 29th, 2016

From Free Sven and Natasha:

We are pleased to announce our Winter European Speaking Tour across
France, the Basque Country & Spain.

Dates, Locations & Times:

Friday 29th January – Dijon | 7pm | Eternel Detour, 16ter rue de
Fontaine-lès-Dijon 21000 Dijon

Saturday 30th January – Grenoble | 2pm (Vegan food from 12pm) |
Parpaing Paillette (habitation and events squat), 104 avenue Ambroise
Croizat, Saint Martin D’here

Saturday 30th January – Lyon | 8pm | l’Atelier des Canulars Canulars
Workshop, 91 rue Montesquieu, Lyon

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Posted in Eco Struggle

PDF: Nueva zine en castillano "SHAC – una campaña que hizo historia"

Sunday, December 28th, 2014

Para difundir!!!

Ha salido una traduccion en castillano del fanzine realizado por
companerxs italianxs: “SHAC – una campaña que hizo historia. Una
historia sobre represión y solidaridad”

Se puede descargar aqui:

En el mismo blog podeis encontrar mas articulos y actualizaciones sobre
la campaña shac, el movimiento de liberacion animal, represion y
solidaridad. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Jake Conroy: "From activist to terrorist" (Anarchistisches Radio Berlin)

Wednesday, December 10th, 2014

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we documented a presentation by Jake Conroy:
“From activist to terrorist”. He is an activist for animal liberation
from the US, who participated in a campaign to close an animal testing
laboratory and was prosecuted and sentenced as a terrorist.

Along with the presentation we recorded an interview as well where he
tells a bit more about the US prison system and his experiences with it.

You’ll find the audios (to listen online or download in different sizes)

The length of the interview is: 11:20 min.
The length of the presentation is: 59:10 min.

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a
hand with transcript translations from Spanish or German into English as
well as people able to do voice recordings – in order to amplify our
international radio work. You can contact us at

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Posted in Eco Struggle

'Tis the season to fight the prisons… (UK)

Saturday, December 6th, 2014

From rabble.org.uk:

The prison population in the UK has doubled over the past 20 years. Check out the series of events coming up in London this month to build prisoner solidarity and resist prison expansion.

First up, on December 9th we’ve got The Politics of Prisons, an event to strategise on how to fight prison & immigration detention expansion, and discuss grassroots alternatives to the police and prisons to deal with problems. Organised by Defend the Right to Protest, the event promises some great speakers.

Then on 15th December there’ll be the first public meeting of an exciting new group, Prison Action London. They’re inviting people to come along to exchange ideas and plans for action. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Countering the Congress of the Institute of Animal Technology, 17-20th March (UK)

Sunday, October 19th, 2014

Congress 2015 – 17-20th March, Scotland.

“The main purpose of Congress is to introduce Animal Technologists to the latest developments in all aspects of animal based research and technology.”

In the same year that SHAC ceases to exist as a campaign, the Institute of Animal Technology have organised this 3 day event [last year it was held in Blackpool, the year before in the south of England], where people who experiment on animals, in those horrific ways we have all seen from undercover footage, will be able to walk, talk, eat and give lectures freely without any thought to opposition.

The breakdown of the most effective anti-vivisection campaign on the planet appears to have given these people a “free-for-all” mentality, this conference is quite possibly party time for the oppressor. A celebration of animal research, a way to say they have won the war against animal rights campaigners. What else could this openness of a 3 day conference be exactly? (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

PDF: Il Modelo SHAC

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

PDF: Il Modello Shac

Italian language. Introduction in English:

“Is the SHAC model relevant also to other struggles and to different
contexts other than the animal liberation movement? At what conditions?
What are its advantages and flaws?

Today that one of the most influential pressure campaigns, globally, of
the animal liberation movement came to an end, it’s time to reflect
about the positive and negative aspects of this model of activism and
militancy, which nearly managed to put on its knees a vivisection
corporation, but in the end suffered the strikes of a harsh repression,
that the same movement wasn’t ready to face.

A model based on the diversity of tactics aiming at the same goal, the
closure of a corporation or of a torture place, through the attack
against its clients, suppliers, shareholders and all the other companies
to allow its business. What is undeniable is that this campaign couldn’t
get all the victories it got if it wasn’t supported by the hundreds of
direct actions (sabotages, liberations, arsons, threats…) done during
the last 10 years by the ALF, the Militant Forces against HLS and by
other groups or individuals determined to get on to action.”

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Posted in Library

Zurich: SHAC History & Repression Infonight – Solidarity with the Blackmail 3 & SOCPA 7! (Switzerland)

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

15 years of SHAC – 10 years of repression:
Solidarity with the Blackmail 3 & SOCPA 7!

Wednesday 14th May @ Autonomer Beauty Salon
Hohlstrasse 481, Zurich. Food @ 7pm, Info @ 8pm

An infotalk & presentation from a UK ABC comrade providing a history of the global campaign to close HLS; the tactics used to bring a multinational corporation into $120 million of debt, and the five cases in the USA & UK so far imprisoning 19 activists to over 96 years (collectively) for their involvement in the grassroots movement.

Since 1999 Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) have campaigned for the closure of Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), Europe’s largest animal testing
facility; exposed numerous times for animal cruelty and malpractice. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Support the SOCPA 7 (UK)

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

From StopUKRepression:

Over recent years there have been many attempts to stop UK activists protesting against Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory; Huntingdon Life Sciences. Activists have been arrested, raided, imprisoned and banned from taking part in the campaign.

Despite these attempts, SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) has been a groundbreaking campaign which has succeeded in almost bankrupting the multi-national corporation. Hundreds of companies have refused to deal with HLS after learning about the horrors happening to animals inside the torture lab – including some of the world’s largest business and financial institutions.

There is an ongoing battle taking place in the UK, with SHAC trying to shut down HLS and vested business and state interests trying to shut down SHAC. The desperation on the part of the state has lead to the introduction of new laws criminalising legitimate protest and the harassment and targeting of peaceful and lawful campaigners. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Solidarity with Debbie Vincent, animal liberation prisoner (UK)

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

From Corporate Watch:

Today Debbie Vincent, an animal rights activist from the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) campaign was sentenced to six years in prison for conspiracy to blackmail after a five week long trial at Winchester Crown Court. She was also given an Anti Social Behaviour Order which means she can be arrested if she protests against or contacts Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) or its business partners for a further five years after her release from prison.

The sentence should serve as a wake up call to anti-capitalists of the need to offer solidarity to those who have been singled out for repression because of their involvement in effective resistance to corporate power.

A press release from the Blackmail 3 support campaign quotes Debbie: “I have been made an example of because I put myself up as a public face of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty and for believing that such places as Huntingdon Life Sciences should be resigned to the history books.”

“In some ways I’m really not surprised I was found guilty, as I don’t believe anyone can get justice when faced with a political conspiracy charge and the huge resources of the state and multinationals against me. I will always have hope and will always continue to try my best to make the inhabitants of this planet more compassionate to all and try to make the world a better place for all.” (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Blackmail3 Court Case Update (UK)

Monday, March 17th, 2014

Here’s a brief update on the court case for one of the ‘Blackmail3’ defendants potentially due to come to a conclusion on Monday. More info and background at www.blackmail3.org [also see previous article].

Court updates about Debbie’s trial at Winchester Crown Court over the past five weeks (so far).

Week 1

Wednesday, 12th February 2014: Debbie’s trial begins at Winchester Crown Court and is expected to last about 4 weeks. Due to prosecution’s failure to disclose information and late service of evidence, the trial was adjourned until Monday 17th February.

Week 2

Monday, 17th February 2014: Debbie’s trial reconvened at Winchester Crown Court. In an interesting development, the defence revealed that the ‘Novartis executive’ who campaigners previously dealt with, was in fact an undercover policeman, working under the alias ‘James Adams’. The prosecution were pushing for another adjournment, but the defence put forward their argument for the trial to continue as planned even though there was a chance of an unfair trial. The judge heard from both sides and called for time to deliberate, with court adjourned until 10.30am tomorrow.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

SHAC activists convicted and imprisoned (UK)

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

On 25th October six British SHAC campaigners were convicted on charges related to their role in the campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences. Alfie Fitzpatrick was given a 12 month sentence suspended for 2 years. Sarah Whitehead received 6 years. Nicole Vosper received 3 and a half years. Thomas Harris received 4 years. Nicola Tapping received 15 months. Jason Mullen received 3 years. (more…)

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