Posts Tagged ‘Serco’

Thousands protest around the world against immigration detention centres

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016




A coalition of groups from the UK and around the world joined today (Saturday 7 May) a mass simultaneous protest in 15 detention centres, calling to end immigration detention centres. An international coalition joined forces with groups from all around the UK as well as groups from the US, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, N. Ireland, Belgium, France and Italy. In the UK, thousands took part in the protest in solidarity with the 30,000 adults and children in detention. Protesters held demonstrations at St Pancras train station, held noise demonstration in various detention centres, flew kites so detainees can see them beyond the high walls, danced, sang songs and called for the immediate release of those held against their will without judicial oversight, a time limit, or adequate access to legal support, translation, and healthcare. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

7 May : Transnational Day of Solidarity with People in Detention + Protest against Detention Centres

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

The last few years have seen an immense rise in protests inside and outside of detention centres. On Saturday May 7th, simultaneous demonstrations will be held around the UK and beyond, to protest against the existence of immigration detention centres and show solidarity with the 30,000 adults and children who are being detained against their will under the Immigration Act every year in the UK – without judicial oversight, a time limit, or adequate access to legal support, translation, and healthcare. We will come together with people inside detention to demand the closure of all detention centres and an end to border and migration controls!

May 7th is part of a wider transnational campaign to shut down detention centres and end the inherently abusive and violent system of immigration detention that criminalises, detains, and imprisons people simply because they have chosen or been forced to migrate. Actions also take place in solidarity with wider struggles against borders and migration controls and with people who are living in detention without walls, from Calais to Idomeni. So far actions have been planned across the UK and in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Iceland. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Yarl’s Wood detainees punished for solidarity action (UK)

Saturday, April 18th, 2015

From Movement for Justice via RabbleLDN:

Anna Rjabova and Lillija Jezdovska are brave fighters for their own freedom and for the rights and freedom of their fellow detainees in the notorious Yarl’s Wood detention centre, near Bedford. On Thursday 9th April they were part of an integrated group of African, Caribbean and East European women who gathered to physically block the deportation of Lucy N, a victim of torture from Kenya. The women gathered together, sitting around Lucy, linking arms and singing.

That afternoon 30+ ‘guards’ employed by Serco (the private company that manages Yarl’s Wood) forced their way into Lucy’s room, wearing full riot gear and armed with batons. You can hear the moment the guards entered the room and dragged the women away here, there were 3 guards for every woman. Anna, Lillija and four other women were handcuffed and taken to Kingfisher wing, the isolation block within Yarl’s Wood.

Anna and Lillija had been brutally beaten on their legs with a baton by one of the guards, Jo Singh, against whom Lillija had previously made official complaints. Anna had to be taken to Bedford hospital for treatment on Saturday. They have made further complaints and have spoken to the Prison Inspectors currently visiting Yarl’s Wood. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Rebellion in UK migration prisons – Hunger strikes spread to 8 detention centres

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

From RabbleLDN:

As of yesterday (Sunday 15 March) we had heard of hunger strikes and other protests taking place in 8 detention centres across the UK, as prisoners started refusing food in Dungavel (Scotland, near Glasgow) and Dover. There is now rebellion in the majority of the UK’s migration prisons.

The other six known to be protesting are Yarl’s Wood (Bedfordshire), Harmondsworth and Colnbrook (Heathrow airport), Tinsley House and Brook House (near Gatwick Airport). (See previous report here.) (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Sydney: Action against Serco (Australia)

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

On Friday 9th of March in response to a call for an international day of action against Serco, a British corporation running government services around the world, from juvenile and adult prisons to immigrant detention centres, to army bases in Afghanistan, to speed cameras in Victoria, parking meters in Chicago, and soon the Sydney Ferry system.

Demonstrations were held in London, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney, where a number of coordinated demonstrations were held throughout the day. At 1pm a bunch of comrades assembled in Fairfield, and picketed the office of Chris Bowen, Labour Party MP and Minister for Immigration, in an expression of disgust toward the regime of mandatory detention. Bowen is personally responsible for Serco’s contract to run immigrant concentration camps across Australia. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Serco goverment services office attacked in London (UK)

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

23 April 2010

“A 3 Molotov cocktail was thrown at a Serco government services building in London Enfield area on Friday at 00.00midnight!.

Serco are a giant corporation who profit from the industrial prison complex. Fire to the Prisons For Lambro Fountas killed by cops in Athens we want to continue what he started.

Freedom to all the comrades in prison: Giannis Dimitrakis, G. Boutzis, H. Nikolau, P. Georgiadis, B. Chrisohoidis, C. Stratigopolous and Alfredo Bonanno.

Immediate freedom to Massura Hadimikelaki.

Solidarity to all those under arrest accused for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and to the all anarchists comrades in prison everywere!


Black Fever Gang

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Posted in Direct Action

Serco van torched, Bristol (UK)

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

20 April 2010

“In the early hours of Tuesday, April 20th, a van belonging to Serco – a big player in the construction and management of private prisons – was torched in Montpellier, north Bristol.

We took this action to express our solidarity with the anarchist comrades in Turin whom the Italian state continues to attack under the precarious appearance of conspiracy, for nothing other than the distribution of anti-racist propaganda. We also attack for the comrades in Greece accused of participation in the ‘terrorist’ organization, Revolutionary Struggle.

Need it be said that we remember Alfredo and Christos, imprisoned in Korrydallos for a revolutionary act of expropriation against a bank in Trikala last October.

Until every filthy manifestation of this social prison in nothing but broken glass and burnt rubble, we will continue to fight.


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Posted in Direct Action