Posts Tagged ‘Konstantinos Yagtzoglou’

Poster for anarchist comrade Dino Yagtzoglou (Greece)

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017

On 28/10, Konstantinos (Dinos) Yagtzoglou is arrested by armed assassins of the E.K.A.M. in Athens. He is accused of sending a parcel bomb to former technocrat prime minister Loukas Papademos, who was injured by the attack inside his car. The other charges against him are for explosive packages found at the same time as the attack and also the oppressive Article 187A, for participation in a criminal organization, alleged membership of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the group that claimed one of the explosive packages.

We do not care for democracy, for the media spectacle and the cop mentality that is the junta of innocence or guilt. We do not play their game of justice, where the pieces are already placed against us, neither for the state that sows terror, the self imposed fear that permeates a passive society. What we care for is the continuation of the armed struggle against the necropolis of authority.

Strength to our anarchist comrade Dinos Yagtzoglou.

Soul and Body, nothing is over, the conflict continues!

Chaotic and Individualist Anarchists

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Declaration of the Solidarity Assembly for Anarchist Prisoner of War Konstantinos Yagtzoglou (Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

On the morning of October 28, 2017, comrade Konstantinos ‘Dinos’ Yagtzoglou was captured by the anti-terrorist police. The arrest order, issued by Special Prosecutor E. Nikopoulos, was based on accusations of belonging to a terrorist organization and attempted murder for the letter bomb attack against former-Prime Minister Papadimos. The accusations are based on a mixture of genetic material that was allegedly collected and stored from objects following clashes with law enforcement during a demonstration in 2011, in which the comrade was arrested. This mixture, supposedly related to the explosive attack, is alleged to have been found by the police in the remains of the letter bomb, along with the DNA of Papadimos. The charges against the comrade, combined with the material allegedly found in his possession during his arrest have led to him being prosecuted under the ‘anti-terrorism law’ (187A).

On the same day, a comrade from Konstantinos’s circle of friends was arrested. It is a constant tactic of the anti-terrorist unit to target people from an arrested person’s family or circle of friends as a form of intimidation, and as an attempt to politically and physically isolate detainees. On October 29, Dinos was brought before the investigating judge for a continuation of the detention order, and was warned that he only had 3 days to prepare for his hearing. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

EN/ES – Solidarity to anarchist prisoner of war Konstantinos Yagtzoglou (Greece)

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

[Report elaborated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras with press sources and counter information]

On Wednesday 1/11, comrade Konstantinos Yagtzoglou was taken to the judicial chamber, where a prosecutor and a special judge for questions of terrorism ordered that he be taken into custody.

Konstantinos [Dinos] faces charges related to the attack with a letter bomb against former Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, as well as with other charges for explosive packages found in the distribution center of the Post Office, in addition to the infamous Article 187A, of participation in criminal organization, for his alleged membership of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the group that claimed the shipment of one of the explosive packages.

Also, the Greek police try to use against the comrade, once again, the “scientific proof” of DNA as “indisputable evidence”, stating that there is Konstantinos’ DNA in the letter bomb that seriously injured the former Greek Prime Minister on May 25, 2017. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Solidarity with the arrested comrade Kostantino Y. (Greece)

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

Grecia – Arrestado un anarquista acusado de pertenecer a la CCF y de haber participado en el ataque contra el ex-primer ministro Papademos [es]

According to info via Athens IMC, comrade Kostantino Y. has been arrested and is suspected by the security forces of being involved in the letter-bomb attack against technocrat ex-prime minister and IMF employee Loukas Papadimos which took place in May 2017. The attack led to deep wounds to Papadimos and injuries to two other people accompanying him inside the vehicle he was in. Papadimos was hospitalised for a month.

The hostage comrade was inflicted an injury to his leg early Saturday morning during his violent kidnapping by the counter-terror unit. Apparently Kostantino is going to be charged with many felonies. Today he will be taken to the investigating judge where there will be a concentration in solidarity at the court.

This repressive action by state forces won’t go unanswered and comrades in the struggle internationally should be aware of this latest move.

Corporate media reported from the police that Kostantino had been under surveillance for two weeks before being caught carrying eight forged ID cards, two guns, ammunition, an explosive device rigged with a timer and gunpowder in three hold-alls, a plastic garbage bag and a fanny pack. The police spread in the media also that the comrade was clearing out a safe house rented in a false identity. The police suspect him of links to Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and implicated him in several unsolved letter-bomb actions including the attack against German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. It doesn’t matter if Kostantino Y. is guilty or innocent of the charges, no comrade is left alone!

Solidarity to Kostantino G: 29/10 19:00 Polytechnic Athens

Day / Time: 29/10/2017 at 7 pm


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Posted in Social Control