Posts Tagged ‘Juan Flores Riquelme’

Athens: Explosive attack against the bookstore of Adonis Georgiades, Politician of New Democracy by CCF – FAI/IRF (Greece)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Responsibility claim for the attack on Adonis Georgiades‘s bookstore.

On 3/15 we placed and detonated a clockwork explosive device at Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore at 263 Kifissias Av.

Adonis Georgiadis is a well known to all … picturesque, saturated and at the same time, a ridiculous political figure, who over the years moves within the (far)-right milieu according to his interests. Now an MP of New Democracy (the main right wing party) he does not miss any opportunity to propagate the neoliberal ideas whether in the parliament or in some television broadcast, being addicted to television as a TV persona. When not selling his nationalist noonsense (such as the books of Kostas Plevris – national-socialist figure) he makes “gifts” of 65 million euros to pharmaceutical companies who trade in human life. Specifically, Georgiades, as health minister in 2014, changed the pricing of drugs in favor of the pharmaceutical industries particularly favoring the Novartis company. Combined with the fact that his wife’s name featured in the Lagarde list, it’s proven that the TV booksalesman does not limit himself to book sales. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Against the Police-State : Solidarity to Juan, Nataly and Enrique (Chile)

Saturday, March 25th, 2017


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Posted in Prison Struggle

In March and all year round: memory, solidarity and anarchic agitation against power (Chile)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

March is a month that is particularly full of milestones that invite us with special strength to take to the streets and spread the anarchic agitation, with memory and solidarity as insurrectionist tools of action.

Among these milestones is the so-called ‘Women’s Day’ (March 8), a day that like other commemorations has been assimilated by reformism and the market, offering us the possibility to spread anti-patriarchal ideas and link them with anti-state and anti-authoritarian critiques, marking our differences with social-democratic, leftist and / or authoritarian feminism.

Another important event that occurred in March was the ‘Pampa Irigoin massacre’ (also known as the Puerto Montt massacre), which occured on March 9, 1969 under the government of Eduardo Frei Montalva. By order of the Minister of the Interior, Edmundo Pérez Zujovic, police agents murdered nine villagers who had illegally occupied a plot of land to live with their families outside the city. As revenge for what happened, Pérez Zujovic was assassinated in June 1971 by members of the armed left-wing group Organized Vanguard of the People (VOP).

Also this month, March 10 marks the sixth anniversary of the murder of comrade Lambros Foundas who was shot dead in Greece during a shoot-out with police after attempting to steal a car. Lambros was a member of the anarchist guerrilla organization Revolutionary Struggle, and as his comrades stated later, the theft of the vehicle was part of a planned operation. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Trial date set against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique (Chile)

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

After years of initiating investigations and arrests for attacks on police stations and Santiago Metro infrastructure in 2014, the nauseating southern district prosecution office has decided to set a date to begin the trial under the anti-terrorism law.

The prosecution will have 186 witnesses, 87 experts, 231 documents and 648 pieces of evidence to be presented before the altars of the democratic inquisition on March 24, 2017 when the trial against the comrades will begin.

Like other mega-legal processes, the trial is expected to last for a couple of months.

There is an urgent need to build revolutionary solidarity to confront the judicial machinery that is trying to swallow the lives of Juan, Nataly and Enrique.

via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial preparation against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique ends (Chile)

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

During the first week of December, the trial preparation was concluded against the comrades Nataly, Juan and Enrique who are accused of various explosive attacks against police stations and metro stations.

In this bureaucratic / judicial instance it is sought to establish what evidence will be presented in the oral trial.

We must remember that these comrades are being held in the former penitentiary, the maximum security section and San Miguel Prison while the prosecution for their part raises accusations that seek to sentence them for decades and decades of imprisonment.

It is expected that they will soon set a date for the completion of the trial as a culmination of the democratic inquisition to punish the rebellious insurrectionists.

All our solidarity with Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzman!

via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Investigation period extended against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique (Chile)

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

During the last days of August, the courts accepted the request from the defense for the comrades Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzmán who were seeking to re-open the investigation into the charges under the anti-terrorism law against the comrades. The intention of the defense is to gain access to a video that police claimed was key to their investigation, a video that neither the prosecution nor the police want to hand over.

The investigation period has been extended for another 30 days.

The prosecutors, faithful to their dishonesty declared: “The office of the prosecution has worked very seriously and very meticulously. The evidence in the investigation folder has been in the possession of all the participants from the beginning.”

Solidarity with Juan, Nataly and Enrique!

via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoner Juan Flores accused of planning escape and moved to maximum security (Chile)

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

On August 13 the comrade Juan Flores was transferred during an operation by prison guards from Santiago Prison 1 to the High Security Prison (CAS) along with Enrique Guzman. Both comrades are defendants in the so-called ‘Bombs Case 2’.

The reason for the surprise transfer was the supposed dismantling of an ‘escape plane’ following the discovery of a drawing in comrade Juan’s cell depicting a prison being attacked.

The comrade’s legal team took action resulting in Juan being transferred back to Santiago 1. Comrade Enrique will remain in the maximum security section of the CAS.

The prison guards’ fear reveals their clumsy powerlessness when faced with unyielding convictions.

via Publicacion Refractario, translated into English by Insurrection News

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial of anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique is approaching (Chile)

Saturday, August 20th, 2016

After almost two years since the arrest and detention of comrades Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzmán, the prosecution have decided to end the investigation period of the case and proceed towards the trial.

In the theater of the modern inquisition, once the investigation period has ended the prosecution have 10 days to present ‘the indictment’, which details the evidence and convictions that they are requesting.

The comrades are accused of the attacks that occurred in 2014 at Subcentro, the metro station of the Dominicans and two police stations.

All our solidarity with the comrades!

via Publicacion Refractario, InsurrectionNews

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Por la solidaridad ofensiva y la coordinación informal entre afines: Solidaridad con Juan, Naty, Guille y Enrique! (Chile)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Una vez finalizada la huelga de hambre de Nataly, Juan, Guillermo y
Enrique, la agitación solidaria no puede apagarse o quedar encapsulada
en momentos específicos.

El día miércoles se realizó la reformalización de cargos contra lxs
compañerxs y nosotrxs salimos a la calle a irrumpir en diversos puntos
de la ciudad de Santiago con nuestros gritos de solidaridad insurrecta.

Porque nuestra apuesta es la solidaridad permanente con lxs secuestradxs
por el poder como parte del continuo enfrentamiento contra toda forma de

Saludamos a todxs lxs compañerxs que en la misma semana dejaron sus
propios aullidos en los muros de la ciudad.

¡¡¡ Que la acción insurrecta y solidaria no se detenga!!!

¡¡¡A potenciar las redes informales de acción entre compañerxs y grupos

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique about the end of the hunger strike from Nataly, Juan & Guillermo ($hile)

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

To our brothers, comrades, relatives, loved ones and people in solidarity with us, to the public.

In 54/53 (Nataly / Juan, Guillermo) days from the beginning of our hunger strike, on Friday, June 5, we end our mobilization, which was a response to the repressive maneuvers power unleashed this time against us, against our emotional and solidarity environment. We decided to stand on our feet and to publicize our situation, without letting the designs of power to realized, which through legal/police/media/ suppressive tricks seeks to perpetuate isolation, silence and absolute submission. We decided to mobilize through a joint decision, a horizontal agreement, far from levels and hierarchies, which the lovers of power and the law seek to replicate in each and every group of people. It is the most dignified way of being in this world of bowed heads and prizes for any kind of boss.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoners Nataly, Juan and Guillermo end their hunger strike (Chile)

Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

According to a statement posted by the comrades from the website Coordinadora Anticarcelaria La Fuga, Nataly, Juan and Guillermo decided to end their hunger strike 53 days since it began – this would have occurred on Friday June 7th.

Recall that the comrades have already won two of their major demands from the authorities – the removal of Nataly from solitary confinement and the release from prison of their comrade Enrique Guzmán*.

In the coming days the three comrades will release a communique regarding their situation and explaining their reasons for ending the hunger strike.

Solidarity with Nataly, Juan, Guillermo and Enrique!

* During the morning of June 10th, the competent court of San Miguel ruled in favor of prosecutor Orellana, who revoked the total house arrest for Enrique and demanded he be once again sent to pretrial detention.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Comrades Juan Flores, Guillermo Duran and Nataly Casanova in more than 50 days of hunger strike ($hile)

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

(By Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras)

1. More than 50 days on hunger strike: solidarity inside and outside prisons.

Anarchist comrades Juan Flores, Guillermo Duran and Nataly Casanova
continues their hunger strike, started on April 14, demanding an end of the
harassment on their closest environment; end of aggression towards Juan
and Nataly; end the isolation of comrade Nataly Casanova; end of the
indiscriminate use of DNA testing; immediate release of comrade Enrique

The three comrades remain with integrity in position of confrontation
against power, and solidarious comrades have made polymorphic demonstrations
on the streets and outside prisons. Also, barricades and arson attacks have
been claimed in solidarity with the hunger strike.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: Palabras desde la prision para la actividad "Hermosamentx Violentx" – Mayo 2015 – ($hile)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

PDF: folletohermosamenteviolentx

Saludos queridxs compañerxs… a continuación publicamos las palabras
enviadas y leídas para la actividad “Hermosamentx Violentx” del 17 de
Mayo en la Okupacion La Kolera, ademas del diptico repartido para
aquella jornada.

Buscamos difundir y expandir la insurrecta memoria, esa que construimos
entre todxs. Hoy distintas palabras en distintos idiomas y desde
distintas aristas llegan buscando acuchillar el olvido junto con la
multiplicacion imparable de gestos y actividades en recuerdo del Mauri.

Agradecemos a cada compañerx que participo y colaboro con esta actividad
y en las expansiones de otras que contribuyen a traer al presente al
punky mauri. Saludamos las distintas iniciativas que se han organizado
durante estos dias en recuerdo y combate. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update about comrades on hunger strike since April 14 ($hile)

Sunday, May 17th, 2015

[By Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras]

On Friday 15 May, anarchist comrades Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and
Guillermo Duran are in the 32nd day of their hunger strike, demanding:

– the release of comrade Enrique Guzmán.

– the immediate transfer of compañera Nataly Casanova from solitary confinement to a wing/tower where she will be able to have contact/relationship with other inmates and more hours in the yard. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – “Better to be a demon of vengeance, than an angel of forgiveness” / “Mejor ser un demonio de la venganza que un ángel del perdón” – Conspiración de las Células de Fuego (Greece)

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

A signal of complicity from the Greek prisons, for the international call of solidarity made from Publicacion Refractario, Colectivo Lucha Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Struggle Collective) and Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, to our brothers and sister Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores, Guillermo Durán and Enrique Guzmán, who are imprisoned in Chile, accused for attacks made by the International Conspiracy of Revenge and the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Chile.

Nothing is uglier than ugliness repeated twice.

Chile: anarchist Enrique Guzmán is arrested and detained.

The reason: the police say that traces of his DNA were found at a distance from a target where a bomb was placed, which is included in the case for which our brothers and sister Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova, Guillermo Durán were arrested, 6 months ago.

The real reason: Guzmán was a friend of the three imprisoned comrades, who did not abandon them for a moment in the difficult conditions of captivity. He was the friend who despised police looks and checks and visited them often in prison. He was the friend who, with his communication, canceled their exile and loneliness, in the land of the locked up people.

He is the friend who proves that real friends do not flinch, but share both the laughter of joys and the steep hills of sorrows…

The battle, however, is uneven. Anyone who does not comply or does not discipline himself within the limits of the permissible morality of the silent people who bow their heads, is driven to the place of exile, in the cold prison cells. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle