Posts Tagged ‘Greece’

6th of December – International Day against State Terrorism – Athens (Greece)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

6 December 2008, 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos is shot point blank by cops in the neighborhood of Exarchia in Athens. Alexis falls from the bullet of state murderers and a hurricane of rage rises. This was no accident; it was a targeted murder in the heart of a neighborhood that is, as much historically as in the present, a hub for the oppressed to organize themselves into the resistance movement. The message was clear, to terrorise the resistance, to assert state totalitarian control, to stifle the brewing insurrection against a decrepit system of exploitation and oppression. The story of Alexis is the story of thousands of fighters shot, tortured and disappeared by the armed guards of the state around the world.

In the hours, days and weeks that followed the murder of Alexis myriads of people, who saw in the killing of Alexis their own sufferings in this system, took to the streets around the world. The wave of solidarity broke the isolation and alienation of the oppressed and awakened once again the global vision for a world without exploitation from authority. This history, our history is not a collection of dead symbols. It is our storming ground for the ongoing struggle against the slavery of humanity by capitalist exploiters, their state aparatus and their armies. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Poster for anarchist comrade Dino Yagtzoglou (Greece)

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017

On 28/10, Konstantinos (Dinos) Yagtzoglou is arrested by armed assassins of the E.K.A.M. in Athens. He is accused of sending a parcel bomb to former technocrat prime minister Loukas Papademos, who was injured by the attack inside his car. The other charges against him are for explosive packages found at the same time as the attack and also the oppressive Article 187A, for participation in a criminal organization, alleged membership of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the group that claimed one of the explosive packages.

We do not care for democracy, for the media spectacle and the cop mentality that is the junta of innocence or guilt. We do not play their game of justice, where the pieces are already placed against us, neither for the state that sows terror, the self imposed fear that permeates a passive society. What we care for is the continuation of the armed struggle against the necropolis of authority.

Strength to our anarchist comrade Dinos Yagtzoglou.

Soul and Body, nothing is over, the conflict continues!

Chaotic and Individualist Anarchists

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Message in Solidarity with the Resistance in Greek Prisons from the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

International Solidarity with the Greek Prison Resisters Now!

There have been rolling strikes and protests throughout Greek prisons in reaction to the SYRIZA Party led coalition government’s plans to bring into force increased repressive legal measures into the prison law codes.

In May, prisoners from A, B and C wings of Korydallos Prison, Greece’s main prison located in Piraeus, announced the formation of the Coordinating Struggle Committee to express the opinions of prisoners from Korydallos and other prisons who have decided to join the protests, to issue regular updates regarding prisoner protests and to communicate with people outside the prisons who stand in solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the prisoners. This statement was translated into English and can be read on the Enough Is Enough blog here. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Armed attacks against Mexican and French Embassies – Communique from the ‘Organisation of Revolutionary Self-Defense’ – ‘Towards a New International Revolutionary Movement’ (Greece)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

From Athens IMC, Actforfreedomnow:

On Sunday 31st of August, a little before dawn, we carried out an armed intervention against the Mexican state, by shooting at the building of its embassy in Athens. On Wednesday 9th of October, at quarter to five a.m. we carried out another armed intervention against the French state, by throwing a hand grenade next to the guard of its embassy in Athens, opposite the Greek parliament. These two aggressive actions of our organization, together with our first armed intervention on the 25th of May 2014 against PASOK, defy in deed the armed domination of the Greek state and at the same time they express the vision of social revolution and of the dissolution of authoritative institutions here and now.

In order to construct a revolutionary movement on sturdy foundations, we must study the defeats of the past. We must focus on the contradictions of past movements and analyze the dynamics of class antagonism today, as a result of a historical evolution. The totalitarian capitalist aggression, which began two and a half decades ago and spreads around the globe, is connected to the fundamental crisis of the socialist movement.

The main contradiction which brought about the demise of the revolutionary wave of the 20th century is statism. Parliamentary democracy, dictatorship of political parties and, at the same time, the repression of workers’ self organization implanted bourgeois authority in the loins of social revolutions, ever since the French revolution. The revolution in Russia was led by a political and technocratic elite. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Digital Anonymity & Security (PDF)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

As activists we must know the dangers of the cyberspace, and learn how to protect our privacy. Avoiding the use of telecommunication tools is not an option. But either we own the technology we use or the technology owns us.

Here are some basic concepts and tips from yesterday’s workshop. We publish this info and ask you to help spread it because information wants to be free.

Digitial Security PDF

From Insurrection Festival – Athens, Greece.

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Posted in Library

Christos Tsakalos: ”The Point is That People Should not Leave from Prison Dehumanized.” (Greece)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

via enoughisenough:

Originally published by TVXS. Translated by Black Cat.

Read all the Enough is Enough reports about Korydallos prison; here.

”I am speaking neither as an anarchist nor as a member of the C.C.F.Christos Tsakalos clarified as we spoke on the phone. ”I am speaking as a member of the Committee of Struggle from Korydallos Prison, which represents 1500 prisoners who have been protesting the past two weeks against the new correctional code, which will result in the violation of the basic rights of prisoners in case it passes”, he explains and highlights that there is an existing network in Greece’s prisons and the mobilizations will escalate if the government does not make concessions.

He also stated that a Ministry of Justice official who went to Korydallos Prison and discussed these matters with the committee found the demands to be fair. Nevertheless, he clarified that this was his own personal stance and not that of the Ministry. ”We will go to extremes because we understand that they are trying to create a prison within the prison” says Christos, who was detained in solitary confinement from 2015 through to 2017, on the other end of the phone line. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews, Prison Struggle

Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle on hunger strike (Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

November 11, 2017


Almost 10 years after the outbreak of the crisis with the collapse of the financial system, bank bankruptcy, and seven years after the commencement of the era of the memorandum and the monitoring of the country by the troika (IMF, EC, ECB), the social base in this country has suffered the strongest blow since the Second World War.

Greek puppet governments have definitively delegated substantial economic and political governance to EU supranational organizations and indirectly to the capital markets and are imposing new measures of social euthanasia for large sections of the population in this country, they are now insignificant for their added value to capitalist wealth. That’s why it does not matter if they disappear. This condition of condemnation is also a prerequisite for the survival of the system itself, for the preservation of the political regime, for the perpetuation of capitalism. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Insurrection Cannot Be Negotiated’ – Text by Panagiotis Argyrou, imprisoned member of CCF/FAI (Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Time is the illness of reality. In prison, time seems to poison the atmosphere. The air thickens as though it is flooded with lead filings and each and every day our lungs are infested with this oxygen so toxic that it weighs on us again and again, more so with each passing day.

You feel so burdened that at some point you begin to think that every step you take, removes a day from your life; each step and a day less, each step and a day less…

During these almost 6 years and a half of my imprisonment, I always felt like I was killing so many days while moving endlessly back and forth in courtrooms. I have seen the despicable ritual of trials taking place in the name of Democracy too many times repeatedly and every single time I walked away with packs of decades of sentences on my back.

However, it is not only the harsh sentences imposed on me by all this bureaucratic barbarity which has been grinding lives in the millstone of justice that bothers me the most, but also the arrogant and self-righteous style of the judges that execute our freedom while maintaining the illusion of representing something special. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Declaration of the Solidarity Assembly for Anarchist Prisoner of War Konstantinos Yagtzoglou (Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

On the morning of October 28, 2017, comrade Konstantinos ‘Dinos’ Yagtzoglou was captured by the anti-terrorist police. The arrest order, issued by Special Prosecutor E. Nikopoulos, was based on accusations of belonging to a terrorist organization and attempted murder for the letter bomb attack against former-Prime Minister Papadimos. The accusations are based on a mixture of genetic material that was allegedly collected and stored from objects following clashes with law enforcement during a demonstration in 2011, in which the comrade was arrested. This mixture, supposedly related to the explosive attack, is alleged to have been found by the police in the remains of the letter bomb, along with the DNA of Papadimos. The charges against the comrade, combined with the material allegedly found in his possession during his arrest have led to him being prosecuted under the ‘anti-terrorism law’ (187A).

On the same day, a comrade from Konstantinos’s circle of friends was arrested. It is a constant tactic of the anti-terrorist unit to target people from an arrested person’s family or circle of friends as a form of intimidation, and as an attempt to politically and physically isolate detainees. On October 29, Dinos was brought before the investigating judge for a continuation of the detention order, and was warned that he only had 3 days to prepare for his hearing. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

EN/ES – Solidarity to anarchist prisoner of war Konstantinos Yagtzoglou (Greece)

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

[Report elaborated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras with press sources and counter information]

On Wednesday 1/11, comrade Konstantinos Yagtzoglou was taken to the judicial chamber, where a prosecutor and a special judge for questions of terrorism ordered that he be taken into custody.

Konstantinos [Dinos] faces charges related to the attack with a letter bomb against former Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, as well as with other charges for explosive packages found in the distribution center of the Post Office, in addition to the infamous Article 187A, of participation in criminal organization, for his alleged membership of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the group that claimed the shipment of one of the explosive packages.

Also, the Greek police try to use against the comrade, once again, the “scientific proof” of DNA as “indisputable evidence”, stating that there is Konstantinos’ DNA in the letter bomb that seriously injured the former Greek Prime Minister on May 25, 2017. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text from Tasos Theofilou about his release from the court (Greece)

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

The depth and intensity of my gratitude for the people who with whatever means supported me all these years far exceeds my ability to express it. At the same time, my discharge from all categories is much more important than a personal vindication. It is a victory for the world of the struggle against repression. A victory of the underdogs against the deep police state. A victory of the movement and alternative media against the dominant mainstream media. A victory of counter-information against the regime’s propaganda. A victory of the movement against the depravity of authority.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Solidarity with the arrested comrade Kostantino Y. (Greece)

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

Grecia – Arrestado un anarquista acusado de pertenecer a la CCF y de haber participado en el ataque contra el ex-primer ministro Papademos [es]

According to info via Athens IMC, comrade Kostantino Y. has been arrested and is suspected by the security forces of being involved in the letter-bomb attack against technocrat ex-prime minister and IMF employee Loukas Papadimos which took place in May 2017. The attack led to deep wounds to Papadimos and injuries to two other people accompanying him inside the vehicle he was in. Papadimos was hospitalised for a month.

The hostage comrade was inflicted an injury to his leg early Saturday morning during his violent kidnapping by the counter-terror unit. Apparently Kostantino is going to be charged with many felonies. Today he will be taken to the investigating judge where there will be a concentration in solidarity at the court.

This repressive action by state forces won’t go unanswered and comrades in the struggle internationally should be aware of this latest move.

Corporate media reported from the police that Kostantino had been under surveillance for two weeks before being caught carrying eight forged ID cards, two guns, ammunition, an explosive device rigged with a timer and gunpowder in three hold-alls, a plastic garbage bag and a fanny pack. The police spread in the media also that the comrade was clearing out a safe house rented in a false identity. The police suspect him of links to Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and implicated him in several unsolved letter-bomb actions including the attack against German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. It doesn’t matter if Kostantino Y. is guilty or innocent of the charges, no comrade is left alone!

Solidarity to Kostantino G: 29/10 19:00 Polytechnic Athens

Day / Time: 29/10/2017 at 7 pm


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Posted in Social Control

1st Insurrection Festival – Athens (Greece)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Some anarchists groups in Exarcheia, Athens, are organizing the 1st Insurrection Festival. The date is November 12, 13, 14. We would appreciate your cooperation to spread the news.


In solidarity


Insurrection is the time when a collective body is uprising. Not a collective body with a common identity or ideology but driven by common actions against authority.

Insurrection is the violent entrance of the invisible into the central political scene.

Insurrection is fed from poverty to despair, from rage to need of empowerment and dignity from the social base.

At the end, insurrection is the practical doubt of domination’s structures and any regime. The negation of their omnipotence. If for some of us insurrection must lead to social revolution, or in another way must be a constant situation, the participation this moment should be our common ground.

We are calling this open assembly on to co-organize the First Insurrection Festival. It will be structured around four mains axes :

Political theory
Movement-collective statements
Cultural manifestations

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Posted in Autonomy

B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world #5 (A-Radio)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Dear all,

Episode number 5 (10/2017) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 1:15 h

You’ll find the audio here.

* 98fm: Laws, actions and repression in Greece
* A-Radio Berlin: The Anarchist Days in Dresden, Germany
* Radio Fragmata: Struggles in Greece
* 105fm: Immigration struggles, gender violence and other topics from Lesvos, Greece
* The Final Straw: Interview on the case of Hermann Bell in the USA
* Bilda Kedjor: Antifa action in Gothenburg, Sweden
* Radio Kurruf: Mapuche hungerstrike and repression in Chile
* Dissident Island: DSEI arms fair in London and October Revolution 1917
* Frequenz A: Update about repression and solidarity related to the protests against G20 in Hamburg

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English (or Spanish) here.

Or visit the new anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero
Network: http://channelzeronetwork.com/


A-Radio Berlin

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Posted in Autonomy

Athens: Regarding the letter-bomb attack against ex-prime minister and technocrat Loukas Papadimos (Greece)

Monday, October 9th, 2017

Since the following news did not get a wide distribution outside Greece in the international counter-information networks when it appeared in May 2017, and as the corporate news also attempted to mitigate and ‘play-down’ the impact of this attack, we rely this info to highlight that everything continues and nothing is over.

On 25 May, on the first day of the 2017 NATO summit taking place in Brussels, Belgium, whilst being driven back to his home at 6:30 in the early evening, the ex-prime minister of Greece, Loukas Papadimos was injured in a successful high-impact letter-bomb attack that remains unsolved and unclaimed. The incident took place in central Athens, a few blocks from the Athens Polytechnic in the central part of that city. The device detonated inside an armoured-car with accompanying police security detail, and humiliated those security services and the authorities who shut down the area containing the vehicles transporting Papadimos, beginning a counter-terror investigation.

Loukas Papadimos is now a senior economist, former governor of the Bank of Greece and former vice-president of the European Central Bank. The letter-bomb arrived at his home after undergoing checks which did not detect the explosive material. Two security officers serving as driver and bodyguard to Papadimos were also injured in the explosion. The explosion of the device inside the customised vehicle added to the pressure of the bomb, leading to injuries to Papadimos’ eyes, chest, abdomen and legs and he was brought to the hospital for surgery for the non-life threatening wounds. The other victims of the bomb also were taken to hospital suffering less severe injuries. The attack was hailed by the authorities as the worst act of violence against a senior figure in the Greek establishment in decades.

The Greek State is terrified that the operational methods have developed and evolved to defeat their security apparatus. If this high profile target can be reached then all of them are in reach.

Technocrats, ticks, parasites – The violence and fear will come to your homes as you try to inject it into ours – Long live anarchy.

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Posted in Direct Action