Posts Tagged ‘G20’

Madrid, Spanish State: Sabotage Within the Framework of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

During the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners more than a dozen ATMs in different neighborhoods of Madrid were sabotaged. The tools for these types of sabotage and simple and easy: hammers and sprays.

We understand solidarity as a continuity of the struggle that has led to our compañerxs being held in the prisons of the State. Anarchist solidarity is much more than just a written word or doing assistance work with the prisoners. This
solidarity is materialized via attacks against the structures of capitalism and State, and seeks to deepen the conflict through direct action.

Down with the walls of the prisons. Long live anarchy.

For the compañerxs hit by Operation Scripta Manent!

For the compañerxs facing repression following the Hamburg G20 summit!

For the Indonesian anarchists prosecuted after May 1st!

For Lisa and all the anarchist prisoners!



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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin: War on the war! Fire for DGAP – German Society for Foreign Politics (Germany)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

With this we take responsibility for the incendiary device we placed in front of the building of the German Society for Foreign Politics (DGAP) in Drake-/Rauchstraße (Tiergarten) in the night of 21.8.18.

13 litres of a petrol-oil-mixture shall be the beginning of putting an end to the undisturbed and fearless existence of the DGAP as a political advisor of the German war society.

Since the beginning of this year increased attacks against the war industry, their profiteers and financiers take and took place over all the German controlled territory. We join these attacks and let the fire speak from our side. War starts here! War on the war!

War starts here, in the halls of politics. War starts everywhere, where people throw away their empathy, to profit from the globalized misery. In the war-industry, the thinktanks of science, in the faceless administration of bureaucracy, in the form of uniformed slaves, who receive and obey orders in rank and file. War starts between human beings, when concurrence and aspiration to power reigns over solidarity and the free development of the individual.

German Security – Profit through war

Through the choice of the DGAP as the target of our incendiary device we declare the ideological architects of German-European hegemonic politics, the scientists and forerunners of a security paradigm which works with as well as alongside of warmongers and in this way are our enemies. What they declare about security is not ours. Their foreign policy is a policy of order. And their order needs tanks against uprisings and frigates against inflatable dinghies, it builds fences against the suppressed and works continuously to extend their ongoing misery. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin – Enemy supply lines attacked (Germany)

Friday, August 17th, 2018

Berlin – Enemy supply lines attacked

We burned a truck of DB Schenker in the night to August 8th in Berlin-Wedding. When Erdogan arrives in Berlin on September 28. / 29., he will find our hostility here. Who rolls out the red carpet for the fascist Erdogan – X Day – is supposed to feel the ashes of the burning city in the nose.

Already since the year 2000, the ESG Elektronicsystem- and Logistics company runs together with its partner Schenker Germany AG (DB Schenker) the headquarters of logistics – called ZEBEL – of the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) in Kassel. From this hub with 17.000 square metres occurs the supply of civil partner companies and military repair workshops, which maintain Bundeswehr systems and vehicles. The transport of war material has most priority for DB Schenker. With it, the subsidiary company of Deutsche Bahn is responsible for the logistics and supply with NATO equipment to the Turkish Army in their war against the Kurdish areas. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Smoke Signals – A conversation in the aftermath of G20 in Hamburg (Germany)

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

First appeared as „Ein Gespräch mit einigen Militanten über die informelle Koordinierung im Vorfeld der G20“ in Rauchzeichen, a magazine published by Autonomous Groups, Fall 2017 and now first published in English on Anarhija. This is late, but not too late. We can use this conversation to prepare something for the coming black bloc attack next year in Biarritz/France, where the G7 summit will be end of Summer 2019.

AG: At the end of the summer of 2016, several communiques propose an informal coordination of radical groups in the run-up to the G20 summit in Hamburg. You took part in it. What interventions were you aiming for and which perspectives did it entail for you?

[Chuzpe]: “On the occasion of several big events like the G8 in Heiligendamm in 2007 or around the Destroika prior to the inauguration of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt in 2015, there have been similar proposals and radical campaigns. It is not a very new idea. Starting from an anarchist analysis, I see the necessity of a permanent conflictuality and I’m sceptical towards this staging of a political play where everyone has its role. Focusing on such an event leads often to the side-lining of everyday struggles. But at the same time, I see the possibility of a tension opening up in such moments, in which the scope of our interventions can amplify. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

Car Belonging to Police and Military Supplier Dräger Torched in Berlin (Germany)

Monday, July 16th, 2018

16.07.18: Last night a car belonging to the company Dräger was torched on Hänsel street in Baumschulenweg. Among other things, this corporation that is listed on the stock exchange, manufactures gas masks for police and military use.

In 2010, Dräger locations in Berlin and Cologne were attacked with paint:

“We hit Dräger because it is one of the biggest supporters of the international torture and murder scene, and in addition to sponsoring the police congrees, Dräger is also a leading international security and medical technology company”.

From the Dräger annual report:

“Demand for our products increased in 2017, especially in Poland, Great Britain, Austria and Germany, as well as in Romania, Russia and Turkey…The increased demand for security products in particular contributed to the positive development of an increase in orders for medical technology too”.

Freedom For All G20 Prisoners!


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Posted in Direct Action

Rome, Italy: Arson Attack Against Diplomatic Corp and ENI Vehicles

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

When you set out at night with the intention of burning or putting something out of action, interrupting the paralysis inherent in everyday life, you never know exactly what you will find once you are on the street. Which is how it was one night in mid-June when we came across a Diplomatic Corp car and one belonging to ENJOY* parked side by side next to the footpath. If until then, they had been united together in the same shitty existence in service of devastation, power and domination, we could not help but see their willingness to share the same demise together. And so, just like it was with some excavators in France not long ago, we took note of their will by enjoying the sight of the flames that enveloped them.

We hope that despite the high temperatures of recent days that the heat of this fire may bring a smile to all the comrades locked up in prisons, subjected to judicial controls or under surveillance…

To the Argentine comrade Diego Parodi… Strength, hold on!
To those facing investigation for the G20 in Hamburg.
For the prisoners and the accused of Operation Scripta Manent.
For Giova, Ghespe and Paska.

For Anarchy!

*Translation note: ENJOY is a ‘sustainable’ vehicle sharing company run by energy company ENI and public transport operator Trenitalia


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Posted in Direct Action

Frankfurt: Arson Attack Against Deutsche Bahn – 6 Vehicles Destroyed (Germany)

Friday, July 6th, 2018

06.07.18: Last night we destroyed 6 Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) vehicles near Frankfurt West railway station. We are opposed to German support for the war of aggression by the Turkish government in Northern Syria as well as the ongoing raids and arrests of left-wing activists.

We set fire to six Deutsche Bahn vehicles used for making repairs. We deliberately carried out our action in a way that ensured there was no danger to anybody. Deutsche Bahn is a leading logistics partner of NATO. Dying and killing in the name of our ‘democracies’ is not an option for us. We will continue to side with the revolutionary forces in Syria and elsewhere.

Here in Germany there are enough reasons too, we do not even know where to start with this police state: the complete erosion of what once referred to itself as a constitutional state. Mass public manhunts. The raids against German technology associations because they have a donation account for a legal US email provider and for using an email address that was used to promote protests against the AFD! (Alternative for Deutschland, right-wing populist party)* Or the banning of Linksunten Indymedia. Or the arrests in the Rhine-Main area for alleged participation in the G20 protests. Or the searches in France, because those affected allegedly raised their arms at the G20. What a complete misunderstanding of every situation in the Schanze.**

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Posted in Direct Action

Network of Revolutionary Cells: ‘Call to Fight: Sabotage the activities of those bastards!’ (Czech Republic)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

We see that the repressive campaign on the anarchist movement does not cease. Examples are enough: The operation Fénix case in the Czech Republic, the case of the Warsaw Three, charges of bank robbery in Aachen, courts with rebels against the G20 summit in Hamburg and other cases.

Cops, judges, prosecutors, mass-media. They are haunted, imprisoned, robbed, manipulated. This is a challenge to all Revolutionary cells and other groups and individuals. Do sabotages the activities of those bastards. Turn them into terrain, technology and structures. Organize resistance. Support the fugitive and their loved ones.

What destroys us will stop by fighting.

The goal is clear = Freedom, justice, anarcho-communism.

Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB)


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Posted in Autonomy

Schleswig-Holstein: Police Patrol Vehicle Torched in Solidarity with Imprisoned Comrades (Germany)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

Flensburg, November 10, 2017

On the night of 10.11.2017, a patrol car at Harrislee police station (Flensburg area) was torched. Solidarity with the prisoners from the G20 processes that began on calendar week 45. Freedom for Fabio, Christian and all other comrades affected by repression! Freedom for all political prisoners, you are not forgotten!

via Chronik, Insurrection News.

*Translation note: This action was originally posted on Indymedia in Germany but was removed due to censorship.

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Posted in Direct Action

The Hague: Burn all prisons – Solidarity graffiti with anarchist prisoners Lisa and Peike (Netherlands)

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Last weekend, we have put up an solidarity graffiti of eighty meters long opposite the police headquarters and training center of The Hague, the Netherlands with the text: Burn all prisons.

The graffiti is in solidarity with Lisa and Peike who are both in German prisons. Lisa is imprisoned for seven and a half years because of a conviction on suspicion of bank robbery. Peike has been sentenced for two years and seven months because of protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg.

We want them free! Freedom for Lisa and Peike and all anarchist prisoners! Burn all prisons!

Anarchist Damage Squad

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Posted in Direct Action

B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world #5 (A-Radio)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Dear all,

Episode number 5 (10/2017) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 1:15 h

You’ll find the audio here.

* 98fm: Laws, actions and repression in Greece
* A-Radio Berlin: The Anarchist Days in Dresden, Germany
* Radio Fragmata: Struggles in Greece
* 105fm: Immigration struggles, gender violence and other topics from Lesvos, Greece
* The Final Straw: Interview on the case of Hermann Bell in the USA
* Bilda Kedjor: Antifa action in Gothenburg, Sweden
* Radio Kurruf: Mapuche hungerstrike and repression in Chile
* Dissident Island: DSEI arms fair in London and October Revolution 1917
* Frequenz A: Update about repression and solidarity related to the protests against G20 in Hamburg

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English (or Spanish) here.

Or visit the new anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero
Network: http://channelzeronetwork.com/


A-Radio Berlin

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Posted in Autonomy

G20: Riccardo Lupano has been released (Germany)

Monday, October 9th, 2017

The anarchist comrade Riccardo, arrested and imprisoned since 7 July 2017 for the days of riots against G20 in Hamburg, was released today (5 October), following the court decision that sentenced him to 1 year and 9 months, but with the benefit of suspended sentence.

Solidarity with the rebels of G20!

Also read this article.

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Posted in Uncategorised

Spontaneous demonstration in Amsterdam in solidarity with G20 prisoners (Netherlands)

Monday, October 9th, 2017

Spontaneous demonstration in Amsterdam in solidarity with G20 prisoners

Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam.

100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity with G20 prisoners. There were speeches and music acts. After the manifestation about 50 people walked an unannounced demonstration through the centre of Amsterdam to Spuiplein.

Freedom for all G20 prisoners! Freedom for Peike!

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Posted in Direct Action

NoG20 – Cops Raided Apartments and Store – Demo to Billwerder Prison on October 1 (Germany)

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

On Wednesday more than 100 cops raided 14 apartments and a store in Hamburg and the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. The cops confiscated 7 iPhones during the raids. On October 1 there will be a demonstration to Billwerder prison in Hamburg. Many of the NoG20 prisoners are imprisoned in Billwerder. We also publish some of the addresses of NoG20 prisoners and the next trial dates. Earlier today NoG20 prisoner Orazio was released.

The cops confiscated 7 iPhones during the raids. The cops claim the iPhones were stolen as a mobile phone store was looted during the NoG20 protests in Hamburg on July 7. In a press conference the cops yesterday claimed that they are investigating 2000 people, but expect that this number will rise to 3000. Given the fact that yesterdays raids were based on located mobile phones that were allegedly stolen in a mobile phone store during the NoG20 protests, its possible that the 180 men/women strong special investigation squad “Black Bloc” actually don’t seem to have that much. But activists should be aware that the cops are also investigating video material from public transport companies and that they use face recognition software to identify people. The 180 men/women strong task force will continue to investigate in order to repress as much people as possible, so stay alert. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Hamburg: Transnational Gathering for NoG20 Prisoners Support at Rote Flora (Germany)

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

Transnational Gathering for G20 Prisoners Support from November 3rd until November the 5th, 2017, at the Rote Flora in Hamburg.

The campaign “UNITED WE STAND” is a loose network of different people and groups to support the ones who face repression after the G20 summit in Hamburg. Our focus is to support them during prison and trial.

We invite in particular those who have comrades, friends and relatives in jail because of the G20 summit – to get to know us, exchange experiences, come together, develop ideas and strategies and to learn from each other. We want to gain more power together to handle repression.

During the gathering, we want to develop future action strategies, it’s not a wrap-up.

The schedule

Friday: arriving, food and get to know each other
Saturday: breakfast, actual situation of prisoners and trial, we
would like to discuss the following topics


Sunday: demonstration the the jail in Hamburg-Billwerder with a manifestation with greetings, music and encouragement.

We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the weekend, please tell us
with the application.

Please write us if you come as soon as possible, thereby we can support
you with your expenses and to find a place to stay.

See you in November “UNITED WE STAND”

application: international.gathering [at] riseup [dot] net
sleeping: unterschlupf [at] riseup [dot] net

via enoughisenough14.org

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Posted in Prison Struggle