Posts Tagged ‘Chile’

PDF: “La Bomba” Zine #26 – Santiago (Chile)

Saturday, July 21st, 2018

PDF: 26 La Bomba 26 Marzo 2018

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Posted in Library

Misanthropic Wild Tendencies: Other expressions of authoritarianism and sacred thought

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

Given the recent proliferation of eco-extremism and some opinions expressed in the broadcast media related to this tendency, the need arises for this text. Without pretending to engage in a dialogue, we will clarify a few things that seem essential to us.

For several years now, various individuals from different parts of the American continent (especially from the territory dominated by the Mexican State) close to the positions and struggles against civilization, gave shape to a trend that they called “eco-extremism”.

What is eco-extremism? Although there are subtle differences between those who are placed under that concept, we can more or less talk about a consensus among them, since they see the whole of humanity as their enemy; that humanity and it’s civilization is incompatible with Wild Nature.

They understand that the war against civilization is indiscriminate, so any person would represent an enemy. Since humanity is the problem, anyone can be the target, regardless of gender, economic condition, age, etc. The forms of attack of these groups are inspired by the most diverse experiences, so they do not mind picking up the “teachings”(I) of religious fanatics such as ISIS or political parties that wager for national liberation, as their indiscriminate methods serve them. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Chile : Comrade Freddy Fuentevilla has been released from prison

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

Clarification: Previously we incorrectly described Freddy Fuentevilla as anarchist in this re-post. Fuentevilla was a militant of a Marxist-Leninist organization in the Chilean region, and currently has never positioned himself in the anarchist ideology the same with his comrades who participated in the bank expropriation for which he was sentenced, namely Marcelo Villaroel and Juan Aliste. They are associated with the insurrectional anarchist idea because of their relations with anarchists and having been seen in the anti-authoritarian space, but it is important to be clear about their positions.

Refractario’s note: We learn with joy that comrade Freddy has been released. From here, a strong warm hug, after the death threats of Bernales, the jails in Argentina, the Chilean prisons, the trials and farces up until now, time is filled with experiences in the construction of paths of negation. Today new paths are being opened and old ones taken up again, now back in the streets once more! Without ever forgetting Juan and Marcelo’s struggle on the medical and juridical military fronts, respectively, we remember Freddy’s words during the trial against him:

“Our stories didn’t begin on 18th October 2007, as Juan (Aliste) has explained very well, they are a constant. It’s not easy to disengage from them, especially when a hunt is unleashed that is not really aimed at getting someone to court, but on the contrary at their physical annihilation, the annihilation that metaphorically is presenting itself today surgically even buried under tons of cement and iron, not for one year, but for many years (…)

I think these words.. what I feel now is gratitude. But to whom? Gratitude to my mother, because I have no mother, I’m lucky in that respect. To la mia compagna, my comrades, my family, my friends and above all my children’s unconditional love.
A hug to all, and the necessary strength will be always there. And…
While poverty persists there will be rebellion.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: “La Bomba” Zine #24 & #25 – Santiago (Chile)

Saturday, July 7th, 2018

Portada 25

Portada 24


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Posted in Library

Reivindicación de artefacto incendiario en bus del Transantiago (Chile)

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

El lunes 4 de junio instalamos en el recorrido I 01 del Transantiago un artefacto incendiario, que logró su activación pero debido a algún fallo interno no generó el daño deseado. Tras la detonación el chofer baja a los pasajeros y conduce el microbus hacia el terminal de la empresa, donde es periciado por la policía.
Creemos en lo contagioso y reproducible de la acción destructiva, con lo que creamos necesario y tengamos al alcance. Desde la calle, saludamos a lxs grupos e individuxs que han decidido romper la normalidad imperante.
Atacamos en solidaridad con el machi Celestino Córdova, nuevamente en huelga de hambre, desafiando las disposiciones del Estado Chileno y el control de Gendarmería.

Nuestro ataque revive los latidos insurrectos del Punki Mauri, a 9 años de su muerte, la anarquía no acaba ni olvida.

¡Mauricio Morales presente!
¡En solidaridad con lxs presxs de la larga condena!

Célula Incendiaria Zoé Aveilla

Desde la prensa:


Claim of incendiary device in Transantiago bus

On Monday, June 4, we installed an incendiary device on Transantiago route I 01. The incendiary achieved its activation but due to some internal failure did not generate the desired damage. After the detonation the driver lowered the passengers out and drove the microbus to the terminal of the company, where it is investigated by the police.
We believe in the contagious and reproducible destructive action, with what we have within reach and for what is needed to create. From the street, we greet the groups and individuals who have decided to break the prevailing normality.
We attacked in solidarity with the machi Celestino Córdova, again on hunger-strike, defying the dispositions of the Chilean State and the control of police.

Our attack revives the insurrectionary beats of Punki Mauri, 9 years after his death, anarchy does not end nor forget.

Mauricio Morales present!
In solidarity with the prisoners with long sentences!

Incendiary Cell Zoé Aveilla

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Posted in Direct Action

Static / Continues – July 2018

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

After a brief pause we resume an irregular publishing rhythm fueled by our hatred of this techno-prison world. Our last few months were busy with shaping our small project for the future. In the coming weeks we’ll be posting a new Dark Nights zine as well as some solidarity posters and other compilations of writings.

Recently we caught this podcast with an anarchist comrade in Yogyakarta talking about the Mayday riot case and the call to ‘Kill the Sultan’. 44 comrades were arrested and comrade Ucil was beaten and held incommunicado for molotov attacking police vehicles. Many comrades either have cases pending or are still wanted for the riot and are investigated. Check out this post and help out.

Imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire released a letter in solidarity with anarchist comrade Grigoris Tsironis, a comrade who spent 9 years as a fugitive and who is persecuted by the Greek judiciary for his anarchist stance. You can find the letter about the house arrest of Tsironis in Greek at Traces of Fire.

In Spanish language you can read about the case of the comrades convicted for the events in Valpraiso, Chile and some reflections on those events in light of the Marfin Bank case in Athens, Greece.

Also, the huge 5th issue of Return Fire is out, this green anarchist zine from UK is packed full of content and available for PDF download.

Translators, saboteurs, image-creators, rioters and writers, contribute via our contact form… New GPG key coming soon…

For the next generation internationalist struggle

For anarchy


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Posted in Autonomy

PDF: #20 & #21 – “La Bomba” Zine – Santiago (Chile)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

La Bomba” – Nosotrxs agregamos esos publicaciones de Abril (#20) y Agosto (#21), que no vimos en ese entonces, a nuestra biblioteca. Fuerza y complicidad a lxs companerxs en Chile. Por la expansion del caos y anarquia.

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Posted in Library

Letter from Nataly Casanova, Enrique Guzmán and Juan Flores (Chile)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Translation note: the following letter written by the imprisoned anarchist comrades Nataly, Enrique and Juan, was written for the SOLIDARIDAD A FLOR DE PIEL tattoo and body art convention that was held in solidarity with the prisoners of the social war in Santiago on November 4th.

These words were born and flew from the prison cells of San Miguel, the special high security unit and the former pententiary, to send a greeting of complicity that we dedicate to the comrades who have organized and given life to the SOLIDARIDAD A FLOR DE PIEL tattoo and body art convention…

With these first words from within the torture centres, we would like to send fraternal and complicit greetings to those who, at the intersection of rebellion and insubordinate creativity, organized and participated in this anti-prison initiative…a solidarity initiative for those who feel the bitter taste of prison every day – the anger, the frustration and the indignation of not being able to materialise the war because they are surrounded by bars, cameras and guards… (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: “La Bomba” #23 – Santiago (Chile)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Portada 23

PDF: Sale el número 23 del boletín “La Bomba”

*Santiago – Chile*

Para continuar con la idea final de la editorial pasada, queremos decir
que la recopilación de reivindicaciones de sabotajes, atentados, las
noticias formuladas etc. son con la intención de generar un archivo
online y material, para que las diversas ideas expresadas desde la
acción y las noticias lleguen a más compañerxs en la calle, como en
prisión -quienes no todxs tienen acceso a la contrainformación vía web-.
Estas recopilaciones son parte de una línea antiautoritaria, acciones
que sacamos con sus respectivas fuentes y otras anónimas que no
necesariamente pueden ser parte de la lucha anárquica pero de las cuales
vemos similitudes y son afines a esta iniciativa. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Trial ending for Juan, Nataly and Enrique – EN/ES (Chile)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

During the last fortnight of November it is expected that the process initiated under the anti-terrorist law for the attacks against the Subcenter Escuela Militar, Los Dominicos metro and two police stations in Santiago will come to an end.

The so-called Bombs Case 2 started more than two years ago against the compañerxs Enrique Guzman, Nataly Casanova and Juan Flores, who have been under 7 months of trial under the anti-terrorist law. It is finally in these days where the process is ending. After the closing arguments, the verdict it is to be expected where the criminal court will decide innocence or guilt and under what crime, and then – in case of being condemned guilty – to dictate the sentences. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: “La Bomba” #22 – Santiago (Chile)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

*Santiago – Chile*

PDF: Sale el número 22 del boletín “La Bomba”

A nuestrxs queridxs lectores en cualquier parte del globo, y a lxs
presxs subversivxs de nuestro territorio. Entregamos para ustedes un
nuevo boletín recopilatorio, el cual esta vez corresponderá a

Empezamos esta recopilación adjuntando acciones que se desarrollaron en
el mes de agosto, como por ejemplo distintas manifestaciones
estudiantiles las cuales culminaron con fuertes enfrentamientos en
varios liceos de la ciudad y en donde la propaganda anárquica e
insurrecta se vio reflejada lejos de lxs convocantes y la
institucionalidad. Los cortes de calle con barricadas, las bombas
molotov contra la policía y los panfletos por los aires llamaban al caos
y a la solidaridad activa con lxs presxs. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Artefacto explosivo contra la Democracia Cristiana en Ñuñoa es desactivado + Adjudicación de “Amigxs de la Pólvora – Núcleos Antagónicos de la Nueva Guerrilla Urbana” (Chile)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

[Noticias de la guerra social]

Durante el 01 de noviembre del 2017 anonimxs consiguieron instalar un
artefacto explosivo en la sede del partido Democratacristiano en la
comuna de Ñuñoa, específicamente en la esquina de Dublé Almeyda con
Pedro de Valdivia.

Cerca de las 16:00 hrs el esotérico, demócrata y cristiano Jaime Hales
–Presidente comunal del partido y televisivo tarotista- no consigue
predecir el bolso que encuentra en el antejardín del partido revisando
en su interior, según su propia declaración:”Vi que había un cilindro
parecido a lo que es un extinguidor, al cual estaba amarrado, con una
cinta adhesiva de color gris, tres tubos. Abrí un poco más la mochila y
vi que había al fondo una caja de cartón y, entre otras palabras que
estaban escritas en la caja, había una palabra que decía ‘pólvora’. En
ese momento, se me vino a la cabeza que esto era una bomba”

(…) (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

‘Removing the Trash’ by L (UK)

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

‘Eliminando la spazzatura’ da L [it]

‘A quitar la basura’ por L [es]

“There are so many stupidities, lies, fakes that it is almost impossible to respond in the rhythm indicated… lies after lies and a rhythm of vertiginous updating.
Millimeter by millimeter it is necessary to remove this trash… without discussion, without half-tints and without space for dialogue. Since always we were quite critical of the anarchist pages that began to publish ITS and its derivations… it was to give them space in view of the “novelty”, to feed egos and messianic delusions that today we have to pay dearly.”

From comrades in Chile

The eco-fascist and nihilist-right groupscule ITS Mexico, which originated from individualist and anti-technology ideas and which has begun attacking and threatening anarchists in Mexico and elsewhere, has established itself as an irrationalist authoritarian tendency, carrying out reactionary and repressive actions designed to inflict injuries and deaths against random individuals in the name of their religious concept, Wild Nature. In their exhortations to this sacred ideal, their militants have built a Church of ideological purity, repenting of their anarchy and gathering unto themselves an ultra-moralistic and sycophantic internet choir of shit-talkers, fakes and show-offs. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Urgent! Social disturbance in Santiago leads to serious injuries to comrade Byron (Chile)

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

During the night of October 26, 2017, at about 9:30 p.m. a group decides to go out into the street and face the imposed normality near the faculty Juan Gomez Milla of the University of Chile.

It is right in the street intersecting Captain Ignacio Carrera Pinto with Passage
Challacollo where they decide to intercept a micro-bus of the route 325, managing to stop it and bring down the 12 passengers who were traveling. At the same time benzene is sprayed into the machinery and they struggle with the driver to make him descend.

The bastard driver Luis Maulén Miranda, decides to defend his miserable exploitation and with the fear that they would ignite the property of the Vule S.A company starts at full speed ramming the hooded companions that were in the sector. It is in his delusions of heroism that he manages to run over comrade Byron Robledo Villalobos, fracturing both legs and leaving him at vital risk…

More info:

More info from the company and in update:

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Posted in Social Control

On the raids against anarchist spaces in Brazil and on the internationalization of the anarchic offensive against repression in the Southern Cone (Chile)

Friday, October 27th, 2017

Chile / Brazil: Solidarity Is Action

As has been reported in some media and blogs, at dawn on October 25th in Brazil the civil police of Rio Grande do Sul invaded anarchist spaces and homes in the context of an investigation into attacks on banks, police stations, car dealerships and headquarters of political parties carried out by anarchists over the last four years in Porto Alegre.

All of this occurred on the eve of the 8th Annual Anarchist Book Fair in Porto Alegre, that was scheduled to begin on the 27th of October but has now been cancelled until further notice in light of the events that have taken place.

The police have named this new repressive coup against anarchists ‘Operation Erebo’. In Greek mythology, Erebus (blackness) was a primordial god of darkness and shadow. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control