Zagreb: 11th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (Croatia)

February 15th, 2017

The eleventh Balkan Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Zagreb from April 7th to April 9th, 2017. The bookfair will take place in AKC Medika, Pierottijeva 11 (MAP).

Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) is an annual anarchist event organised each year in a different place on the Balkans. First BAB took place in Ljubljana in 2003. Since then, it has been taking place almost every year in different cities across the Balkans. After Ljubljana in 2003, it was organised in Zagreb (2005), Sofia (2008), Thessaloniki (2009), Zrenjanin (2010), Skopje (2011), Ljubljana (2013), Mostar (2014), Zadar (2015) and in Ioannina (2016). More informations on past bookfairs can be found here.

Participation at the bookfair is open for all anti-authoritarian/anarchist groups, publishers, initiatives, places etc. (not just from the Balkans) so feel free to come and set up your stall or just visit the bookfair to participate in discussions. Read the rest of this entry »

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Comunicado del compañero Joaquín García Chanks (Chile)

February 14th, 2017

Ya han pasado cinco meses desde que volví a habitar las celdas de la Sección Máxima Seguridad del C.A.S y creo que es necesario referirme tanto a lo personal como al escenario carcelario. Las razones para no escribir antes son, obviamente, personales; pero más que nada son debido a la creencia -a pesar de ser un convencido de que el compartir experiencias genera lazos impagables- de que la plataforma virtual y su conjunto de comunicados se aleja mucho de lo real y se acerca a una idea abstracta del día a día carcelario e individual. ¿Irreductible? Sí, exista o no un vaivén emocional, ni la convicción ni la mente flaquean, pero esa asquerosa idea del mártir de acero tras los barrotes debe caer. Por el suicidio de la imagen y el fetiche, por la real complicidad destructora.

“El pesimismo es el opio de los intelectuales, el optimismo pertenece a los imbéciles. Un realismo fanático y soñador, la conciencia de que no cabemos en este mundo, los valores que defenderemos en cada momento, más el calor cómplice de los que queremos y estimamos”.

Hace cinco meses, un poco de la detención:

El 7 de Septiembre, aproximadamente a las cinco de la tarde y a poco más de dos meses del quebrantamiento del arresto domiciliario total dictado por el aparato jurídico, me detuvieron al subir a un bus rural con dirección a algún lugar. Read the rest of this entry »

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Letter from imprisoned antifascist Jock Palfreeman (Bulgaria)

February 13th, 2017

The annual fascist “Lukov March” is again planned for the 18/02/2017, the date marked by Bulgarian fascists as it was when the Communist rebel Violeta Yakova killed him as part of the class war and resistance against the then fascist regime.

In reaction to the barbaric affront that the Bulgarian fascists and their lumpen commit yearly there is also a yearly anti-Lukov March demonstration organised. The anti-Lukov March is more then just symbolic opposition to fascists in Bulgaria; it is also symbolic opposition of the crimes that the fascists commit against all human decency. For example when the fascists from the Bulgarian National Union make illegal identification checks on public streets, or when the Bulgarian National Resistance makes ambush attacks on human rights demonstrators in trams. The beating and assault of a random Bulgarian man in the park with the “excuse” that they thought he was a Roma. The anti-Lukov protests are general symbolic opposition not simply to General Lukov, it is against the crimes committed by his modern day acolytes. The fascist political parties such as Ataka and the Patriot Front. It is against the crimes committed by the fascist street gangs such as National Resistance and the NAZI football formations such as Sector B. Read the rest of this entry »

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Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen, Germany (Mexico)

February 10th, 2017

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen

Reasons to fight, we have plenty. We have taken into account the need to act directly against Capital, every time we find more reasons to continue fighting. A few weeks ago for example some comrades were accused of armed robbery in Aachen, Germany; and understanding the bureaucratic process of the ‘legitimate justice’ of the bourgeoisie, they were deprived of freedom. We must not forget, as has already been mentioned in these spaces of diffusion, that expropriation is a just, direct action and part of the history of every revolutionary movement. Emphasizing the slogan: “What crime is it to expropriate or set fire to a bank compared to founding it?” Read the rest of this entry »

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Milan: Phone masts burned in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested in Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

February 10th, 2017

“January 26th. Milano hinterland. Two phone masts burned, one in Paderno Dugnano and the other one in Bollate. Attack the Power now, and its increasingly widespread technological and telecommunicational control. Active solidarity with the anarchists in slammer for Op. Scripta Manent.”

Via CNA Italia, Anarhija.info

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Anarchist Black Cross: Document read out during the 21/01/2017 meeting in Turin (Italy)

February 10th, 2017

As happens any time that power tries to block the path of the revolt that creeps like weeds, opening up cracks and disconnecting the straight secure roads of exploitation and oppression, it is necessary for those who still care about the life pulsating in those weeds to look each other in the eye.

Following the operation denominated ‘Scripta Manent’ we, some anarchists, decided to do a number of meetings. Those held in Pisa and Rome have produced various problematics. But obviously, happening in a context of ‘emergency’, i.e. in response to the arrest of eight anarchist comrades, it was difficult to find the space to go into them. Not for that should we lose the opportunity to find this space and create moments for deeper analysis. Read the rest of this entry »

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Bristol: Far-right nationalists gathering raided and shutdown by Antifa black bloc ‘dressed like special forces’ with guns (UK)

February 9th, 2017

On Saturday 7th January at around 3pm a far-right nationalist meeting was taking place in Almondsbury Sports and Social Centre, attended by white supremacists and neo-nazis. The event called by fascist group ‘Bristol Forum’ was attempting to bring together racists and bigots in a safe space for their views. This meeting was raided by a black bloc of anti-fascists who allegedly fired air guns, smashed windows, threw chairs and used fire extinguishers to attack the fascist scum inside the building. Desperate and terrified nationalist bigots were apparently in fear for their lives, with just 3 of them claimed to be suffering injuries, as the fascists barricaded themselves inside the building like the cowardly scum they are. Fascist-nationalist Adrian Romilly from Portsmouth who attended the meeting with another fascist friend gave an interview with the local right-wing paper Bristol Post, likening the antifa black bloc to a “special forces unit”, giving great publicity to the “impression they’d done this sort of thing before and their silence, dress and general ‘professionalism’ added to the sense of menace”. Describing how the attack started he was quoted as saying “… there was a sound like a rifle shot and the first window glass splintered, shards of glass scattering over the place where the speaker had been sitting moments before”, “This was followed by a series of sharp cracks as a succession of windows were broken by a fire extinguisher and by chairs brought up from a lower floor.”

It seems the successful raid was only made public in early February as a police faithful citizens appeal for information swung into place due to the investigation resulting in so far no arrests and presumably almost zero information as to the identities of the Antifa “special forces unit”, despite CCTV recordings being studied.

In Bristol last year in March fascists attacked an anti-racist mainstream event attended by 100 people and members of the Labour Party, Green Party and the local Mosque. The 10 or so fascists were beaten up and ejected from the area.

The struggle against fascism will always need to be autonomous, extraparliamentary and street-based. Hatred, racism and bigotry has to be confronted physically, and absolutely no quarter given for fascist and neo-nazi groups to spread. Hunt and attack.

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Berlin: Let smoke signals speak… French diplomatic vehicle torched by ‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’- FAI (Germany)

February 6th, 2017

Armed with an incendiary device, we rode through the streets of Berlin on a frosty night looking for a target for which we could say that we are fighting the struggles of our unknown comrades against the CIGÉO nuclear dump in the woods of Bure, in the ZAD and against the French state of emergency as a whole and express our solidarity.
We also support other anarchist interventions on the continent of Europe, such as Revolutionary Struggle in Greece.

So we torched a diplomatic vehicle of the French Embassy at the Willmanndamm in Schöneberg last night, with which we would like to greet the prisoner Damien Camélio, as well as Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou who were recently arrested in Athens, for whose freedom all states must be combated, and for who we will continue to act diligently.

This is also a call to use the G20 in Hamburg to coordinate our theory and praxis in order to reach a continuing anarchist offensive in all areas beyond the July meeting.

The French piece of shit who wants to represent his regime at the G20 in Hamburg is of course just as welcome as any other power. We advise the diplomats of Berlin to hide in gated communities.

‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’ – FAI

Berlin 06-02-2017

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Athens: Responsibility claim for 6 coordinated incendiary attacks by CCF – Incendiary Destabilization Outbreaks / FAI-IRF (Greece)

February 5th, 2017


We claim responsibility for the 6 following arson attacks.

– A bank at Petralona a few streetss next to the consumer neighborhood of Gazi.
– The security agency FALCON at the main and busy Kifisias Avenue, which is being advertised by the journalistic trash of the television.
– A post office Savings Bank at the seemingly police state Aleksandra’s Avenue.
– 3 diplomatic corps vehicles

Cities are history‘s theatre. They are the places where life performs disciplined social roles, played by law abiding citizens or happy slaves in the reflection of digital communication displays’ and storefronts of consumption, while walking predetermined paths from wage-slavery to paid entertainment. Each move we make is controlled by the vigilant eyes of thousands of cameras on the streets, roadblocks by uniformed police and cops’ motor patrols.

In the current conditions of economic crisis, the only currency with a constant value is the currency of fear in the hands of authority. The fear that nothing can change, that we are few and that prison is lurking for those who dare to question authority’s orders. However life is running fast and cannot wait for those who are afraid to live. LOOK FEAR IN THE FACE AND FEAR WILL FLINCH AND LEAVE.

We must turn the cities into battlefields and the nights into our allies in urban guerilla surprise attacks. We must lay mines of fire in all the symbols of this world that keeps us imprisoned. We know that burning a bank or setting an official state car on fire is not sufficient; however the real power of illegal anarchist actions is that they are like spare keys. Spare keys that release people’s strength of rebellion, the strength to strike authority and live dangerously free. This is why we create small militant groups ready for action, here and now. We can’t wait for the soulless crowd; we can’t seek after proletarians that are asking only for a better salary. We are not shepherds for the masses of people to follow, nor are we gravediggers for those who have buried their lives into silence.

Through self-organization and informal coordination, we create a legacy of deeds in this fight against this authority of entrapment, breaking the pace of the legal order. These difficult times cannot break our beliefs in any way; on the contrary they become more acute, they reignite. We blend our hatred with conscience and dignity and when this mixture binds, it will poison and destroy the body of every prosecutor, every journalist, every cop, every security guard, every snitch, all kinds of henchmen and peaceful citizens and in general all the garbage that forms this sterilized society of security. The settled will never abandon their commodities and choose the road to rebellion; of that we are well aware. Fear of social rejection leads to inaction and conservative anarchist practices which are confined within the “internal” movement. Our means are purely illegal and we are not willing to make them more “social” and therefore acceptable, as much as the left or right wing stewards of power and the sympathizers-supporters of the movement are trying to convince us.

We became what we dreamt since we were children, ANARCHISTS OF THE DEED that don’t sleep at night and all we care for is to set your nights on fire and ruin your party by destabilizing on a regular basis the metropolitan normality. We are the ones that dare to risk where punishment and incarceration is lurking, deconstructing fear in all its aspects. Because in the end anarchy is in our hearts, in our minds, in every drop of blood that runs through our veins, in our illegal actions far away from your bourgeois morals and cleanness. Maybe you can sometimes imprison our bodies but you can never imprison our anarchist beliefs that will always find fertile ground against every form of authority. Besides, our continuous attacks are the most undisputed evidence.

We live in time of war and we know that well. Real solidarity to our imprisoned comrades is one of the most powerful weapons in this social war that is unfortunately being deprived of its meaning. We must make it clear that the anarchist action and assault can only be realized through solidarity. Our solidarity is not a result of mercy or philanthropic, leftist sentimentality. In the eyes of our comrades we can see ourselves, since we chose to be on the field of illegality and the urban guerilla anarchist action.

And if we have losses and imprisoned comrades in this battle, the anarchist cells are like Hydra. For every arrest, new comrades will throw themselves in the battlefield, for every arrest an incendiary device will shimmer right before the ignition. And this fire will last forever… creating anarchy inside anarchy.

Because as we said at the beginning, life is giving a sick performance while the director is setting the scene, lining up everyone to his own interest; with the actors playing their part literally and the passive audience that is either watching absorbed or whistling indifferently and watching silently when bored. However in this theatre, some of us didn’t accept the predetermined parts that have been given to us, we are the ones that will sabotage the show and give to your play our own ending. Don’t say that we are few; don’t say that we don’t matter, because in the end we will win. WE ARE THE ONES WHO WILL BRING THE CURTAIN DOWN!


P.S. Snitches, journalists, prosecutors don’t ever think that we have forgotten you.


 Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI-IRF 
 Incendiary Destabilization Outbreaks/FAI-IRF

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‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – Call for international solidarity and action to defend R94 in Berlin (Germany)

February 2nd, 2017

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94
in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods.
Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year
bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system.
In solidarity with all threatened projects, individuals and emancipatory struggles, we would like to better connect our structures and work on a closer link based on support, in our struggles.

Let’s keep walking this path together, but first a short summary of the recent past and our situation.

Last year saw us, the neighbourhood and people around, on the receiving end of much police repression, starting with the declaration by the state that our street and neighbourhood was a danger zone (Gefahrengebiet), giving the police extra search and detain powers and a green light for constant street harassment of anyone fitting their vision of a ‘leftist’, not white or somehow not normative person (this evolved into almost anyone being controlled, no matter how they presented).
This saw a massive rise in police riot vans cruising the streets, meaning constant conflicts for the neighbourhood, and in our efforts to fight for a autonomous and cop free area.
Rigaer 94 was at the centre of these conflicts, as the state and its cops declared it the crux of militant struggle.
This tactic can be seen in the wider context of reactionary imposed controls and intimidation, such as states of emergency and curfews, employed as constant stress factors (and datamining) to those against the aggressive progression of gentrification and public control. Read the rest of this entry »

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Dublin: Soli-demo for imprisoned hungerstrike comrade Umut Firat at Turkish Embassy (Ireland)

February 2nd, 2017

UPDATE: Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Ended His Hunger Strike With Victory


On Wednesday the 1st of February there was a solidarity vigil for Umut Firat in Dublin, Ireland. Anarchists and supporters of Umut’s hunger strike gather outside the Turkish Embassy. Turkish embassy staff came out to mock the protesters. Embassy staff called the police to have get the protesters to remove a banner that was tied to the fence of the embassy. The banner said FREE UMUT FIRAT! SOLIDARITY FROM IRELAND. The police stayed on till the vigil was over.

Umut has been on hunger strike for 53 days now. He has been locked up in prison for the last 23 years. He is on hunger strike because of the statues of emergency the Turkish state has imposed since the attempted coup d’etat in July, and against the harsh prison conditions imposed by the state because it.

Since the statues of emergency Umut as well as all political prisoners held in Turkey have had prison conditioned worsened some have been put into isolation, others have been forced into cramped cells, there are forced strip searches, visiting times have been reduced and some prisoners not allowed visits at all. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Tame Words from a Wild Heart’ by Jean Weir (Elephant Editions)

February 1st, 2017


Words. Mere Words. The pages that follow are in part transcriptions of the spoken word—‘the wonder worker that is no more’, as Emma Goldman wrote wistfully over one hundred years ago when referring to the inadequacy of the spoken word to awaken thought and shake people out of their lethargy. Here in the twenty-first century anarchists no longer talk about spoken propaganda to awaken the masses, bemoaning the absence of orators such as Johann Most or Luigi Galleani. In rare encounters organized by comrades today ‘the masses’ are noticeably absent, they don’t even enter the equation. Organized meetings or ‘talks’ as they are dully referred to are well-attended if there are 50–100 comrades. But there is no need for panic. Now all but the most disconnected fossilized anarchists have moved beyond aims of a quantitative growth in a hypothetical anarchist movement—where discourses addressed ‘to the masses’ have degenerated into an insulting populism—to the elaboration of ideas and methods addressed towards immediate action and attack on power in all its forms. Numbers have ceased to be important for anarchists as a prerequisite for attack. The illusion of ‘Le Grand Soir’ was a wonderful dream, it kept the flame flickering and thousands of militants waiting in the wings.

No, lack of numbers is no cause for alarm. They are there, the exploited, all around us—are also ‘us’—and could take us by surprise again at any moment (as could we ourselves). In the realm of the quantitative our task is to experiment and spread an insurrectional method for the self-organization of the necessary destruction of power and subjugation. Small groups with intermediate destructive aims based on affinity that can multiply, spread horizontally and coordinate, without limit. The apparent rift between anarchist theory and practice thus disappears along with the false conflict between individual and mass, and not least the conviction that the tenets of anarchism must be espoused by the exploited before they can fight for their own freedom along with that of others. An informal practice of attack leads to freedom revealing itself qualitatively, in leaps and bounds, far from the straight line of quantity, education, progress and waiting. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Library |

New archive for Elephant Editions – A work in progress

February 1st, 2017

When words mingle with the passion to deepen our understanding of reality they become indispensable weapons for the self-organisation of the struggle against all that oppresses us. They don’t remain on paper – or the screen – but penetrate rebel hearts and spirits, giving courage and decision – for if many of us don’t act against what offends our dignity it is often not courage that is lacking, but that we simply don’t know where to start.

We need to liberate reality from the fictitious dimension created by the media into one that is tangible and exposed to attack. In order to carry this out we require knowledge of the enemy in all its forms, including those that lie concealed within us, crouching, waiting to pounce to push us back into the fold of consensus or manageable dissent. Reading certain texts becomes an encounter, tensions we feel burning inside us become clearer, making it easier to assimilate them in order to act. Read the rest of this entry »

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Words in solidarity with Tamara Sol, Tato and Claudia (Chile)

February 1st, 2017

Note from Insurrection News: The following text by imprisoned compañeros Fabián Durán, Enrique Guzmán, Nicolás Rojas and Joaquín García was written in response to the cowardly attacks by prison guards against the imprisoned compañeras Tamara Sol, Tato and Claudia that took place at the San Joaquin women’s prison on January 11th and 12th. In response to these brutal and cowardly attacks friends and relatives of the compañeras quickly mobilized and held a demonstration outside the prison on January 13th. Banners were displayed outside the prison, slogans were shouted and also painted on the prison walls. Riot police eventually attacked the demonstration with water cannons and arrested 5 compas. Although the demonstration was suppressed it sent a clear message to the prison authorities that attacks against imprisoned revolutionary compas will be immediately responded to. You can see some photos from the demonstration here.

Chilean Prisons: Words in solidarity with Tamara Sol, Tato and Claudia

From the modules of the maximum security section we salute each of the compas kidnapped by the state, who day by day, with dignity and pride, face the prison reality in each of its expressions and forms.

A few days ago we learned in a more or less partial form of the cowardly attack by the prison guards against the compañeras Tamara Sol, Tato and Claudia. We are fully aware of how repetitive these actions have become, whether as punishment, isolation or an eternal package but the recurrence prevents normalization, this gives us more strength, to ourselves and to our convictions. Each day we become more acutely eager for revenge against the prison society and those who defend it. Read the rest of this entry »

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