Anti-Prison Demo at HMP Berwyn, Wrexham – 27th Feb (UK)

February 23rd, 2017

Meet outside the main gates of HMP Berwyn, Wrexham on Monday the 27th of Febuary at 12pm

On February 27th 2017 the second biggest prison in Europe will open in Wrexham, North Wales.
Local people lobbied for five years against this prison and campaigners blockaded the construction site and disrupted recruitment for the prison multiple times.

It is with a heavy heart that we see the opening of a cage of this industrial scale. We will be there the day it opens showing our opposition to all mega prisons being built and the continuing growth of the prison-industrial complex.

How many families will be ripped apart by HMP Berwyn? How many communities will lose their young men to it? In this factory of misery people will die – be it from overdosing on drugs trying to escape from reality or by taking their own lives in despair. Read the rest of this entry »

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Tattoo Circus Helsinki 21st to 23rd April (Finland)

February 22nd, 2017

Come to the Tattoo Circus 21-23.4 to support prisoners and get inked!
Oranssi, Kaasutehtaankatu 1 (building 11), Suvilahti, Helsinki

The Tattoo Circus is coming to Helsinki! The festival will feature tattoo artists ready to give you a tattoo in support of political prisoners – but that’s not all – apart from tattoos there will also be piercing, stick-and-poke tattoo workshop, music, talks on different prisoners, distros, food, and much much more.
There will be an info-point open throughout the day, with the ability to send postcards and letters to prisoners.

Contact us: tattoocircushki[at]riseup.net

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Paris-based prisoner support fund (France)

February 22nd, 2017

From: Bordered by Silence
Source: Cette Semaine

These past months, in different cities, including during unpermitted demos or riots, many of us have been thrilled by the number of offensive actions in the street. From clashes with the guard dogs of the state and property to the broken windows of shops and even the pillaging of their contents; from attacks on journalist-cops to overcoming the pacifiers of the day: all of this has shaken the arrogance of the powerful. In all forms of struggle — which aren’t limited to “social movements” — self-organization and direct action are indispensable if we are to break with the pacification world of commodities and with state terrorism. Because to claim that it’s unimaginable for individuals to directly oppose the existing order is just a veiled way of saying that social revolt is simply impossible.

Repression is not just the moment when the flashball or baton comes to strike recalcitrant bodies, it’s each moment of daily life under the domination of the State and Capital, through their thousands of omnipresent psychological and physical manifestations that coerce the poor into accepting a shitty life. It’s the prisons that lock up ever more people for ever longer sentences, in order to punish, isolate, break, and store them, out of sight of the peaceful consciences of good citizens. It’s also the outside prison, built from measures like electronic bracelets, house arrest, exclusion areas, bail conditions, and so on. Read the rest of this entry »

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Semana de Agitación a la memoria de Javier Recabarren del 11 al 18 de Marzo 2017 (Chile)

February 22nd, 2017

“Kon todo el amor subversivo al pekeño hermoso niño rebelde Javier Rekabarren… Vegano/Anarko/Antijaulas, inmensamente conciente de sus inkontenibles deseos de libertad… Te llevamos en los corazones indómitos pekeño hermano!!!”.
Marcelo Villarroel, Prisionero Libertario. 05/11/2015.

La memoria, un arma en la guerra contra el Poder.

Asumidxs hasta la muerte como enemigxs del Estado, asumidxs hasta las últimas como enemigxs del poder y toda representación de autoridad.

Lanzamos una vez más un llamado abierto de agitación y propaganda a 2 años de la muerte del compañero anarquista Javier Recabarren, quien falleciera el 18 de marzo del año 2015 tras ser atropellado por un bus del transantiago en Santiago, Chile.

Nuestra intención es clara, prevalecer la memoria de un compañero que con apenas 11 de años de edad comenzaba a cimentar su camino en la lucha antiespecista y antiautoritaria conociendo sus ideas a través de la propaganda. Acudiendo a actividades, ferias del libro y manifestaciones; y sin dudarlo, pasó a la acción armando barricadas, atacando a las policías, encapuchándose, para darle vida al desborde desde el anonimato. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

Santiago: Incendiary attack against an electricity box on the IIRSA Project freeway (Chile)

February 22nd, 2017

In South America and Chile, the IIRSA (Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America) is advancing, and as individuals at war with civilization and power we do not sit idly by.

In the city of Santiago, one of its points of intervention is the cement mega-structure “Acceso Sur” (Access South), which starts the freeway that facilitates the transportation of goods from the center to the south of the country. This construction violently intervenes in the everyday landscape of the surrounding populations.

In the week of agitation against the IIRSA we illuminated the night with insurgent fire by burning an electricity box on that disgusting highway, demonstrating that power and its mega-projects remain vulnerable. Read the rest of this entry »

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Comrade placed in isolation due to inability to scan fingerprints (Netherlands)

February 22nd, 2017

The comrade who was arrested last Saturday after a spontaneous demonstration in the Schilderswijk, The Hague (Netherlands), is still being kept by the authorities. They are building up the pressure on him and are making his situation even more difficult. He is momentarily being kept in an isolation cell in a prison in Alphen aan den Rijn.

Last Saturday 20 people demonstrated in the Schilderswijk against police violence and repression. The demonstration was not announced to the authorities and scattered after about 15 minutes due to mounting police presence. After the police searched the neighborhood 7 people were arrested, 6 of them were released within a couple of hours. The last person is still in custody. He is being charged with a simple misdemeanor; public order disturbance. A case that usually results in 6 to 12 hours of custody and carries a maximum punishment of a fine. But our comrade has not been released yet. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

An anarchist look at the forest fires in south-central Chile

February 22nd, 2017

An anarchist look at the forest fires in south-central Chile
And on the attempts of the power to take advantage aiming at the Mapuche and anarchist subversion.

For a couple of weeks, the expansion of various firefighting areas in the forest industry business in the south-central part of the country has been reported in Chile. These fires were spread over various territories and have resulted in irreparable damage to various natural ecosystems and native forests, reaching homes and causing the deaths of people and a large number of animals in what is already a true ecocide that is still continuing.

These forest fires and their consequences have become the subject of the news agenda in recent weeks, with the political, business and media class (dis)informing and imposing a version of the origin of the fires that omits- or leaves last – any responsibility on the part of forestry companies. In turn, given the magnitude of the catastrophe, several groups and organizations seek to support the devastated territories and criticize from various positions the way the government has tackled the problem. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Berlin: Arson attack on a police station against the Police Congress & the G20 Summit (Germany)

February 21st, 2017

18.02.17: On February 21/22 the European Police Congress will take place for the 20th time in Berlin. On this occasion at the Berlin Congress Center (BCC), war mongers, human hunters and security fanatics meet to propagate their despicable machinations.

In addition to Thomas Thomas de Maizière, the Federal Minister of the Interior and Hans-Georg Maaßen, the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, agents and guards of all types will be represented by Europol, Frontex, BKA, LKAs and many other authorities. Also present will be lobbyists, entrepreneurs and war ministries such as Heckler & Koch, Taser, Rheinmetal and developers of monitoring software and communications technology such as SAP, IBM and Vodafone will also be present.

Under the slogan – Europe limitless? Freedom, mobility, security – the coming campaigns in which authority is put into position will be discussed and the appropriate technologies and weapons will be brought into the field.
Words such as limitless, freedom and mobility are above all the transnational cooperation of the repressive European bodies, the exchange of data and knowledge and the militarization of Europe and its external borders. Read the rest of this entry »

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HMP Berwyn sabotaged during construction – Prison structurally unsound (UK)

February 20th, 2017

Anarchwaethus: Difrod i fega-garchar HMP Berwyn, Wrecsam

It is important to announce one week before the opening of HMP Berwyn that two of the houseblocks in the prison are structurally unsound due to sabotage in 2015.

After our action in May 2015 where machinery was sabotaged, we knew that to regularly attempt to attack the prison would be impossible due to the prison walls being built around the site. After intensive research, it soon became apparent that we could have a dramatic effect with little effort.

In July 2015, a strong acidic powder was poured into the excavations of the groundfloor slabs of two of the prisons’s houseblocks. This has made two of these buildings structurally unsound – their foundations will eventually crumble and the buildings could collapse over time.

Given that the strength of these slabs has been greatly reduced, intrusive investigations and a full re-build of these houseblocks would be necessary before attempting to cage people in these buildings.

This action is dedicated to every human being that has died in the prison system at the hands of the State.

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Anarchist prisoners Mónica Caballero & Francisco Solar to be expelled from Spain and released in Chile soon

February 16th, 2017

According to corporate media in Spain and Chile, the Audiencia Nacional (National Court) of Spain decided on January 30 to commute the rest of Mónica and Francisco‘s sentence to expulsion. The lawyers of the comrades are thought to have requested for article 89 of the Spanish Penal Code to be invoked which allows for foreign citizens serving more than one year’s imprisonment to have their sentence replaced with expulsion from the Spanish state. The comrades had their original sentence of 12 years reduced on appeal to 4 years and 6 months last December which means they have now served more than a third of their sentence.

It is expected that following police bureaucratic processes that the comrades will be flown by Spanish police to Chile where they will be handed over to Chilean police and then released back onto the street.

More news as it becomes available.

via insurrectionnews

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Trial date set against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique (Chile)

February 16th, 2017

After years of initiating investigations and arrests for attacks on police stations and Santiago Metro infrastructure in 2014, the nauseating southern district prosecution office has decided to set a date to begin the trial under the anti-terrorism law.

The prosecution will have 186 witnesses, 87 experts, 231 documents and 648 pieces of evidence to be presented before the altars of the democratic inquisition on March 24, 2017 when the trial against the comrades will begin.

Like other mega-legal processes, the trial is expected to last for a couple of months.

There is an urgent need to build revolutionary solidarity to confront the judicial machinery that is trying to swallow the lives of Juan, Nataly and Enrique.

via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News

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Simon Chapman, A Very Distinguished Fucking Anarchist (UK)

February 15th, 2017

Over the last couple of days the strangest thought has plagued me. Two simple ugly words have kept emerging, only for me to lock them out and ridicule them as bizarre. Simon’s dead. Just to write it down feels like treachery. Part of me looks forward to seeing him, to sharing a drink and dispelling this nonsense. He’d say something wry, and witty and that would be that. He was good like that. Was. Sometimes the shittiest word to ever have to use about a friend.

As part of a (temporary, and self-imposed) exile from all politics, I didn’t know his health had deteriorated so much. We weren’t the kind of friends who lived out of each other’s pockets. There are many who were closer to him than me and I wish them all my love. But for almost 15 years he was always there. At crap protests and good ones, festivals and parties, we’d find each other and we’d usually end up drinking together. We shared a love of getting proper twatted and so we did that a lot.
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Incendiary solidarity action for imprisoned comrades Pola Roupa & Konstantina Athanasopoulou (Greece)

February 15th, 2017


On January 5th Pola Roupa and Konstandina Athanasopoulou, members of the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle, are arrested. The anti-terrorist dogs raid the house where Roupa and her child were living, terrorizing her 6 year old son. As if this was not enough, the scum of society, the cops snatch and kidnap the 6 year old. The despicable government of Syriza-Anel inaugurated a new practice of revenging and exterminating the enemy. The following days there was a “struggle” by some parts of society as well as portion of prisoners with sole demand the child’s release.

The members of R.S. pay the price of the anti-state armed struggle. They deal with the state in its most vengeful form, because through these actions they managed to harm, to a greater or lesser degree, the class of bosses and disrupt their calmness proving that the enemy is not invincible. They decided to return some of the violence the lower layers have received in the previous years by domestic and foreign politicians and technocrats. Read the rest of this entry »

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