Explosive Attack Against EXXON (Mexico)

April 25th, 2017

After midnight…

IN RESPONSE to the call for action in solidarity with the anarchists of the Aachen case, on April 16, 2017, at approximately 01:30AM we placed an explosive device that detonated at the facilities of the oil company EXXON in Mexico City, located at North 59, Vallejo Industrial Colony.

EXXON is an oil and chemical corporation based in Texas, USA which constitutes in itself a complete criminal, murderous, genocidal, ecocidal state. It’s long and devastating history has spared no bloodshed with death, torture and exploitation wherever it’s tentacles reach. And then, when the cries of the massacres they cause are silent, they dig the graves with exactly the same machines they use to suck the sweat of the Earth and human beings.

But now it is their turn. Take our offering of hatred and rage! …Because nobody is untouchable! Because we are not intimidated by the heavy silence that you have imposed on your crimes based on fear and violence, and we are not intimidated by the premiere of your Secretary of State… Read the rest of this entry »

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June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

April 24th, 2017

June 11, 2017 – Communication is a Weapon

By now it is a platitude to speak of the isolation and silence that prisons strive to impose. Every week another one of our imprisoned friends tells us that their mail is getting fucked with, the phones on their unit are “broken,” or that our publications are being rejected with no recourse.

For us, one of the most exciting elements of June 11, 2016 was the proliferation of words and ideas shared between and from anarchist prisoners. Along with spreading material solidarity internationally and keeping the names of our comrades on our lips, our contribution to facilitating that communication is one of our most important tasks. While the starting point of our project was support for Marius Mason and Eric McDavid (the first of whom remains imprisoned in an extremely restrictive unit, while the latter has been freed!), it has been through a spreading web of communications that we have expanded the scope of our project to solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners around the world. This year, we are seeking to emphasize this communication.

Maintaining communication is a lifeline for those caught in the snares of state repression or locked in its dungeons. Prisons function to isolate those held within these dungeons, to remove them from human community, and to break their will. Receiving letters and publications, being able to connect with individuals outside of the walls, and being able to call upon the solidarity of comrades on the outside are all vitally important to retaining dignity in dehumanizing conditions. When Chelsea Manning attempted suicide, communication enabled her and those close to her to mobilize and act. For prisoners who seem to live under a microscope due to their rebellious activities, a constant stream of letters shows their tormentors that they have friends on the outside and that there will be consequences for any action taken against them. Throughout the September 9th US prison strike, the relationships built over years made it possible to know of work strikes and rebellions happening in prisons all over the country, allowing supporters to organize counter-repressive action.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Bomb attack against a bank in solidarity with imprisoned comrades in Germany (Mexico)

April 24th, 2017

Responding to the international call for actions in solidarity with the compañerxs accused of robbery in Aachen, Germany, we placed an explosive device with a little more than one kilo of black powder at a Citibanamex branch located on Eje 10 [in Mexico City] at 2:30am on April 20.

We repeated the action carried out a couple months ago by compañerxs from the Night Cats and Evil Sorcerers Incendiary Cell. Upon seeing they’d rebuilt the branch after the compas’ attack, we decided to help them redecorate it. Read the rest of this entry »

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En recuerdo del oso polar Taco y Javier Recabarren (Chile)

April 21st, 2017

En recuerdo del oso polar Taco y del corte de calle por su la libertad donde participó el compañero Javier Recabarren el 26/12/2014.

El oso polar Taco nació el 10 de diciembre del año 1996 en Holanda, fue traído 2 años después a Chile a la cárcel-zoológico Metropolitano de Santiago. Durante el año 2014 y 2015 muchas serían las instancias que se realizaron exigiendo su liberación. El compa Javier Recabarren sería parte activa de aquellas, confeccionando lienzos y participando de marchas y concentraciones que eran convocadas abiertamente.

El día 26 de diciembre del año 2014, el compa junto a otrxs anónimxs tenían planeada una pequeña acción para visualizar la situación de cautiverio que afrontaba Taco, exigiendo su libertad. De esta manera el grupo llegó hasta una arteria en la comuna de Estación Central, donde mantenían mucho material para lo inevitable. Por la noche arrojaron todo los escombros que tenían escondidos y se lo entregaron al hermoso fuego. Read the rest of this entry »

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Liege: The Beauty of a Burning Police Station (Belgium)

April 21st, 2017

We are not soldiers.
We are criminals.
We have no fatherland, no higher cause, we do not follow any directions other than those of ourselves.

On the other hand, we are fighting.
To find our lives, explore our freedoms.

We fight the misery of our lives, the oppression of morals, and the grids that imprison us.

On the night of April 18, we set fire to a police station in Liège (Belgium). It was completely destroyed, devastated by the flames.

We dedicate this action to the imprisoned comrades who are accused of bank robbery in Aachen.

Determination and courage!

Our thoughts are also with the Montreuil compa and Damien, still imprisoned in Fleury.
Never give up!

A greeting to all those who conspire.

With violence, love and joy.
Always at war.

“Don’t you have a light?” and friend.

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Poznan: “Nationalism Shall Not Pass!” (Poland)

April 21st, 2017

On Saturday, April 8, a demonstration “Nationalism shall not pass” was organized by an anarchist collective Rozbrat[1], in Poznan. The protest was organized as an opposition to the growing wave of hatred, xenophobia, racism and homophobia. The goal was to show this wave as a result of the exploitation of the capitalism. The demonstration was supported by various groups and organizations, such as foreigners living in Poznan, feminist and LGBTQIA + organizations, the academic community and people of culture. There was approximately 800 people participating. The demonstration started in the city center, next to the one of the shopping centers where the racist attack on a Polish citizen of Syrian origin had taken place a few months ago. After reading off the statements “Nationalism shall not pass” and “Students and academics of Adam Mickiewicz University against nationalism and racism”, the demonstration was attacked by a few nationalists. Read the rest of this entry »

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Informer’s house vandalised along with Police Horse Transporters by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

April 20th, 2017

18th April – we thought it long overdue that ‘Julie’, a police informer in Yatton, near Bristol, received a home visit to remind her that we do not forget nor forgive. Badger stayed at Julie’s house after being invited there by her when he was first on the run. Badger is wanted for the smashing of the Bristol Post newspaper offices in 2011 and the burning of a transmitter. As a minimum gesture of solidarity to wanted anarchist Badger, we painted “snitch” there and sabotaged her vehicle. We hope she crashes and is paralysed. Julie lives at 3 Barberry Farm Road where she resides with her partner and children. An older washed-out queer peace activist type of person, but actually just a disgusting betrayer and one who abused the trust put in her. Julie thought she could save herself from police attention by informing, but found that the pigs wanted more. So she even gave information on other people who came to visit Badger at her place and police were sure to send a forensic team to collect DNA. Snitch, you will be remembered as one more reactionary who deserves to live in misery. We hope the cancer that it is in your body kills you and we hope to make your last days as unhappy as possible. Die knowing you are hated. More activists (who we haven’t forgotten about either) protected this snitch at the time of her informing, preventing those hunted from knowing that Julie had betrayed Badger and his friends. Millions of your pathetic activist lives add up to the sum total of fuck-all compared to the indomitable spirit of Badger.

Not very far away from Julie’s house is Davis Lane, Clevedon, where mounted police are located with a stadium and next to this is a police specialist operations centre. We punctured the tyres on four horse transport vehicles and sprayed “Flat, Ha Ha!” on the sides. So much for security.

Stay free Badger – Fuck the Police

Solidarity to anarchist prisoners and those on the run.

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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PDF: Three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power (Untorelli Press)

April 20th, 2017

Untorelli Press presents three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power.

A Few Words of “Freedom”: An Interview with Alfredo Cospito by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell

Beyond Right & Wrong by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Let’s Become Dangerous: For the Diffusion of the Black International by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

These publications are a continuation of our Anarchist Guerrilla Series, dedicated to Darko Mathers, nihilist-anarchist of Dark Matter Publications, who passed away in 2014. For more texts against civil anarchism and for combative anarchy, visit darkmatter.noblogs.org.

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A report of the trial of anarchist Marios Seisidis – Athens (Greece)

April 17th, 2017

Comrade Marios Seisidis has been acquitted of six of the robberies that he had been accused of but was found guilty of the bank heist at Solonos street and three consecutive ‘attempted murder’ charges (concerning the bank guard and two police officers).
He has been sentenced to 36 years imprisonment in total. The court did not accept the defendant’s lawyer’s request to get a penalty suspension until the second degree court nor did it accept any attenuating circumstances for Marios Seisidis. Once again the vengeful tactics of the judicial system against our comrade were more than obvious.
It was encouraging that lots of comrades were present in the courthouse where they protested the court’s decision with slogans against the judges.

What is the crime of robbing a bank compared with the crime of founding one.
Bertolt Brecht


Anarchists in London

via actforfree

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Update on the trial against accused anarchist bank robbers – Aachen (Germany)

April 17th, 2017

13th of April 2017

If reason is a compass, passions are the winds

Alexander Pope

Today marks one year since our comrade was arrested, when she was kidnapped by the Mossos d’Esquadra on the 13th of April 2016 in an joint operation with the German police. At the moment she is held in preventive arrest in the prison of Cologne, while the court case against her and another comrade (in the prison of Aachen) is in full course. They are accused of having robbed a branch of the Pax-Bank in Aachen in November 2014.

Furthermore, the comrade from Amsterdam that was acquitted last December from having expropriated a branch of the Aachener Bank in 2013 is still awaiting the decision of whether the revision requested by the prosecutor will be accepted or not.

As this court case has unfolded we have been able to clearly see the use of all the mechanisms of control that the repressive apparatuses of the State have at their disposal (intercepted telephone calls, police tails, exchange of DNA databases, recordings of security cameras, biometric information, various university experts assisting the forensic laboratories, collaboration between functionaries of various States, etc.) to secure the “normal functioning” of a society which we loathe. A society based on capitalist domination and oppression, the control of all aspects of our lives, the consumerist alienation and the misery of the majority which benefits a few privileged ones. It is of little interest to us whether the accused are responsible or not for what is attributed to them; those who challenge the logics of private property and exploitation and risk their freedom for a more complete life have all our complicity. We also do not care about their categories of innocent and guilty. In order to maintain the social peace, power first and foremost points at some “usual suspects”, and their punishment serves an example for all the potential subversive factors that in their moments could oppose the System. And with the permanent threat of “having a record, being surveilled, processed and imprisoned”, the State attempts to break the connections of solidarity between rebellious hearts that in the face of the imposition of borders and bars recognize themselves in the same struggle towards freedom.

Neither innocent nor guilty! Rebellious and international solidarity!
Our comrades will not feel alone in the last phase of the trial! May they feel our rebellious heat and love! For the destruction of the banks, prisons and the society that needs them!

Some anarchists, 13 April 2017.


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Istanbul: Coordinated actions by anarchists on the eve of Referendum against dictatorship and democracy (Turkey)

April 17th, 2017

Coordinated actions by anarchists in the eve of Referendum against dictatorship and democracy..

Some anarchist groups in Istanbul, organized coordinated actions against democracy and dictatorship in the context of Turkish constitutional referendum, and to salute ‘Coordination of Anarchist Groups’, which was declared by some anarchist groups last week. Anarchist groups in the neighnourhoods of Kadıkoy, Kucukcekmece, Umraniye, Sefakoy, Kasımpasa dropped banners and made stickers simultaneously.

On banners wrote; ‘Find Yourself, Organize, Fight! Yes to Insurrection, No to State!’ (Kadıköy), ‘Insurrection will not be something you expected!’ (Sefaköy ve Ümraniye), ‘State Manifactures War. Revolution Not Elections, Communes Not State!’ (Küçükçekmece), ‘Don’t be slaves, There is no authority, but yourself!’ (Ümraniye), ‘Neither Dictatorship, Nor Democracy, Insurrection, Revolution, Anarchy’ (Kasımpaşa). Read the rest of this entry »

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Vienna: Solidarity event with imprisoned comrades of Korydallos Prison at ABC Festival (Austria)

April 15th, 2017

[Vienna] Solidarity event of “Anarchist Black Cross – Solidarity Cell” with imprisoned comrades of Koridallos prison (Athens) @ ABC FESTIVAL VIENNA (20. – 23. April 2017)

“As anarchists, we perceive the need of a multiform anarchist struggle, posing the issue of attack against state and vassalage that is imposed, with every means possible, here and now.”
(from the self presentation text of the ABC Group)

In this event the comrades from “ABC – Solidarity Cell” will talk about the importance of solidarity with anarchist prisoners and the connection of struggles inside and outside the walls.
Further, the talk will contain a deconstruction of the meaning of the ‘anarchist movement’ and the myth of the district of Exarchia.

“(…) we do not consider that the action of our anarchist comrades is finished after imprisonment or repression.” (from the self presentation text of the ABC Group)

During the event there will be the presence of three anarchist prisoners, via Live-Connection, from Koridallos prison:

– Nikos Romanos
– Panagiotis Argyrou – CCF-Metropolitan Violence Cell/FAI-IRF
– Olga Oikonomidou – CCF-Urban Guerrilla Cell/FAI-IRF

They will talk about the following topics:

– The conditions in prisons and the situation of anarchist prisoners in Greece.
– The importance of solidarity assemblies for the anarchist prisoners and the connection of struggles inside and outside the walls.
– The choice and the importance of the armed struggle, the claim of responsibility for direct actions and the particulars of participation in armed organisations, and the importance and consignment of those choices.
– The choice of jail-breaking.
– The position of women in the armed struggle.

It will be also possible to raise questions to the comrades in prison, so the communication will be in both directions.

Some words from anarchist prisoner Panagiotis Argyrou dedicated to the ABC Festival:

There are times when you feel a certain kind of strength inside you.
This may be happening for different reasons each time but undoubtedly it is always a very positive feeling. Such a kind of strength a prisoner may feel when he/she discovers that there are other individuals wanting a touch, a contact, a communication, a conversation with him/her. It is a very strong feeling, a unique one, the feeling of a great strength filling you all over and this is something priceless. This feeling that you are not alone, that there are other comrades wanting to share moments, experiences or whatever, with you, is something so valuable that only freedom itself can compare with it. So let me thank you very much for the opportunity you offer me to have some contact even if it is for so little. I wish that the future brings us more opportunities so that one day we can have the chance to have a live talk outside the walls. A big warm hug,

Panagiotis Argyrou, member of CCF-FAI


ABC Solidarity Cell Website: https://abcsolidaritycell.espivblogs.net
E-Mail: abcsolidaritycell@riseup.net

Nikos Romanos State prison of Korydallos – Mens prison-ward A’, P.C.
18110, Korydallos, Athens

Panagiotis Argyrou State prison of Korydallos – Mens prison-ward A’,
P.C. 18110, Korydallos, Athens

Olga Oikonomidou
State prison of Korydallos – Womens prison, P.C. 18110,
Korydallos, Athens

Other events @ the ABC Festival Vienna you can find here.



Wielandgasse 2-4
1100 Wien

Flyer Eng

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DIY Festival and demo in solidarity with the fight against CIGEO, Bure (France)

April 13th, 2017

From the 29th April to the 2nd of May we invite you to Bure, where we organise a diy music/workshop festival in solidarity with one of the processes going on in the fight against CIGEO and its world, a local farmer, and our friend Jean-pierre is suspected of helping the realisation of the occupation of Bois le Juc, his tractor and trailer are still held confiscated since more than half a year now. The festival ends with a manifestation in front of the court in Bar-le-Duc on the 2nd of May. During the festival several concerts will take place with agricultural workshops, discussion and presentation of the struggle against CIGEO.


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