‘Prison Struggle’ Archives

Operation Scripta Manent – Statement to the court by Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Corrected version received from Anarhija (27/11/2017)

Benevento 14 August 1878 – Turin 16 November 2017

The Trial Against Malefactors[1]

“The Union of Egoists is your instrument, it is the sword with which you increase your natural strength; the Union exists thanks to you. Society, on the other hand, demands much from you and it exists without you; in short, society is sacred, Union is yours; society uses you, the Union–you use it “

“Gentlemen, the time of life is short … if we live, we live to tread on kings” Shakespeare, Henry IV

“I work for every crime I have committed in my life, I’m afraid of every desire I have not satisfied in my life”Senna Hoy

I want to be as clear as possible, my words sound like an admission of guilt. As far as it is possible to belong to an instrument, to a technique, I claim with pride my affiliation with FAI-FRI. With pride I recognize it throughout its history. I belong in full and my contribution is signed by the “Olga Cell”. If this farce was limited to me and Nicola I would be silent today. But you have involved a significant part of all those who have shown solidarity in these years, among them my dearest friends.

At this point I cannot refrain from telling my own story, by silence I would be complicit with the attempt by you to strike at an important part of the anarchist movement. Comrades dragged behind bars and tried not for what they did but for what they are: anarchists. Processed and arrested not for having claimed, like I did, an action with the acronym FAI-FRI, but for having participated in assemblies, written in newspapers and blogs even more simply giving solidarity to their comrades during a trial. I will not take shelter behind these comrades.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu still on hunger strike (Italy)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

From Davide’s weekly phone call with his relatives, we learn that:

Davide will continue the long-term hunger strike, started on November 4, until his total solitary confinement, by article 14bis, is revoked.

Our comrade calls on everyone for direct solidarity.

He strengths his closeness to comrades in AS2 [high-security prison sections].

He has repeatedly stressed the need for a revolutionary solidarity.

He is in high spirits, but he has already lost 13 kilos [28 lb].

CNA [Croce Nera Anarchica]

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Poster for anarchist comrade Dino Yagtzoglou (Greece)

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017

On 28/10, Konstantinos (Dinos) Yagtzoglou is arrested by armed assassins of the E.K.A.M. in Athens. He is accused of sending a parcel bomb to former technocrat prime minister Loukas Papademos, who was injured by the attack inside his car. The other charges against him are for explosive packages found at the same time as the attack and also the oppressive Article 187A, for participation in a criminal organization, alleged membership of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the group that claimed one of the explosive packages.

We do not care for democracy, for the media spectacle and the cop mentality that is the junta of innocence or guilt. We do not play their game of justice, where the pieces are already placed against us, neither for the state that sows terror, the self imposed fear that permeates a passive society. What we care for is the continuation of the armed struggle against the necropolis of authority.

Strength to our anarchist comrade Dinos Yagtzoglou.

Soul and Body, nothing is over, the conflict continues!

Chaotic and Individualist Anarchists

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Statement of anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma – Start of the “Script Manent” trial (Italy)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017


To the Court of Turin

Today, as well as for all the future hearings of this trial that sees me accused along with my brothers, sisters, but above all anarchist comrades, I will not give you the satisfaction of seeing my face in a courtroom of this tribunal.

I have never gone to the courtrooms where my funeral was being prepared in the past and I will not do so now!

I am anarchist, individualist, anti-authoritarian and above all I am for the insurrection, which has as one of its primary goals that of destroying places of death like this one and the prisons.

I will not be part of the spectacle set up by a judge who, suffering from hunger cramps, has put himself the payroll of a State that I do not recognize, being a citizen of the world in flight from its borders; I will not be there to listen to his delusions nor wait for the end to hear someone judge me “guilty or innocent.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Message in Solidarity with the Resistance in Greek Prisons from the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

International Solidarity with the Greek Prison Resisters Now!

There have been rolling strikes and protests throughout Greek prisons in reaction to the SYRIZA Party led coalition government’s plans to bring into force increased repressive legal measures into the prison law codes.

In May, prisoners from A, B and C wings of Korydallos Prison, Greece’s main prison located in Piraeus, announced the formation of the Coordinating Struggle Committee to express the opinions of prisoners from Korydallos and other prisons who have decided to join the protests, to issue regular updates regarding prisoner protests and to communicate with people outside the prisons who stand in solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the prisoners. This statement was translated into English and can be read on the Enough Is Enough blog here. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from Nataly Casanova, Enrique Guzmán and Juan Flores (Chile)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Translation note: the following letter written by the imprisoned anarchist comrades Nataly, Enrique and Juan, was written for the SOLIDARIDAD A FLOR DE PIEL tattoo and body art convention that was held in solidarity with the prisoners of the social war in Santiago on November 4th.

These words were born and flew from the prison cells of San Miguel, the special high security unit and the former pententiary, to send a greeting of complicity that we dedicate to the comrades who have organized and given life to the SOLIDARIDAD A FLOR DE PIEL tattoo and body art convention…

With these first words from within the torture centres, we would like to send fraternal and complicit greetings to those who, at the intersection of rebellion and insubordinate creativity, organized and participated in this anti-prison initiative…a solidarity initiative for those who feel the bitter taste of prison every day – the anger, the frustration and the indignation of not being able to materialise the war because they are surrounded by bars, cameras and guards… (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Originally published in Vetriolo, anarchist journal, number 1 / Autumn 2017 (this text is also online here).

Note from Insurrection News: This English version of Alfredo’s text was translated by us from the French language translation by the comrades from Attaque.

Note from Vetriolo: Alfredo wrote this text of salutation for the number zero edition of Vetriolo, in November-December 2016. This letter, as is well known, was blocked by the prison censorship. Now we can publish it. We recall that in recent months the censorship has increased a lot, a tightening vise obviously ordered by the Prosecutor Sparagna, and not just the simple zeal of the prison guards. Apparently there are definite orders about what can and cannot be sent or received (Vetriolo, for example, was not received by anybody) [comrades imprisoned for Operation Scripta Manent]. To protest the censorship,
Alfredo went on a hunger strike from May 3 to 13.

Break the isolation!


With charges that could lead to 30 years of prison time hanging over my head like a sword of Damocles, the need to communicate projects and reflections may seem absurd. Under the influence of censorship, which modifies all that I write and say, the fact that I am continuing imperturbably to communicate and write reflections that inevitably lend themselves to repression, may seem stupid and insane. It is stupidity and madness that I cannot do without, to feel alive and active.

One choice, back against the wall: continue the fight. Continue with all means at my disposal.

The inspiration for writing this article was given to me by the inquisitor Sparagna, who during his ‘monologue-interrogation’, maintained, with barely concealed embarrassment, that he would have broken us [the 22 comrades under investigation from Operation Scripta Manent] by isolation, thanks to the ‘scorched earth’ that the anarchist movement would have made around us in Italy.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Hunger Strike: Statement from Walter Bond recorded by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office (USA)

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

Statement from Walter Bond recorded by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office on 11/15/17

(Audio Message)


“Since my arrival in Greenville two-and-a-half years ago, my
communications with the world have been made incredibly difficult and at
times impossible. I have been repeatedly denied books, magazines,
letters and pictures. It’s standard operating procedure that my mail –
be it my email or snail mail — is habitually days, weeks and even
months late. It is not at all uncommon for my mail, both incoming and
outgoing, to simply never arrive.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial ending for Juan, Nataly and Enrique – EN/ES (Chile)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

During the last fortnight of November it is expected that the process initiated under the anti-terrorist law for the attacks against the Subcenter Escuela Militar, Los Dominicos metro and two police stations in Santiago will come to an end.

The so-called Bombs Case 2 started more than two years ago against the compañerxs Enrique Guzman, Nataly Casanova and Juan Flores, who have been under 7 months of trial under the anti-terrorist law. It is finally in these days where the process is ending. After the closing arguments, the verdict it is to be expected where the criminal court will decide innocence or guilt and under what crime, and then – in case of being condemned guilty – to dictate the sentences. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Christos Tsakalos: ”The Point is That People Should not Leave from Prison Dehumanized.” (Greece)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

via enoughisenough:

Originally published by TVXS. Translated by Black Cat.

Read all the Enough is Enough reports about Korydallos prison; here.

”I am speaking neither as an anarchist nor as a member of the C.C.F.Christos Tsakalos clarified as we spoke on the phone. ”I am speaking as a member of the Committee of Struggle from Korydallos Prison, which represents 1500 prisoners who have been protesting the past two weeks against the new correctional code, which will result in the violation of the basic rights of prisoners in case it passes”, he explains and highlights that there is an existing network in Greece’s prisons and the mobilizations will escalate if the government does not make concessions.

He also stated that a Ministry of Justice official who went to Korydallos Prison and discussed these matters with the committee found the demands to be fair. Nevertheless, he clarified that this was his own personal stance and not that of the Ministry. ”We will go to extremes because we understand that they are trying to create a prison within the prison” says Christos, who was detained in solitary confinement from 2015 through to 2017, on the other end of the phone line. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews, Prison Struggle

‘What It Looks Like To Be Anti-Fascist In Prison’ by Eric King, anarchist prisoner (USA)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

via itsgoingdown:

Below is a statement written by anarchist prisoner Eric King in October. For more info on how to support Eric, go here.

What does it look like to be antifascist in federal prison in 2017? It may not be what you think.

If you picture coming into the feds with your fist swinging, taking on every racist, swastika wearing trash you see, that is not a reality. That line of thinking will get us nowhere. Racism at the federal level is very real and played out in a very archaic way. At CCA Leavenworth I pictured going into ANY spot guns blazing, taking on bigots in a very macho, aggressive, violent way. At CCA that was actually somewhat doable, even at Englewood-FCI (low security) it was somewhat a reality because you could dog them out and clown them for their ridiculousness… the reality is though, that the higher up in custody you go and the further west coast you end up, the more serious the game gets and the less likely you are to be able to express your own antifascist ideas without facing some serious backlash. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Security Threat Groups: The Industry of Gangs’ by Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner (USA)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

via itsgoingdown:

This following essay is written by anarchist prisoner, Sean Swain, and was originally released on the Final Straw Radio show. For more info about how to support Sean, go here.

In Ohio prisons, pretty much everyone is in a gang whether they’re in a gang or not. If you’re an Ohio prisoner and you’re not in a gang, prison administrators will put you in one. And if there’s no gang for you, they’ll just create a new one.

The reason is, it’s a federal bloc grant swindle. Here’s how it works:

The U.S. Department of Justice keeps a kind of database on what it calls “Security Threat Groups,” or STGs, not to be confused with STDs, or “sexually transmitted diseases.” The Department of Justice does not monitor chlamydia or gonorrhea. Yet. At least, as far as I know.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Bristol ABC are asking comrades to support anarchist prisoner Sam Faulder (UK)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

ABOUT SAM AND HER CASE: Sam Faulder is an anarchist prisoner currently
serving a life sentence in England. Sam is a miscarriage of justice who
has done over ten years in the prison system.

She has been an anti-authoritarian her whole life and was relentlessly
targeted by police because of her lifestyle choices. After serving
nearly two years on remand, Sam’s trial was a disaster. Police
corruption impacted her trial and her solicitor firm withdrew from her
case three weeks before it began. Her need to appeal coincided with cuts
to legal-aid and she has been trapped in the prison system ever since. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text by Jock Palfreeman about Anarchist Federation “Comrades” (Bulgaria)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Reply to Statement Concerning Prisoners

06.11.17: The text (available only in Bulgarian) released by the FAB (Federation of the Anarchists in Bulgaria) on the webpage of their newspaper ‘Svobodna Misal’ (‘Free Thought’) written by Hristo Nikolov has some valid points. However the question arises ‘what the hell would FAB know about prisons in Bulgaria?’

Instead of the FAB showing solidarity towards prisoners and in this case with myself, the FAB has lead a campaign of lies against me for many years. The actions of the FAB are not only contradictory to their claimed goals and all principles of anything remotely socialist. But when they joined the nationalistic hysteria they became just another apparatus of state oppression themselves. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle on hunger strike (Greece)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

November 11, 2017


Almost 10 years after the outbreak of the crisis with the collapse of the financial system, bank bankruptcy, and seven years after the commencement of the era of the memorandum and the monitoring of the country by the troika (IMF, EC, ECB), the social base in this country has suffered the strongest blow since the Second World War.

Greek puppet governments have definitively delegated substantial economic and political governance to EU supranational organizations and indirectly to the capital markets and are imposing new measures of social euthanasia for large sections of the population in this country, they are now insignificant for their added value to capitalist wealth. That’s why it does not matter if they disappear. This condition of condemnation is also a prerequisite for the survival of the system itself, for the preservation of the political regime, for the perpetuation of capitalism. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle