From an Israeli prison, Khalida Jarrar salutes feminists struggling for justice the world over

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“Salute to all Palestinian women and women of the world. On this International Women’s Day, I affirm the importance of solidarity among women in their national and social struggles against colonization, discrimination, and social & economic exploitation. March 8th is an opportunity for us to unite in the fight for justice.”- Affidavit to Addameer Attorney at HaSharon Prison on 6 March 2018 with Palestinian Legislative Council member Khalida Jarrar.

This is the third time that my mother celebrates International Women’s Day in Israel’s Apartheid prisons. Mom was first arrested at an International Women’s Day rally in 1989 when I was only 3-yrs old. On March 8th, 2016, mom was serving a 15-month arbitrary sentence for being a feminist, parliamentarian, and political leader. Today, mom celebrates International Women’s Day along with 62 women and girls in Israeli prisons.

Mom’s role inside prison is critical. She is a mentor and an educator to 8 minor detainees, who are deprived of their right to education in a direct violation of international laws. Mom is preparing these young women to write their official high school exams from inside prison.

On this day in 2016, mom sent the following statement from the same prison that she is now detained at without charges or trial:

“On this day, we affirm that as Palestinian prisoners, we are part of a larger struggle for women’s liberation. The struggle will continue until we gain our freedom from occupation, and our freedom as women from all forms of injustices, oppression, violence, and discrimination. On this day, Palestinian women mark this occasion in light of the crimes of the occupation against Palestinian women, children, elders, and youth. This year, and from inside prison, we call for the freedom and self-determination of our people and of Palestinian women. We emphasize that in order to achieve equality and liberation, all forms of oppression and injustices must end. We stand as part of a global struggle with all other women freedom fighters around the world who are fighting against injustice, exploitation, and oppression.”

Yafa Jarrar posted this  statement on her Facebook page on International Women’s Day, March 8. Khalida Jarrar is detained in a prison in central Israel. Her daughter gave us permission to republish. –Editor.

About Yafa Jarrar

Yafa Jarrar was born in Jerusalem and raised in Ramallah, Palestine. She moved to Canada in 2003. Yafa has been involved with the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement in Palestine and internationally since the BDS call in 2005. Both of Yafa’s parents have been political prisoners in Israeli prisons. Her mother, Khalida Jarrar, an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, is currently and indefinitely incarcerated by Israel under Administrative Detention. Yafa is currently a J.D. candidate in the Common Law program at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law.

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5 Responses

  1. JosephA
    March 10, 2018, 2:02 pm

    Thank you for sharing this story about your courageous mother. May she be freed from the apartheid Israeli prison.

  2. LHunter
    March 10, 2018, 3:18 pm

    God bless your mother and all women who fight for inequality. She is an inspiration to us all.

  3. Ossinev
    March 12, 2018, 12:44 pm

    Yafa perhaps it would make sense to send a letter to Wonder Woman Gal Gadot asking her to speak out about the abuse of women`s rights ( not to mention the barbaric abuse of female children ) in Zioland. After all she has spoken on a number of occasions about her strong beliefs in women`s rights:
    “In the past weeks and months, we’ve been witnessing a movement in our industry and society, and I want to share this award with all the women and men who stand for what’s right: Standing for those who can’t stand or speak for themselves. My promise and commitment to all of you is that I will never be silenced, and we will continue [to] band together to make strides, uniting for equality.”

    Oh wait a minute though. She did serve as one of the most moral and has spoken out about her impassioned love for Zioland in it`s heroic resistance to the stone throwing Goliaths who threaten it.

    Womens rights you betcha but Palestinian Women`s rights. Probably no comment

    Forget the letter. Braindead Zios are simply not worth the effort.

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