Showing posts with label local news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label local news. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

‘NZ Not for Sale’ campaign to oppose trade agreement

Media release New Zealand Not For Sale Campaign

The New Zealand Not For Sale Campaign will be formally launched in Christchurch on November 11, in conjunction with the launch of Professor Jane Kelsey’s book on the Transpacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement.

The NZ Not For Sale Campaign has been set up to oppose the Transpacific Partnership because it is against New Zealand’s best economic, environmental and social interests.

“The trade agreements we already have are linked with high international debt, job losses, asset stripping, risky speculation, increasing sales of land to overseas owners, running down public assets and services, and loss of tino rangatiratanga and national sovereignty’’, says the Campaign Secretary, Dr Christine Dann.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Thousands stand up for workers’ rights

There’s comprahensive coverage of yesterday’s trade union protests against the government’s attacks on workers’ rights at the CTU’s Fairness at Work facebook page. Here’s a brief and enthusiastic summary from that site:
Awesome! By lunchtime more than 15,000 workers had attended stopwork meetings and rallies. 7,000 packed the TelstraClear Stadium in Auckland and 4,000 piled into Parliament Grounds. 1500 rallied in Hamilton, 800 in Hastings and 750 in Nelson. Thousands more are expected in events throughout the afternoon in many centres!! Woop Woop!
I can’t give my own report, because there was no rally here in Christchurch, but I hope you will leave your thoughts and comments about the protests in your area in the comments section.

- David

Thursday, 30 September 2010

JB Hi-Fi workers strike to protest low wages and GST rise

Unite Campaigns Organiser Joe Carolan said that while “Taxes that hit low paid workers hardest are going up, for the last three years JB Hi-Fi workers have had no pay increases whatsoever. We need a Living Wage, not new taxes on the working poor.  Thats why we say $15ph, not 15% GST.

“Our Delegates representing several JB stores throughout Auckland will be striking from 1pm tomorrow Friday, and picketing JB Hi-Fi HQ opposite St Lukes Mall at 2pm.

“We say abolish GST, and replace it with a ‘Robin Hood tax’ on big financial transactions like the ones JB Hi-Fi's management make every day.

“After protesting the price rise, workers will be taking their demand for a Living Wage to JB Hi-Fi's HQ, accompanied by a seven metre tall rat.”

More info:
Joe Carolan
campaigns Officer
Unite Union
029 44 55 702

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Kiwi captain: ‘We need a bit more help from folks at home’

The Kia Ora Gaza team is now in Istanbul, Turkey. 
Read the latest reports at

Roger Fowler (left), captain of our Kiwi Team on the Gaza aid convoy, makes new friends in Lyon, France

By Roger Fowler
Captain of the Kiwi Team to Gaza
27 September 2010

Passing me in the passageway of our ferry to Greece, Viva Palestina project director Nicci Enchmarch speaks two simple sentences which echo in my mind.

Pointing towards the stern of the ship, she says: “I can’t go back there. It reminds me of the Mavi.”

Smiling without humour, Nicci walks on. For the first time I can see the trauma she has suffered after experiencing the Israeli military assault on the humanitarian ship Mavi Marmara which killed nine of her fellow aid volunteers.

I turn and catch up with Nicci. I want to know something. I ask: “Why on earth would you come back again?”

“Because every day people in Gaza go through the same and more,” she replies. “We must stay focused, reminding ourselves of the trauma these people suffer every day.”

Countless thousands of Gaza’s civilians have been killed and maimed by the Israeli military. 80,000 homes have been destroyed. Basic infrastructure, like water, sewage and power, is crumbling or collapsed. Devastated hospitals cannot get vital medicines and equipment.

Israel is still blockading all exports from Gaza, stopping the free movement of its people, and restricting or banning imports essential to healthcare and rebuilding. Israel’s bombs and missiles rain down on Gaza so often that the world media hardly notices. A ruinous collective punishment has been imposed on even the babies of Gaza.

Staffing our Gaza aid convoy are volunteers from five continents who represent the best instincts of people the world over.

Our Kia Ora Gaza team represent all “fair go” Kiwis. Many of you have already donated to our $100,000 Gaza Appeal.

Now our Kiwi volunteers need a little more of your help. We still have $10,000 to go to reach our $100,000 fundraising target.

This last $10,000 is vital to cover unbudgeted costs on the road. And to get a little bit in the bank to meet emergencies as we close in on Gaza.

The Kiwi Team is playing a major role in making our humanitarian mission a success. But we need a bit more help from folks at home to bankroll our work in the field.

Together we can help Gaza. Please donate now.

Viva Palestina project director Nicci Enchmarch with Kiwi Team captain Roger Fowler (left) and his deputy Chris van Ryn

Monday, 20 September 2010

Action for Christchurch East: post earthquake residents rally

From Angela Wasley
Avonside resident

Hi all,

Action for Christchurch East is a group founded by concerned and frustrated Christchurch residents and volunteers keen to assist with the effects of the September 2010 earthquake.

Due to the unknown status of some neighbourhoods and lack of answers and necessary support for homeowners and residents in the eastern suburbs.

Although we recognise that resources are stretched and everything seems to be full steam ahead with the assessment of grounds and buildings as per the local councils ability, there are many who do not qualify for help from local government agencies or earthquake fund due to massive waiting lists for structural assessements and overloading of current systems.

There are many areas still without sewerage or drainage, some also no water or power.

Post earthquake ‘Tour of Shame’: 2 down, 2 to go

The threat of a picket and bad publicity was enough to pressure brand-conscious Subway to lean on it’s biggest Christchurch franchisee and get them to “do the right thing” and pay their staff for time lost in the wake of the earthquake.

Reading cinema too, called for negotiations with Unite, so we didn’t picket them either. Although their change of heart was late enough that the leaflets (below) had already been printed.

That left Garden City Bowls (pictured) and ISS First Security. Will one picket be enough? Or will we have to come back on bowling night?

Friday, 17 September 2010

Kia Ora Gaza: Kiwi Team has arrived safely in London

Kia Ora Gaza newscast
16 September 2010


Our Kiwi Team to Gaza has arrived safely in London. Tomorrow the six of them will pick up their aid vehicles.

You can send your best wishes to Roger Fowler (captain), Chris van Ryn (vice-captain), Julie Webb-Pullman, Pat O’Dea, Mousa Taher and Hone Fowler.

Just email your goodwill messages to and they will be forwarded to our team.


The best TV coverage of our Kiwi Team’s departure on Tuesday comes from TVNZ’s Te Karare Maori news programme. Click here:


Kia Ora Gaza is now on the last lap of our fundraising marathon. Big thanks to all the generous people who have donated.

Over the last two months we’ve raised $85,000 of our $100,000 target.

We urgently need that last $15,000, or more, in order to build an Emergency Reserve Fund.


Our Emergency Reserve Fund will help our brave Kiwi volunteers get out of almost certain dangers and difficulties on their hazardous road to Gaza.

Please donate NOW to our Emergency Reserve Fund. Go to to see how to donate.


What happens if, through the generosity of Kiwis like yourself, a surplus is left over in our Kia Ora Gaza account?

That surplus will stay safely in our bank account until the following Gaza aid mission, when it will be used to kickstart that next humanitarian convoy. All your donations will find their way to Gaza to help its suffering citizens.

Kia Ora Gaza is a Charitable Trust registered under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957. All our accounts are audited by a professional auditor (donating his services free) who is independent of our Board of Trustees.


This coming Tuesday Kia Ora Gaza is holding a public meeting at Auckland University.

Here we plan to hold a skype linkup with our six-person Kiwi Team, who will by then be three days into their historic mission to Gaza. While this skype linkup is not certain, because of technical difficulties, we will do our best to make it happen.

Aucklanders are invited to our meeting:  start 5pm on Tuesday, 21 September, at the Cap n’ Gown Lounge, adjacent to the university quad.

For more precise directions, email Michael Lai at

I hope to see you Tuesday,

Grant Morgan

Co-organiser of Kia Ora Gaza
021 2544 515

‘Tour of shame’ to target unscrupulous employers in earthquake hit city


On Sunday 19th Sept Unite Union will be conducting lightning pickets across the city of Christchurch to name and shame the unscrupulous employers that have put profit before the welfare of their staff during the aftermath of the 7.1 earthquake.

“Just like the people of Christchurch, most companies have behaved amazingly well, whilst there are those individuals who have chosen to act appallingly during this uncertain time.”  Said Matt Jones, Christchurch Unite Organiser

“Subway, Garden City Bowl, First Security and Reading Cinema can expect a loud and noisy picket outside their premises this weekend. John Key put the responsibility firmly on the shoulders of larger businesses to look after their staff, the mentioned companies made the decision to ignore this advice and will now reap the consequences.” said Mr Jones.

Staff have worked under duress, were refused leave, denied payment during site closures - forcing them to use annual leave to cover the shortfall, whilst offers of counselling services were few and far between. This has all been in the name of saving money and making a quick buck.

“Companies trading in fast food, retail, hotels, education, security and cinemas have risen to the challenge, it is a real shame that members of Unite Union and the wider community have been let down by just a handful of nasty employers.” Said Matt Jones.

The pickets begin from midday Sunday at the Subway between Subway corner of Barbadoes St and Cashel St where the tour will continue across the city.


Matt Jones | Christchurch & Nelson organiser

Email: matthew(at)

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Kia Ora Gaza team leave Auckland

From Kia Ora Gaza website

It’s very early on Tuesday morning, 14 September. While Auckland awakes, our Kiwi Team are at the airport booking in for their flight to the other side of the world. All except Hone Fowler, who’s already in London where the international aid convoy to Gaza will leave on 18 September. From left: team members Julie Webb-Pullman and Pat O’Dea, Kia Ora Gaza co-organiser Grant Morgan, team captain Roger Fowler, Kia Ora Gaza co-organiser Ismail Waja, vice-captain Chris van Ryn and team member Mousa Taher. “They’re such a great team to represent Aotearoa,” said Ngati Whatua representative Steve Phillips. “Ka mau te wehi!” (amazing, fantastic).

Students from Mangere East School’s combined culture clubs gave a special sendoff performance for the Kiwi Team. Here they get up close to Kia Ora Gaza’s famous truck logo, which will be plastered on the side of our three aid vehicles heading towards Gaza.

Chris van Ryn engages a large crowd of supporters with stirring words of social justice leavened with a bit of humour. Looking on are (from left) Pat O’Dea, Julie Webb-Pullman and Roger Fowler.

Roger Fowler sings the official Kia Ora Gaza song ‘Movin’ On’, our anthem of solidarity with the suffering people of Gaza. The song also pays tribute to the nine civilian aid workers on the last humanitarian flotilla shot to death by Israeli commandos on the open sea in the dead of night. Roger is flanked by the other four departing members of our Kiwi Team.

Te Tai Tonga, a highly rated kapahaka group from South Auckland, give a floor-shaking performance which delights the crowd of Kia Ora Gaza supporters and curious passersby alike. Their final haka came close to generating a seismic wave.

All good things must come to an end. Loud applause for Te Tai Tonga’s standout performance heralds the move by our Kiwi Team towards the departure gates. They’re off to London to join an international convoy which will swell to over 1,000 volunteers driving 500 or more vehicles in the biggest aid convoy since the Second World War. The rest is history!

Friday, 3 September 2010

Postpone Burger Fuel pickets until Saturday 18th of September

Tena koe,
Please forward this email around your networks. Apologies for cross-posting.
Matt McCarten (General Secretary of Unite), Joe Carolan (Unite’s action coordinator) and myself (as a witness for Solidarity Auckland) met this morning with Burger Fuel CEO Josef Roberts and the company’s lawyer at the company’s request.
Josef Roberts and the company’s board have agreed to fairly compensate Joanne for her termination as of today.
They have also agreed in principle to remove the 90-day no-rights trial period from their individual agreements.
They have also agreed in principle to remove any anti-union conditions from their individual agreement and to update and improve it.
Because the company is a franchise, Josef Roberts need to take the company’s position to the franchise owners for final agreement.
This means he will be in a position to confirm the company’s final position within two weeks. However, he said he will try to get this done before then.
Matt and Joe feel they will be able to negotiate a fair deal with the company.
I certainly felt that the meeting was amicable and the company was keen to resolve the situation.
My recommendation is that we postpone picketing until Saturday the 18th of September.
Just because the action is off, doesn’t mean you can’t meet with other activists to talk about what to do next. Contact the person organising in your area and see if they want to meet up for coffee.
This is just the start – join us in taking the next steps.
Your commitment to solidarity has proven that direct action works. Although we didn’t take action, the threat of action is often as powerful. Our quick mobilising also proved that activists and supporters are ready to stand up to the attacks on our work rights, our right to organise and our living standards.
This action is just one component of a new project (with a working title of “Solidarity”) to build solidarity across the community and workplaces (union and non-union) and put the movement back into the labour movement.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to join us.
·         Join one of the new groups in your area:
·         If there isn’t a group in your area, send me an email and I will put you in touch with other activists in your area or help you set something up
·         Reply to this email if you would like to join our database/newsletter so we can involve you in other actions in the future
Thank-you again for your support.
In solidarity,
Simon Oosterman
Solidarity Auckland Contact
m. 021 922 551, w.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The best way you can counter Israel’s propaganda machine

[Last Sunday] TVOne’s “Sunday” programme broadcast the BBC Panorama story “Death in the Med”.

Sunday” presenter Cameron Bennet made clear in his intro, this BBC Panorama story gives the Israeli version of the storming of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on 31 May which left nine civilian aid workers dead and dozens injured.

It’s the old, old story of an aggressor selling the propaganda line that really the victim was to blame for being attacked.

Cameron Bennet asked the question: Will this Israeli version of history sway people? My answer: probably not many.

The Israeli military attack on a humanitarian aid ship on the open sea in the dead of night was so indecent that the world’s majority are lining up against the illegal and immoral siege of Gaza’s 1.5 million people.

If you do come across someone who is swayed by this Israeli propaganda, simply point them to Kia Ora Gaza’s website.

Today [Monday] on we have posted seven articles which, in different ways, expose the Israeli propaganda attack. These articles are:

UN official criticises Israel over flotilla probe

Just click on any headline above to take you to the article on our website.

Kia Ora Gaza is fund-raising to send a six-person Kiwi Team to Gaza in three vehicles packed with humanitarian aid, such as medical equipment, educational supplies and building equipment. 

Our brave Kiwi Team is joining the biggest aid convoy since the Second World War. 500 vehicles full of aid and staffed by over 1,000 volunteers from scores of different countries  will converge on Gaza in October.

This historic convoy, led by UK-based charity Viva Palestina, will deliver humanitarian aid that is still banned by the state of Israel. And the convoy has a real chance of ending the Israeli siege of Gaza, or at least fatally weakening the blockade.

Heres my message to you:  If you really want to bring both aid and justice to the people of Gaza, then donate generously to Kia Ora Gaza's humanitarian mission. Go to to see how to donate.

And if you have already made a donation, then how about making another? Your financial support for Kia Ora Gaza is the best way you can counter Israels propaganda machine.

Thank you,

Grant Morgan

Co-organiser of Kia Ora Gaza
021 2544 515

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Burger Fuel picket Saturday September 4, 12–2pm

Help bring home our first 90-day victory!

Joanne Bartlett was fired on day 89 of her 90 day trial period at Mission Bay Burger Fuel. She was fired just after asking for more than one 10 minute break during her eight hour shift.

Joanne received high grades in the company’s training program, has culinary school qualifications and regularly worked extra shifts when asked.

No reason was given for her dismissal.

Activists picketed her store last Friday.

During the picket company chief executive Josef Roberts told TV3 that Burger Fuel franchises would use the 90 day bill again in the future. When the cameras stopped rolling, Roberts pleaded with the picketers to stop as the store had lost their entire lunch trade which would significantly impact on their tight margins.

This CEO told Unite that he would make an agreement with them if they stopped taking action. Burger fuel has since reneged on its agreement.

It’s time to send Burger Fuel a clear message. We need to picket as many stores as we can on the same day at the same time and drive the message home.

It is important for the workers movement that we get a concrete win at Burger Fuel. Not only do we need to send a strong message to other employers that we won’t stop until we win, we need to show activists that there is action that they can be involved in that works and is fun.

That’s why we are organising another round of protests on Saturday 4th of September from 12 noon – 2pm during Burger Fuel’s busiest lunch break.

The first action in Auckland was successful and Wellington activists were successful the following day. It will work again, but this time it will hurt them more.

We need unions and activist groups to commit to adopting/organising a store and to appoint a contact person to help organise others to attend.

Already Australian unionists have agreed to picket the two Sydney Burger Fuels.

We are currently developing flyers and other materials for the picket and we will get them to you before the action.

There are Burger Fuel stores in  Auckland, Tauranga, Hamilton, Rotorua, Taupo, New Plymouth, Napier, Palmerston North, Wellington and Sydney.

Please email simon.oosterman(at) or txt / phone him at 021 922 551 to say if:

a)      You can join a picket,

b)      The store you can picket and

c)      If you (or someone from your organisation) can commit to being a contact person and help organise the picket at that store.

In the areas with multiple stores we may meet up at a single store before the picket to see what numbers we have on the day to make sure we’ve got enough for each store.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Unite’s ‘Utu’ squad names and shames Mission Bay Burger Fuel

Photo: John Darroch, 

By Melissa Davies
3 News

The fat was in the fire when trade unionists turned up at an Auckland Burger Fuel outlet to support a sacked employee.

Joanne Bartlett was fired on the 89th day of her 90-day probationary period.

“They said they just didn't consider me to be someone who would be in the fast food industry for a long time,” says Bartlett.

Her former boss says she never said that.

“I didn't have to give her a reason and I'm not going to discuss that now,” Linda Garibobic, Burger Fuel Franchisee told 3 News.

but union members did want to discuss it and turned up outside the Mission Bay store.
Burger Fuel's Chief Executive, Joseph Roberts, was there to meet them.

“The first thing is .we employ hundreds of people through the burger fuel system - 700 or so, alright,” Mr Roberts told picketers. “It is our right as an employer to trial people, to test people.”

Bartlett says she may've been fired because she asked for a second paid ten minute break, but Burger Fuel denies this.

The Unite union has set up what's called the utu squad. They say their aim is to name and shame companies they deem to be bad employers.

This is their first outing but they promise there will be many more.

And Burger Fuel says there are likely to be more dismissals within the ninety day probationary period for as long as they're entitled to by law.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Long protest road leads to Gaza

Roger Fowler at the Mangere East Community Learning Centre. Photo / NZH.

By Simon Collins
from NZ Herald

Almost 40 years after being knocked to the ground by a future New Zealand prime minister, Roger Fowler is about to take on two much tougher foes - the armed forces of Egypt and Israel.

Rob Muldoon was about as tough as Kiwi politicians get. As Mr Fowler tells it, the new National leader was “obviously under the influence of drink” as he and property developers Bob Jones and Pat Rippin emerged from a landlords’ meeting in Auckland’s Peter Pan Cabaret in August 1974 “pushing and shoving and thumping people” to get through a crowd of protesters.

“He came straight for me and threw a punch at me. We both ended up falling down in the middle of the street,” Mr Fowler said.

The Herald reported that Mr Muldoon turned back to the protesters when he reached his car and called out: “One at a time and you’re welcome!”

Mr Fowler, now aged 61 and with a Queen’s Service Medal to his name, was picked this week as leader of a six-person Kiwi unit, “Kia Ora Gaza”, to join an international convoy of 500 trucks carrying aid to Palestinians in Gaza next month.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Pro-Israel Herald advert sparks war of words

By Dan Satherley
from TV3 News

A pro-Israel opinion piece published in the New Zealand Herald on Tuesday has been dismissed as “propaganda” by the leader of a team of Kiwi activists planning to join a Gaza aid convoy in September.

Friday, 13 August 2010

CTU video: Interview of Heather Smith, sacked under 90 day fire at will law


This is the first in what promises to be a series of videos from the CTU revealing the real impact of the 90 day fire at will law.

These pesonal stories are exactly what's needed to counter the government's lies that making it easier to sack people will magicly produce jobs in the middle of a recession.

It would also be good to do some interviews with people who have benefitted from the union campaigns over the past few years, to show the positive work that unions do

Currently the law can be used only by businesses with fewer than 20 employees, but the government plans to give this abusive power to all employers.

Heather Smith - unfair dismissal story. 

Heather Smith tells the story of how she was unfairly dismissed under John Key's new 90 day law.

RALLY 21 & 22 August
Auckland * Wellington * Christchurch * Dunedin

1pm, Saturday 21st August
QE2 Square (bottom of Queen St, opposite Britomart)

1pm, Saturday 21st August
Civic Square

1pm, Saturday 21st August
Cathedral Square

11am, Sunday 22nd August
Assemble at Dental School, Great King Street
March to rally at the Octagon

Friday, 23 July 2010

CTU leaflet: ‘Demand fairness at work’ 20,000 leaflets to be printed

So this is what the CTU’s come up with so far…
This is the text from a leaflet. They will be printing 20,000 copies. Comment from the EPMU delegate who forwarded it to me: “Not what I was looking for, but worth a look.”


Your rights are under attack

The National Party promised change – but change should be for the better
They have attacked workers’ rights from the start and it’s serious

Contact your union
for more info


We didn’t ask for:

X the 90 Day Fire-at-Will Law
The Government is going to remove everyone’s right to appeal against unfair dismissal in the first 90 days of a new job, not just those in small companies

Thursday, 22 July 2010

National refuses support on GST food exemption bill

From Radio New Zealand
Updated at 6:10pm on 21 July 2010

National won't support a Maori Party member's bill to remove GST from healthy foods, saying it doesn't want the law changed.

Rahui Katene's bill would scrap GST from foods, including fruit and vegetables, breads and cereals, milk products and lean meats.

The bill is due to be debated by Parliament, but won't get past its first reading.

Prime Minister John Key says it is difficult to demarcate between different food groups and the loss of revenue - estimated by the Government at $360 million a year - would be high.

Mr Key says the GST system is simple and exempting some items would start a trend.
But Ms Katene says financial transactions are already excluded from GST.

She also says Australia's tax office has a computerised model for GST on food and beverages, which would made it an easy matter to manage.
Copyright © 2010 Radio New Zealand

Friday, 16 July 2010

Protest this Sunday – stop National’s attacks on workers

from Facebook page

Date: Sunday, July 18, 2010
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Sky City Hotel, Auckland CBD

The National Party will announce drastic attacks on workers rights, seeking to curtail Unions rights to Bargain, access greenfield sites, access existing sites, slash education and training leave, and cut back on Holidays.

Unions will vigourously resist these attacks from the outset. If National are declaring war on workers, they should prepare for Resistance.

The Battle starts this Sunday. 10am. Sky City Hotel.

The National Party Conference is happening there this weekend.

The official announcement on the attacks will be made at 11am.

We aim to disrupt this session.

Stand up for Workers Rights.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Green co-leader Russel Norman assulted by Chinese goon squad

According to reporters and Russel Norman himself, a dozen Chinese agents surrounded him, shoved him, pulled an umbrella over his head, stole his Tibetan flag and stomped on it, and his hand when he tried to get it back. PM John Key says all this is very ‘disappointing’, but it’s clear he means any embarrassment caused to the Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, not this thugs’ attack on freedom of speech.

There’s a bit of history of this sort of thing. 11 years ago in Christchurch it was the New Zealand police who tried to protect the Chinese premier from the horrifying sight of pro-Tibetan protesters, the cops pushed the protesters back and parked a bus in front of them. They were later found to have abused their powers.

Oddly enough I’ve been thinking and reading a bit about China and Tibet recently, although not because of the VP’s trade delegation.

A recent report on New Zealand agribusiness says Chinese demand saved the economy from the worst of the (first round of) the global economic crisis. How long will this last?

Meanwhile, strikes by Chinese workers have been making the news and prompting debate among socialist bloggers in the UK. UNITYblog readers might be interested in this post by Lenin’s Tomb and this response from sympathetic to China Andy Newman at Socialist Unity.

And on the topic of Tibet, this article in the latest Austrian Green Left Weekly (a paper Mr Norman used to sell) responding to a report in the May 22 Sydney Morning Herald, that the Dalai Lama has declared himself “half Marxist half Buddhist”
– David

Incident outside Parliament – Russel Norman’s statement

The mistreatment of Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman on the grounds of Parliament by Chinese security personnel shows how important it is to stand up for democracy and human rights, the Green Party said today.

Dr Norman was assaulted by Chinese security personnel outside Parliament as he was making a stand against China’s human rights record in Tibet.

“Because John Key’s Government let Chinese security control our Parliament, it stopped being a safe place for democracy,” Dr Norman said.

“I’ve laid a complaint with the Police because New Zealanders need to know they are free to speak without fear of violence or recrimination.”

Dr Norman said the Government needs to defend the right of its citizens to free speech because it is one of the cornerstones of democracy.

“I’m asking that John Key make a clear statement that this sort of behaviour is not acceptable in New Zealand,” Dr Norman said.