Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Calls for British left to come together after electoral wins by British Nazi party

The breakthrough for the Nazi British National Party in the European elections held earlier this month has sparked a renewed push to bring Britain's radical Left together. Significant statements have come from three of the main groups – Respect (the party of George Galloway MP), the British Socialist Workers Party, and No2EU:Yes to Democracy (an electoral coalition backed by the Communist Party of Britain, the Socialist Party and the railway workers union). BNP victory shows the need for Broad Left to work together, by Councillor Salma Yaqoob, Respect Party leader. Left must unite to create an alternative: An open letter to the left from the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). Call for unity to Defeat BNP, press statement by No2EU: Yes to Democracy coalition convener Bob Crow.


Dave Riley said...

Don't get your hopes up.: Socialist Party Replies to SWP on Left Unity. We could also ask of the SWP whether they directly approached other formations on the left and sought a powwow with a one item unity agenda item.

Someone has to do more than blink or simply send out memoes. Our own experience confirms that.

Vaughan said...

Also see this article from Spectrezine: http://www.spectrezine.org:80/europe/socialistresistance.htm