MZG Upcoming Talks & Retreats

Thank you for your interest in receiving email updates about Melbourne Zen Group activities. This sign up form is for non-member updates only.

Updates are sent out roughly once a month and include information about upcoming talks, retreats, workshops, regular group meditation, and orientations to zen practice. 

After you submit this form, please look for a confirmation email in your email inbox. You will need to click on the confirmation link in this email in order to complete your subscription.

If you can't see the confirmation email in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder - and make sure you add to your email 'safe list'.

The Melbourne Zen Group will not use your contact details for any purpose other than sending you updates about the group's activities, and you can remove yourself from the email list at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each update email.
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