

Netizen Report: Network Shutdowns Threaten Communities in Syria, Venezuela, Pakistan

The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

#SayNOto66d: Documenting the Surge of Online Defamation Cases in Myanmar

The #SayNOto66d website documents online defamation cases in Myanmar while providing information tools to support the campaign to repeal the law.

How a Viral Eye Roll Broke the Silence on China's Heavily Censored Web

"The rolling eyes are like a bolt of lightening that destroys tens of thousands expressions of praise and outshines speeches made by hundreds of thousands of brain-dead people."

Iranian Detainees Face Privacy Violations, Public Smear Campaigns

Two cases in Iran highlight new signs of violations of due process and in how personal electronic devices are seized and the right to privacy is violated.

Netizen Report: Internet Censorship Bill Looms Large Over Egypt

The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

Is Censorship Coming Back to Tunisia? Court Order Bans ‘Blue Whale’ Online Game

The implications of this decision, if upheld on appeal, would set a new precedent for internet censorship in Tunisia.

Prominent Chinese Feminist Social Media Account Shuttered on International Women’s Day

"...[T]he Chinese government does not understand feminism, does not understand what feminists are doing, and does not understand what they are advocating."

Netizen Report: Sri Lanka Blocks Social Media Amid Sectarian Violence

The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

Evidence Says Iran Throttled Telegram Connections After January Protests

User reports and various data suggests even after the Iranian government removed censorship on the popular messaging and social media platform, they were still slowing down speeds.

Lantern Festival Riddles Outwit and Enrage Chinese Censorship Authorities

By posting riddles, Chinese netizens have found a way to safely criticize the recent constitutional amendment proposal regarding the abolition of the two-term presidential limit.