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Ieshan Wani

The writer is a journalist from Kashmir, who has reported for various publications from Kashmir and New Delhi. He has been writing on human rights and the conflict in Kashmir.

Latest posts by Ieshan Wani

8 March 2018

Thousands Protest on the Streets of Kashmir After Indian Army Kills Four Civilians

"#Kashmir is a place of a billion or more coverups...India had never been interested in human rights or accountability. They are interested in controlling Kashmir by fear."

13 December 2017

Muslim Man Set on Fire and Murdered Amid Rising Islamophobia-Fueled Killings in India

"Mohammed Afrazul's brutal killing in Rajasthan should shame us all; if the sickening hate behind it does not disturb our conscience, nothing will."

26 April 2017

How the United States Has Become a Problem for Indians

To learn more about the lives of Indians in Donald Trump's America, Global Voices spoke to two Indian young men about their aborted plans to study in the United States.

21 April 2017

Students Protest in Kashmir Amidst School Closures and Mobile Internet Blocking

"Where in the world are student protests crushed with such force & brutality, pellets & tear gas shells rain today many got injured"

20 April 2017

The Viral Video That Showed a Kashmiri Man Tied to an Indian Military Jeep

The video is from the recent by-poll election in India's northernmost state Jammu and Kashmir, where more than eight protesters were killed and dozens were wounded by Indian security forces.

18 March 2017

Afghanistan's Cricket Team Sends Hope Home from India

"Finally, a great feat! [Our] tenth win in a row in T20Is. Towards the glory!"

23 November 2016

How My Father Recorded 100 Days of Curfew In Kashmir

The Bridge

"According to Google Maps, my father has his free movement restricted to 990 metres, 10 metres less than a kilometre."

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