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Stories about North America

7 March 2018

WordFrames: Are ‘Teens’ Getting a Bad Rap?


What do you think when you hear the word "teen"? In this post, we explore English-language media conversations around teens, adolescents, and youth.

6 March 2018

What Were Global Voices’ Readers up to Last Week?

During the week of February 26-March 4, 2018, our stories and translations attracted readers from 204 countries. Number 129 on the list? Martinique. And number 13? Taiwan.

2 March 2018

A Suicide Mentality, on the Precipice of War in Northeast Asia

The Bridge

"As North Korean defectors have reported, there's a possibility that Kim Jong Un’s forces might employ kamikaze tactics if they see that their country cannot withstand attacks by the US."

27 February 2018

What Were Global Voices’ Readers up to Last Week?

During the week of February 19-25, 2018, our stories and translations attracted readers from the majority of the world's countries. Number 31 on the list? Macedonia. And number 191? Comoros.

20 February 2018

What Were Global Voices’ Readers up to Last Week?

During the week of February 12-18, 2018, our stories and translations attracted readers from 209 countries. Number 68 on the list? Honduras. And number 139? Somalia.

12 February 2018

What Were Global Voices’ Readers up to Last Week?

During the week of February 5-11, 2018, Global Voices' stories and translations attracted readers from 195 countries!

4 February 2018

Decades After US Immigration Policy Separated His Family, a Man Searches for His Ancestral Village in China

“Family members, friends, neighbors have followed each other...since humans started migrating. It's only been recently that the term has become a dirty word promoted by politicians with an agenda."

3 February 2018

A 10-Year-Old Was Already Suing the US Government Over Climate Policy. Then Climate Change Really Hit Home.

“I think climate change is basically like a national disaster, and it’s going to affect everybody."

2 February 2018

Mexico Takes a Leading Role in the Oscars (Again!)

Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro's 'The Shape of Water' is leading Oscar nominations, and Mexico's Twittersphere is celebrating with a big wave of memes.

29 December 2017

From Political Icon to Tyrant: President Duterte, According to Philippine Protest Effigies

The many protest effigies during President Rodrigo Duterte's first two years in power reflected the evolving position of left-leaning activists and rights advocates towards the new administration.

17 December 2017

#FreeNganang: Cameroonian Writer Patrice Nganang Detained in a Maximum Security Prison in Yaoundé


Cameroon needs intellectuals resolutely committed to the service of the people, the oppressed. Those who sacrifice their times, their energy, their money, their families, their children, to build change.

14 December 2017

Concerns over United States President Trump's Latest Controversial Foreign Policies Loom Large in Africa

"This is not a very diplomatic strategy. Then again, it is coming from a man whose vision and politics are limited by his lack of awareness about the outside world."

12 December 2017

Indonesian President Jokowi Leads Citizens in Condemning Donald Trump's Jerusalem Declaration

"Trump is dragging the USA and the world to the frontline of religious extremism."

11 December 2017

A Local Newspaper's Full-Page Feature on Nuclear Radiation Survival Stirs Panic in China

"The whole page feature on nuclear radiation precaution is believed to be a reaction to the risk of warfare in the Korean peninsula."

29 November 2017

‘The Blind Captain’ Aims to Kayak Solo Across the Bosphorus With the Help of New Technology

"...I used to think one day, this strait, Bosphorus, should be more accessible to blind swimmers, blind surfers or sailors...people should be able to see blind people using boats."

27 November 2017

Fashion, Faith and Culture Come Together Through the Global Art of Head Wrapping

“We have a whole say we care about each other's well-being, we love each other, and we are going to have to work through our differences."

13 November 2017

A Game of Inches: Watch the Georgian Try That Sent Rugby Fans Into Raptures

"I wish I had seen this in real time. The speed those legs were pumping at, to reach the ball. AND ground it! Amazing! Bravo!"

31 October 2017

Fake News Tries to Link Austria's Chancellor-to-Be and Philanthropist George Soros

A known fake news purveyor published disinformation that Sebastian Kurz expelled Soros' Open Society Foundations from the country. It's not the first time fake news producers connected the two.

14 October 2017

Climate Change Is Claiming Aspen Groves—and the History of Basque Immigrants in the US

Basque sheep herders left their mark in remote forests across the American West across nearly a century. Now their words are being lost to climate change.

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