So the NZDF lied to all our faces about war crimes in Afghanistan? This unblinking cretin must answer new OIA revelations

If we have a functioning fourth estate, this should lead every news bulletin and Keating must be forced by the media to explain why he lied.



MUST READ: It needs to be more than a BBQ Jacinda

By Dr Susan St John

MSD are prepared to pontificate in court for days about how married couples have greater economies of scale than two singles living together and how society expects partners to support each other. The 21st century has passed them by.

Why do we concede power and deference to these unelected officials?  Is it time to give up on the courts?



RNZ and Spinoff: A Commercial Deal Too Far?

By Jo Bond

RNZ has a new content sharing deal with The Spinoff where RNZ’s content is shared by The Spinoff and The Spinoff’s content is shared by RNZ. This is the first time that RNZ has hosted content from a commercial news organisation on its website. The content on The Spinoff is funded through commercial sponsorship. While it doesn’t affect RNZ’s own content, it does indicate that a further move towards the commercialisation of RNZ.



National are a party still in ‘pure denial’

By Willie Jackson 

So Simon Bridges is the new leader of the National Party and Amy Adams is the new spokesperson for finance and what is the message from the new front bench of the National Party?

Pure denial.



A Very Special Sort of New Zealander

By Chris Trotter

WHENEVER A POLICE CHASE ends in tragedy, a very special sort of New Zealander steps forward into the spotlight. The contribution offered by this kind of Kiwi never varies. What happened is all about “The Law”. The offenders, otherwise known as the dead and horribly injured, are solely to blame for the tragic outcome of their offending. They chose not to stop when ordered to do so by the Police – a crime. As law-breakers, they simply had to be apprehended and punished. Any other course of action is unthinkable. The Law is The Law.



David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill is an affront to humanity and must not proceed

By John Minto

The bill has been promoted as providing the option for a terminally ill person who is suffering intolerably to get assistance to end his or her life in a dignified manner at a time of their choosing. It isn’t. Seymour’s Bill is much broader with wording which opens a wide spectrum of people suffering from a wide variety of conditions to the scope of the proposed legislation.



Labour and NZ First sign up to TPPA – “is this capitalism with a human face”?

By Frank Macskasy

New Zealanders have just cause to doubt whether their own government would have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to a multi-national with deep corporate pockets to launch a lawsuit against us.

We caved in the face of French demands to release two agents convicted of sabotage and murder.

We caved to (apparent) threats from Warner Bros to  move production of The Hobbit to another country. (The threat turned out to be baseless – but it nevertheless succeeded in ‘spooking’ the public.)

We (apparently) caved to demands from a lone Saudi businessman.

And then there was this curious event in June 2013, when the Chinese government may have exerted heavy pressure on the National government over a proposed fta with Taiwan – an island-state it considers a “renegade province”;



Time to act on bail

By Dr Liz Gordon 

In September 2010, before the death of Christie Marceau, 20% of people in prison were on remand, that is being held before their case was heard.  As a result of changed legislation and pressure from the no bail lobby, that figure is now 30%.



Deaths from Police car chases are our mass shooting public policy failure

Surely public policy should hold public safety above all else, yet Police Chase Policy manages to have an open ended kill threshold – why is that?

It’s because we are a juvenile culture with all the maturity of a can of coke-cola.



Latest Update on my Human Rights Tribunal case against NZ Police

…it doesn’t matter of you are right wing or left wing, we can all agree that a Human Rights Review Tribunal that doesn’t have the money to investigate Police for abuses of power is a complete failure of process and accountability.


Setting The Agenda View All →

MUST READ: It needs to be more than a BBQ Jacinda

By   1 day ago

MSD are prepared to pontificate in court for days about how married couples have greater economies of scale than two singles living together and how society expects partners to support each other. The 21st century has passed them by.

Why do we concede power and deference to these unelected officials?  Is it time to give up on the courts?

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A Very Special Sort of New Zealander

By   1 day ago

WHENEVER A POLICE CHASE ends in tragedy, a very special sort of New Zealander steps forward into the spotlight. The contribution offered by this kind of Kiwi never varies. What happened is all about “The Law”. The offenders, otherwise known as the dead and horribly injured, are solely to blame for the tragic outcome of their offending. They chose not to stop when ordered to do so by the Police – a crime. As law-breakers, they simply had to be apprehended and punished. Any other course of action is unthinkable. The Law is The Law.

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Labour and NZ First sign up to TPPA – “is this capitalism with a human face”?

By   3 days ago

New Zealanders have just cause to doubt whether their own government would have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to a multi-national with deep corporate pockets to launch a lawsuit against us.

We caved in the face of French demands to release two agents convicted of sabotage and murder.

We caved to (apparent) threats from Warner Bros to  move production of The Hobbit to another country. (The threat turned out to be baseless – but it nevertheless succeeded in ‘spooking’ the public.)

We (apparently) caved to demands from a lone Saudi businessman.

And then there was this curious event in June 2013, when the Chinese government may have exerted heavy pressure on the National government over a proposed fta with Taiwan – an island-state it considers a “renegade province”;

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Get A Grip: Forcing A Handshake Is Not a Right

By   3 days ago

I’m not quite sure what was going through the head of the academic at the University of Auckland who sought to coerce a Muslim student into grasping hands with him, although for him to then go to the subsequent effort of attempting to run the poor girl through the University’s official complaints process for alleged sexual discrimination presumably suggests that it was quite some level of (faux) outrage. 

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David Seymour’s End of Life Choice Bill is an affront to humanity and must not proceed.

By   3 days ago

The bill has been promoted as providing the option for a terminally ill person who is suffering intolerably to get assistance to end his or her life in a dignified manner at a time of their choosing. It isn’t. Seymour’s Bill is much broader with wording which opens a wide spectrum of people suffering from a wide variety of conditions to the scope of the proposed legislation.

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Dr Liz Gordon – Time to act on bail

By   3 days ago

In September 2010, before the death of Christie Marceau, 20% of people in prison were on remand, that is being held before their case was heard.  As a result of changed legislation and pressure from the no bail lobby, that figure is now 30%.

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How Mihingarangi Forbes Helped me to Understand Allyship: A perspective from one disabled woman

By   3 days ago

As I absorbed Forbes’words, it hit home to me as it hadn’t quite before, that believing in the value of intersectionality and actually internalising it to the point where we regularly seek out—and follow through on—ways to put it into practice, are two distinct stages. And despite all of the goodwill in the world, getting from the first to the second and then staying there requires more conscious forethought, introspection and regular evaluation than would ever spring automatically from tacit agreement with the notion.

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Still Looking For A Compatible Rabbit

By   5 days ago

New Zealanders haven’t “moved away from representative democracy”, Mr Sutton, representative democracy has been moved away from them. A necessary precaution, lest ordinary people get it into their heads to take on the greatest “power-hungry despot” of them all: the totalitarian ideology we call Neoliberalism.

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Deconstructing Headlines View All →

Why Andrew Kirton should have gone yesterday, victim led can’t look like this & National’s infamous ‘Princess Party’ means they have no moral high ground

By   8 hours ago

The backlash against Labour’s ‘victim led’ solution only builds while managing to enrage every voting parent while those impacted are only getting support after a month.

‘Victim led’ can’t mean this.

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Let’s just remind everyone of the statement the NZDF made at the time they were accused of a war crime

By   10 hours ago

Isn’t it time for the NZ Media to start doing their job now Jon Stephenson and Nicky Hager have done all the hard work?

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So the NZDF lied to all our faces about war crimes in Afghanistan? This unblinking cretin must answer new OIA revelations

By   1 day ago

If we have a functioning fourth estate, this should lead every news bulletin and Keating must be forced by the media to explain why he lied.

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Labour have no choice but to stand Andrew Kirton down

By   2 days ago

I am watching left wing activists on social media defending the right of 16 year olds to not tell their parents or Police about sexual assaults, and they have a point in regards to autonomy and agency of 16 year olds, but every single voting parent in this country would demand knowledge of this and that Labour are telling them to their faces that they wouldn’t tell those parents is a black hole that will damage Labour politically. 

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Deaths from Police car chases are our mass shooting public policy failure

By   3 days ago

Surely public policy should hold public safety above all else, yet Police Chase Policy manages to have an open ended kill threshold – why is that?

It’s because we are a juvenile culture with all the maturity of a can of coke-cola.

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Dear Al Nisbet – it’s not a witch hunt men fear, it’s a witch trial

By   3 days ago

A ‘witch hunt’ is an angry lynch mob hunting for a mythical monster and what we have learned and seen about harassment in the work place over the last couple of years tells us that harassment isn’t a myth, it’s real, it’s visceral and it’s unacceptable.  We don’t have a witch hunt here, we have the ingredients for a witch trial.

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What the hell went wrong at Fletcher’s?

By   6 days ago

John Tamihere has asked crucial questions in his new Herald column demanding to know where the public good values have evaporated within NZs largest construction company…

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When the NZ State is spying on earthquake victims – when do you as citizens finally stand up?

By   1 week ago

This is the organisation that our State Agencies are hiring to do dirty work against our own people?

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Media Watch View All →

I’d have thought our role in a war crime that killed and wounded 21 civilians was a bigger story than not wearing bike helmets

By   10 hours ago

Can we move onto that now, because as much fun as cyclists who want brain damage is as a news story, I just care a little more about war crimes we commit.

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GUEST BLOG: Jo Bond – RNZ and Spinoff: A Commercial Deal Too Far?

By   11 hours ago

RNZ has a new content sharing deal with The Spinoff where RNZ’s content is shared by The Spinoff and The Spinoff’s content is shared by RNZ. This is the first time that RNZ has hosted content from a commercial news organisation on its website. The content on The Spinoff is funded through commercial sponsorship. While it doesn’t affect RNZ’s own content, it does indicate that a further move towards the commercialisation of RNZ.

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FFS – the Young Nats weren’t being racist! Ignorant, bigoted and privileged, sure – but not racist

By   3 days ago

…screaming ‘racist’ at the Young Nats for a meme that isn’t racist manages to eclipse the real issues and the substantive history of why we owe the Pacific. 

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Harsh response lessons abound in wake of PNG’s ‘invisible’ quake

By   3 days ago

It has been described by the BBC as the “invisible quake” – at least to the outside world. However, more than 100 people have died with landslides engulfing entire villages in the Papua New Guinean Highlands earthquake … PNG journalists have been doing an admirable job reporting the disaster to international media as well as their own people in difficult and risky circumstances.

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Dear Mike Hosking – 5 reasons we owe the Pacific

By   5 days ago

NZ owes the Pacific and we never acknowledge that.

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What happened at the NBR with Matthew Hooton?

By   1 week ago

Whatever you think of Hooton, as a columnist he has the right to criticise and critique politicians and as long as he doesn’t defame that politician by lying about them, then his right to be critical of a politician is supposed to be sacrosanct and backed 100% by his Publisher and Editor.

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Moment Liam Dann realised his ‘Don’t Panic’ column last month may have been optimistic

By   1 week ago

For the last decade, to avoid the horror of systemic financial market collapse in 2007/2008, $30Trillion has been printed and pumped into the global economy falsely creating the lowest inflation rates for 5000 years. That seems about as far removed from the concept of sound market fundamentals as The AM Show is from intellectual curiosity.

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Guest Blogs + Sponsored Posts View All →

GUEST VLOG: Hadley Grace Robinson-Lewis – How to become a Registered Nurse

By   11 hours ago

I’m highly passionate about advocating for the mentally ill. My passion for assisting the underprivileged and those experiencing hardships in relation to mental illness has led me to charity work.

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GUEST BLOG: Willie Jackson: National are a party still in ‘pure denial’

By   11 hours ago

So Simon Bridges is the new leader of the National Party and Amy Adams is the new spokesperson for finance and what is the message from the new front bench of the National Party?

Pure denial.

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GUEST BLOG: David Tank – How I want to bring back the Moa and Save the World.

By   3 days ago

A formal request for your support of “The Moa Prize,” a “crowd sourced” innovation prize for advances deemed in the best interests of the people of New Zealand and the World in general.

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GUEST BLOG: Willie Jackson – Simon Bridges and being Māori

By   3 days ago

The argument is not about whakapapa, the argument should be, and must be, whether or not he will adopt pro-Māori positions.

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GUEST BLOG: Arthur Taylor – Can Anyone Rely on Corrections Inspectorate Reports?

By   1 week ago

I have now had time to read the Inspectorate report about Auckland Prison in detail, dated June 2017.
The first thing that caught my eye was the “inspection team” was headed by Trevor Riddle.

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GUEST BLOG: Oliver Hailes – Never again! Sign our TPPA petition to change the process

By   1 week ago

The concerned Kiwis who marched in the streets of Auckland against the last TPPA signing ceremony have been caught off guard by the Government’s sudden U-turn. But this week, as Trade Minister David Parker heads to Chile to sign his name, we’ll be handing over a parliamentary petition with thousands of signatures calling for a democratic overhaul of how we negotiate trade, investment and economic integration agreements.

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GUEST BLOG: Arthur Taylor – abuse of women in prison and illegal strip searches

By   2 weeks ago

If Corrections NZ spent as much time and energy looking after prisoners welfare as they do trying to gag me and punish me for holding them to account, we wouldn’t need to do this in the first place.

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GUEST BLOG: Hadley Grace Robinson-Lewis – Social Determinants of Physical and Mental Health. Let’s make a real change.

By   2 weeks ago

I studied at the Auckland University of Technology where I completed a Bachelor of Health Science in Nursing. I’m Passionate about, Neurology, Psychiatry, Medicine, societal issues and Maori Health. 

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The Liberal Agenda View All →


By   9 hours ago

WHAT: March for Māui’ and Hector’s dolphins

WHEN: Sunday 18th March

WHERE: Silo Park, Auckland

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Darren Watson – National Guy (from Too Many Millionaires)

By   3 days ago

Darren Watson – National Guy (from Too Many Millionaires)

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Auckland Fringe Festival Review: Cool Behaviour

By   2 weeks ago

If you have ever felt less than cool or unsure how to achieve coolness this is the show for you!

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TV REVIEW: Ummmm, about Married At First Sight NZ complaints

By   3 weeks ago

Contestants blaming ‘Married At First Sight’ for a lack of scientific rigour makes a drowning man  clutching at straws look responsible and rational.  

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Auckland Fringe Festival Review: Louise Beuvink – Ladylike: a modern guide to feminism –

By   3 weeks ago

Beuvink herself was the perfect tongue in cheek stepford wife  A Mix of kooky and conversational, building an OTT satire character to not only invite us into her girls night out and her kitchen but also unashamedly welcoming us into her life via her hilarious bordering on TMI personal anecdotes.

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The NZ Finance Minister’s Pride Parade Playlist

By   3 weeks ago

The pure joy of having a Finance Minister who also DJs is a unique experience to say the least.

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Fringe Festival Picks 2018

By   3 weeks ago

The Auckland Fringe Festival starts tomorrow and here are our picks for this years season of incredibly adventurous and amazing experimental Theatre…

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The Liberal Agenda – Direct Animal Action: Protest at Waikato Rodeo this Saturday

By   4 weeks ago

What: ‘Ban Rodeo’ protest at Waikato Rodeo
When: Saturday 17th February 2018, 1pm
Where: Kihikihi Domain, Corner of Grey & Dick Streets, Kihikihi, Te Awamutu

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The Daily Gallery View All →

Malcolm Evans – Bear Baiting

By   9 hours ago

Malcolm Evans – Bear Baiting

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Political Caption Competition

By   11 hours ago

Controversial Young Nat fund raising campaign for Judith Collins doll

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Wednesday 14th March 2018

By   12 hours ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Malcolm Evans – Putin

By   1 day ago

Malcolm Evans – Putin

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Political Caption Competition

By   2 days ago

Bad day at the office 

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Tuesday 13th March 2018

By   2 days ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Malcolm Evans – Pssst

By   3 days ago

Malcolm Evans – Pssst

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Political Caption Competition

By   3 days ago

The exception to the rule that sugar catches more flies than vinegar 

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Raw News feed View All →

BREAKING: Defence Force admits SAS Afghan raid WAS in the same location as events in Hit and Run

By   1 day ago

When the book Hit and Run was published in March last year, the Chief of Defence Force Tim Keating held a press conference claiming that the book had nothing to do with the New Zealand SAS because the SAS had been in a different place on that date.

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Myanmar: Military land grab as security forces build bases on torched Rohingya villages – Amnesty International

By   1 day ago

Myanmar: Military land grab as security forces build bases on torched Rohingya villages   Dramatic increase of security infrastructure since January Military bases, helipads and roads built on burned villages Rohingya people forcibly driven off their lands to make room for construction Myanmar’s Rakhine State is being militarized at an alarming pace, as authorities are […]

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Statement from Labour Party on harassment/drinking at event

By   1 day ago

The Labour Party is extremely disappointed that young people attending the Young Labour camp were exposed to highly inappropriate behavior by an individual who was also at the event. Young Labour has apologised to the young people involved. We are extremely disappointed that an incident like this happened at a Labour event and we are […]

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Work and Income ignores duty to assist people – Auckland Action Against Poverty

By   1 day ago

Auckland Action Against Poverty has successfully challenged Work and Income’s actions where people are refused the opportunity to ask for assistance. “It is no longer okay for Work and Income staff to tell people to go away without having the chance to apply for the help they need. The law requires every claim to be […]

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Māori leaders’ emergency climate summit announced – Iwi Chairs Forum

By   1 day ago

Some of New Zealand’s top Māori leaders, scientists, and economic development experts are set to speak at an emergency climate change summit . At Waitangi in February 2018, the Iwi Chairs Forum agreed to convene the first Māori Leaders’ Climate Change Summit to be held in Wellington on 24-25 March 2018. With a line-up of […]

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Anti-rodeo movement stands strong on an outright ban of rodeo in New Zealand

By   1 day ago

New Zealand’s anti-rodeo movement is united on ending rodeo for good. Direct Animal Action, Anti-Rodeo Action NZ, Wellington Animal Rights Network, NZ Animal Justice League, Farmwatch, SAFE and global organisation World Animal Protection, all welcome the new Government’s upcoming review of some of the worst aspects of rodeo. But all organisations remain united in their […]

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NZNO welcomes Robertson’s pay increase signal

By   1 day ago

The Minister of Finance comment to media that nurses were in line for their pay to be addressed with a future “pay bump” will be great news to the nurse workforce. Chief Executive Memo Musa says the Minister’s comment on the TVNZ Q and A programme is in line with the government’s commitment to put […]

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Ngāti Rangi signs settlement with the Crown – Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations

By   3 days ago

The Crown has signed a deed of settlement with Ngāti Rangi, settling the historical Treaty of Waitangi claims of Ngāti Rangi, the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little has announced today. Friends and whānau gathered at an emotional deed signing ceremony at Raketepauma Marae in the Ruapehu District today.  “Today is significant for […]

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