Hospital Employees' Union March 16
The Hospital Employees’ Union is urging the B.C. government to implement an action plan to protect seniors’ care, in the wake of last week’s takeover of the province’s largest nursing home chain.
Inter Pares March 16
Do you know an organization carrying out transformative work to address discrimination and social exclusion? Help to raise the profile of this remarkable organization by nominating them.
Upstream March 16
A novel solution to the health crisis of homelessness: get people into homes. Upstream Radio interviews Saskatchewan MP Sheri Benson.
Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada March 16
A little-publicized Parliamentary motion by a Conservative Member of Parliament is attempting to undermine the new attestation requirement for the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program. Act now.
Socialist Worker March 9
Since returning to Canada, Diab has recommitted himself to fighting for justice and towards the dismantling of Canada’s unfair and dangerous extradition commitments. interviewed him.
Toronto and York Region Labour Council March 9
Toronto and York Region Labour Council
A positive story about community groups and unions' collaborative programs that can help get Syrian refugees with basic skills into the workforce. Here is the story of Mahmoud who was a carpenter.
Alberta Union of Provincial Employees March 9
Questions remain on how the government intends to generate adequate revenue to provide stable and predictable funding required to ensure the services Albertans rely on remain available.
Canadian Health Coalition March 1
The finance minister’s backing away from a universal public drug plan a betrayal of the expressed desire of Canadians for what has been called the “unfinished business” of Medicare.
Mining Watch March 1
Thirty leading Quebec health, union and asbestos victims organisations and health directors have launched a united appeal to the leaders of all four Quebec political parties to protect Quebeckers.
Food Secure Canada March 1
References to food (41) and rights (72) abound in the 2018 federal budget. However, there is no cohesive approach or budget to move towards healthy, just and sustainable food for all Canadians.
United Food and Commercial Workers March 1
Nearly one million Canadians spent less on necessities like food and heat to afford their prescriptions in 2016. Read the study findings and join the fight for pharmacare.
Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada February 23
Check out ARCC’s series of one-page exposés and memes below on the funding given to anti-choice groups under the Canada Summer Jobs program.
Alberta Union of Provincial Employees February 23
support staff have been bargaining with the Living Waters Catholic Board, and they still don’t have a renewed contract. Demand a fair contract for support staff now. Find out more here.
Canadian Union of Public Employees February 22
Support staff in schools across Nova Scotia are concerned that restructuring school boards will create unstable labour relations, much like what we’ve seen happen to the health care system.
United Steelworkers February 22
Canada is not among the “bad actors” engaged in unfair trade and dumping of aluminum and steel into the United States and must be excluded from potential U.S. tariffs and quotas.
Unifor February 22
After 16 years lost to a B.C. Liberal government obsessed with the wealthy, today’s budget marks a new start for this province’s working people,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.
Canadian Union of Postal Workers February 15
Mostly female rural and suburban mail carriers make 25% less than their urban predominantly male counterparts at Canada Post. CUPW is insisting that this issue be addressed.
National Union of Public and General Employees February 15
National Union of Public and General Employees
A year ahead of the global financial collapse in 2009, All Together Now was conceived. It is now going into its second phase to ramp up the fight for a fair economy and justice.
Hospital Employees' Union February 15
The B.C. Ministry of Health announced today it will make prescription medicines more affordable for low-income, working families, by reducing or eliminating PharmaCare deductibles.
Canadians for Tax Fairness February 15
Canadians for Tax Fairness
The federal government is letting large foreign corporations such as Google, Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Uber and others off the hook on paying taxes on digital products and services in Canada.
Public Service Alliance of Canada February 15
PSAC National Executive Vice-President Chris Aylward appeared before the Senate Finance Committee to highlight the problems the Phoenix pay system has caused and to outline two of PSAC's key demands.
Food Secure Canada February 15
Canada’s largest food companies colluded to artificially increase the price of bread from 2001 to 2015. Six things you need to know about this scheme, including how to help improve access to food.
Mining Watch February 9
Eabametoong First Nation (EFN) is demanding a judicial review of Ontario's permit for Landore Resources to drill for gold in environmentally and culturally sensitive areas.
UFCW Local 401 February 9
Negotiations and talks with UFCW and Sobeys management have commenced in British Columbia, Manitoba and in Alberta. Read the letter to Sobey's management to glimpse what Sobeys has been doing.
United Food and Commercial Workers February 9
Have a Heart Day is an annual call to bring equal funding and services to First Nations children living on reserve. On February 14th and 15th, join their call for equal funding and better protections
Fair Vote Canada February 9
Fair Vote Canada
Electoral reform is not going away and, despite the broken promise federally, has considerable momentum at the provincial level. British Columbia, Quebec, and Prince Edward Island are moving forward.
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario February 9
In ETFO Voice, Matthew Morris argues that educators have not sufficiently dealt with the issue of race in classrooms. Instead, schools and educators have adopted policies which fail black students.
Socialist Worker February 2
Did his inner circle, caucus and the Queen’s Park press corps know, but all kept it quiet, part of what used to be called a “gentleman’s agreement?” How long did they know?
Toronto & York Region Labour Council February 2
Toronto &  York Region Labour Council
This open letter by John Cartwright is intended as an urgent call for leaders in our movement,at every level, to strive to find a solution to this potential rupture before it becomes irreparable.
Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada February 2
What are the changes recently announced by the Liberal government to crack down on anti-abortion groups’ use of the Canada Summer Jobs program to get thousands of dollars in public funds.
