Showing posts with label Proud Boy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proud Boy. Show all posts

Monday, March 05, 2018

Ronny Cameron: Social Media Suicide By Attacking Bulk of Supporters

Well.... that was interesting.

Ronny Cameron, a Toronto alt-right personality who has openly embraced "white nationalism" (despite bragging that he can't be racist because his girlfriend is black, unless challenged by other racists in which case his girlfriend is basically white) and the "white genocide" conspiracy theory has.... how shall I put this?
How about like this?

Ronny hasn't been active on his own profile for several weeks now (in Facebook jail perhaps) but he has been active on his self-promoting group page. And yesterday he decided to alienate most of his supporters with this post:

Ladies and gentlemen, let the shit storm (only a tiny fraction of which is included here) commence!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ron Banerjee: A Racist Walter Mitty

It is almost impressive how shameless Ron Banerjee is.

ARC has covered Banerjee, a supporter of Hinduvata, for a few years now. To suggest that he is anti-Muslim, anti-Sikh, and violently misogynistic would perhaps be a bit of an understatement:

His most recent appearance was at last week's anti-racism Town Hall where he and others disrupted the proceedings. However he has also unsurprisingly insinuated himself into the case of the 11 year-old child who made a false claim about a man cutting her hijab. In what is beginning to look like a bit of an AstroTurf campaign, a group of conservative Chinese-Canadians have been protesting since late January demanding Justin Trudeau apologize for his then condemnation of the attack while carrying professionally-made signs that imply that Muslims are a threat; their largest rally was in Ottawa and was joined by members of La Meute, Proud Boys, Canadian Combat Coalition, Northern Guard, and other similar groups.

When this group first began protesting, Banerjee showed up with his megaphone....

.... and implied that HE had organized the protest and that the Chinese-Canadian group were members and supporters of Rise Canada:

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Yet ANOTHER Pegida Canada Rally In London Fails

One day Pegida Canada might get the message that neither they nor their message are welcome in the city of London, ON and they will leave. While this was not that day, they seem increasingly discouraged by their low numbers confronting much larger counter-protester who spend much of the time making fun of them.

ARC has received permission from Mike Roy to who was one of the counter-protesters opposing Pegida Canada who this time brought along what appears to be a member of the Canadian Combat Coalition and a handful of members of the Soldiers of Odin. Yes, there are actually still a few small chapters that exist in BC, Alberta, and Ontario though their numbers are dwindling as evidenced by their sad showing today:

Pegida Canada members....

.... and Soldiers of Odin who have, let's be honest, seen better days.
The people of London against local hate groups Pegida and The Soldiers of Odin
today at City hall #ldnont #lovenothate Feb 24th 2018.
Really, I honestly don't know why they continue to subject themselves to the ridicule and humiliation. Perhaps they have a bit of a masochistic streak?

Mark Vandermaas: "Officer will you baby sit us? No? Well I'm going to take your name down!"

The people of London against local hate groups Pegida and The Soldiers of Odin
today at City hall #ldnont #lovenothate Feb 24th 2018.

The people of London against local hate groups Pegida and The Soldiers of Odin
today at City hall #ldnont #lovenothate Feb 24th 2018.

The people of London against local hate groups Pegida and The Soldiers of Odin
today at City hall #ldnont #lovenothate Feb 24th 2018.

The people of London against local hate groups Pegida and The Soldiers of Odin
today at City hall #ldnont #lovenothate Feb 24th 2018.

The people of London against local hate groups Pegida and The Soldiers of Odin
today at City hall #ldnont #lovenothate Feb 24th 2018.

Notice top left corner -- The people of London against local hate groups Pegida and
The Soldiers of Odin today at City hall #ldnont #lovenothate Feb 24th 2018.
On the other side, Pegida, trying to put a brave face on another failure, tries to polish a turd:

As they are walking to City Hall, Pegida Canada makes it clear they don't care about Islamism or Islamic extremism. Their targets are Muslims. Full stop:

The main speaker is "Jenny" (not her real name) who is the spokesperson for Pegida Canada. "Jenny" has difficulty with the sound system and is frustrated by the counter-protesters and asks the police to stop the noise they are making presumably because while she favors free speech, she doesn't actually mean she's for it for people other than her side:

When she finally does get started, "Jenny" complains bitterly about how unfair it is that they have been labeled as hateful bigots and that they deserve an apology, because libeling the Muslim community is acceptable but NOT people who look like them! That is an outrage!

Really, they don't seem to get the concept of irony here:

Next it is time to continue the slander of Iqra Khalid. First "Jenny" mentions the town hall that took place on Thursday which was disrupted by Islamophobes who had every intention of disrupting the event, complaining that questions were not answered by the panelists which strikes me as just a bit of chutzpah on her part. She then goes on to claim that Khalid, who's non-binding private members motion to condemn Islamophobia, "and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination" is irrationally considered to be a blasphemy law, as having links to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is due mainly to Khalid's involvement in a Muslim Students' Association in university and the fact these folks think that being a Muslim is really all that is needed to be linked to the Muslim Brotherhood:

"Jenny"goes on a rather lengthy rant about halal foods, though she does later admit that kosher practices aren't that much different but that's not the point! She does carry on about where the funds go which strikes this writer as being very closely parallel to the antisemitic "Kosher Tax" bs. I will spare the readers the rambling here.

"Jenny"ends her speech with what I think is quite enlightening concerning Pegida's position. They seem perfectly okay with religious dogma being used to govern the country so long as it is THEIR religious dogma:

The final speaker rambles on with no real direction. It is quite a something to behold. All she needs to do is include some references to "deadly worldwide mad gangster god" and it would be a rant worthy of Francis E. Dec:

Now, as they leave and if you listen carefully to the comment you'll hear some not so subtle homophobia which, considering their Islamophobia, isn't exactly surprising though it is somewhat awkward considering not long before they had claimed concern for the well-being of the homosexual community:

After some time to reflect, Pegida Canada offers this:

So, that's good news and to be sure it is very good news. Pegida Canada's numbers have continued to decline since their first also largely outnumbered protest at the end of August when members of the Canadian Combat Coalition and some III% militia participated.

However, there is also some information that should be cause for reflection.

Town Hall Discussing Systemic Racism Disrupted By Bigot and Racists

This past Thursday an Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Town Hall took place at the Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church in Toronto. The panelists included Lisa Kinsella who spoke about her efforts concerning prosecuting "Your Ward News" and James Sears for hate crimes, MP Iqra Khalid who authored M103 condemning Islamophobia as well as other forms of racism and discrimination directed at religious and ethnic groups, Ontario Minister Responsible for Anti-Racism Michael Coteau, Beaches-East York MPP Arthur Potts, and Beaches-East York MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith.

It also attracted the haters:

There are a few first hand accounts of what occurred when the Islamophobes and racists, who were in the minority but did not govern themselves in a manner that the majority did, disrupted the event. 

Those present who are known to ARC include Meir Weinstein of the Jewish Defence League,

Long-time white supremacist Paul Fromm (Weinstein and Paulie, eh?), 

Misogynistic Hindu-ultranationalist Ron Banerjee of the one-man show Canadian Hindu Advocacy and the slightly larger Rise Canada,

Lynn Redden who leads the unintentionally ironic Suffragettes Against Silence and who has attended a host of anti-Muslim events including the recent Ottawa protest and who made headlines heckling Trudeau at a town hall in London

Eric Brazau who has a very long history of anti-Muslim agitation and who's criminal record includes assault, 

And Lawrence who is associated with the Proud Boys and JDL; he is also seen frequently at anti-Muslim protests and has made threats directed towards a number of female anti-fascists:


Monday, February 19, 2018

Canadian Far-Right React to (Yet Another) Mass Shooting in the United States

This past Wednesday there was another mass shooting in the US, this time in Florida. I mean, it was a Wednesday in the United States and at this point it would almost be a surprise if there wasn't a mass shooting on a day that ends with the letter "y." I would add that to write "this time in Florida" suggests that mass shootings in Florida are unique. They are not or course. Not unique anywhere in what might be regarded as the first wealthy failed state:

A total of 17 lives lost because too many Americans love their guns more than they love their children:

The 19 year suspect whom I will endeavor not to mention by name other than in the screen shots was, by all accounts, a very violent individual with an obsession with firearms and violence. Expelled from school in part because of his violence tendencies, former class mates who have been interviewed have said that he would wear "overly patriotic" t-shirts and a MAGA baseball cap:

Though initial reports linking the alleged shooter to a Florida-based white supremacist movement proved to be untrue and was yet another alt-right effort to troll the msm, it has been discovered that he did hold racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, misogynistic, and homophobic views that he posted on social media:
CNN, investigating comments the shooter may have left on a now-deleted YouTube channel, was added to the private Instagram group by one of the active members in it. The responding group members, who appear to be younger than 18, have refused to confirm their identities to CNN on or off the record.
Racism was a constant theme in the chat group, which was called "Murica (American flag emoji) (eagle emoji) great" -- a name it was given by Cruz.
The hatred he and others in the group espoused met little resistance from its active members. In one part of the group chat, Cruz wrote that he hated, "jews, ni**ers, immigrants." 
He talked about killing Mexicans, keeping black people in chains and cutting their necks. The statements were not made in jest. 
There are hundreds of racist messages, racist memes and racist Instagram videos posted in the group.
Cruz said he hated black people simply because they were black; Cruz hated Jews because he believed they wanted to destroy the world.
After one member expressed hatred for gay people, Cruz agreed, saying, "Shoot them in the back of head." 
White women drew Cruz's hatred as well, specifically those in interracial relationships, whom he referred to repeatedly as traitors.
Almost immediately after the shooting, a number of far-right and alt-right groups and individuals began circulating false information about the suspect. Before any of this information came out, the alleged shooter was characterized as a Muslim, Muslim convert, a registered Democrat, and a member of "antifa." Others claimed it was a "false flag" such as those who follow Alex Jones. Photos of completely different people were claimed as the suspect even when it didn't look any bit like the alleged shooter:

Also, there is no such thing as the Laguna Beach Antifa. It is a false Twitter account.

Their Canadian counterparts have followed suit.

They've posted the wrong image:

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Anti-Muslim Hate Rally on Parliament Hill: Updates

SUMMATION: There will be additions to this article after this, however a summary of the events was provided to ARC by a journalist friend who was in attendance:
  • There were roughly 500 Islamophobe protesters to 150 counter-protesters (UPDATE: ARC has also received numbers as low as 250 and 80 for the Islamophobes and counter-protesters respectively as well as a high of 350 for the counter-protesters.... counting heads may not be the forte of any side it seems). Of the 500, approximately half appeared to have come from the contingent of Chinese-Canadians who organized the event. Some NDP delegates who were attending their national conference in Ottawa also came by to show support to the counter-protesters.
  • Both sides were separated by a wide distance. There were six arrests witnessed, three on each side. On the Islamophobe side, Proud Boy member Brandon Vaughan was arrested as was a bald man and another individual whom we don't know.
  • The groups that showed up in addition to the group of Chinese-Canadians who organized the event include La Meute and their English counterparts, Storm Alliance, Northern Guard, Canadian Combat Coalition, Suffragettes Against Silence (Lynn Redden's group), and the Proud Boys. The more militant of the groups, including the Northern Guard and some La Meute members, wore badges designating themselves as security. 
  • Individuals who appeared included someone who may have been Brandon Myles Wallingford (who was caught in the act of putting up alt-right racist flyers on a university campus recently), Nick Gallant of the Northern Guard (UPDATE: mistaken identity), former Northern Guard member Eric Brazeau, Steven Myatt, Brandon Vaughan (arrested), Proud Boy members Robert Jones and Damion Bates, Sandra Solomon, Lynn Redden, Greg Renouf, Dan Dubois, Bryan Trottier, former Storm Alliance president Dave Treggett, and the JDL's photographer who's name is unknown to me but who has attended events in the past. Also present was Brian Lilly as well as David Menzies of Rebel Media who interviewed the producer of the hate documentary "Killing Europe" Michael Hansen (also in attendance):
Word is three counter-protesters were taken into custody, though at least two were released immediately.
Three individuals involved in the hate protest were arrested, including Brandon Vaughan

Brandon Wallingford, Brandon Vaughan, and Damion Bates

ARC will update this page as information is both gathered and received. Prior to the protest on February 17, one of the CDN Wolfpack moderators posted the following which contains a rather interesting statement:

A sponsor, eh? That is a rather interesting claim.

Yesterday ARC and one of ARC's friends engaged in a discussion with CDN Wolfpack head Bryan Trottier (who's Twitter handle seems to honor the murderer of a Greek anti-fascist) who along with others in La Meute plan on participating. We asked if the Canadian Combat Coalition and III% militia-types would be welcomed to attend:

For clarity, ARC asked again:

I'm just going to say that Trottier might consider letting the CCC they aren't welcome because they plan on coming as well as Quebec La Meute members that they aren't supposed to be friends with CCC because someone appears to have missed the memo:

Also a bit awkward:

And regarding those small number of Chinese-Canadian protesters, there is an increasing sense that this apparent outrage might be just a bit of a political astroturf campaign:

We also have a good idea where the contingent from La Meute is meeting up before they proceed to Parliament Hill:
As of 1:00 Ontario time, Myatt claims that 200 people have assembled at the parking lot, though the photo he provides doesn't suggest that large a number (there may be other groups not pictured):

Middle-age Proud Boy Robert "Arrested Development" Jones provides these photos of some of the participants and their escorts:

There also appears to have been a verbal confrontation between those participating in the hate protest and those who came out to oppose them. Tweets are not embedding properly so I will simply post the links for now:
We also have word of our first arrests, including a member of the Proud Boys is being cuffed as I write this:
The Proud Boy member who was arrested has been confirmed to be Brandon Vaughan, a friend of Steven Myatt.

Vaughan had posted a video after his arrest and subsequent release:

At approximately 1:45 pm the La Meute group Myatt was with began proceeding to Parliament Hill:

Storm Alliance vice president Colin Oleary posted another video at the same time indicating a large group of La Meute and Storm Alliance members as well as another group of Chinese-Canadians were marching to the staging point. It isn't 100% certain if this is the same group Myatt is with, though it seems likely:

Robert Jones has also been very helpful in providing photographs of the people attending as well as estimating the numbers in their group. Including the Chinese-Canadian contingent, it looks to be in the area of 500 or so, give or take 50. Last time ARC looked the counter-protesters were around 150 and this number seems to be unchanged:
Myatt of course has claimed the number is in the range of 600 people which seems less likely given the source:

Still, for all their effort, not an especially good show for the Islamophobes especially with their numbers bolstered by the anti-Muslim Chinese-Canadian group considering the numbers they claimed would be attending and that they had to pull individuals to attend from across the country:


Just received confirmation that Northern Guard members are in attendance providing, "security":
Also Dave Tregget decided to make an appearance:

And as Dan Dubois and members of his Canadian Combat Coalition are also present, it would appear that they were not quite as banned from attending as CDN Wolfpack leader Bryan Trottier had suggested.

David Menzies of Rebel Media seen talking to some La Meute and Storm Alliance members:

Dubois spills the beans on the true agenda here:

Dubois finishes off the video by throwing around the "shit hole countries" comment and longing for a Trump-like leader for Canada as well as demanding Trudeau resign as leader because roughly 500 malcontents don't like him:

That pretty much completes ARC's coverage of the day's events in Ottawa. If there's anything else that comes up I'll update as appropriate.

Postscript: MSM has reported on the event.