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10 March 2018

A Trailblazing Filmmaker Wants to Make Sure Native Stories Have Their Place in the US Narrative

"Our thing is 'Natives in charge of their narrative.' That's going to be our narrative for quite some time, moving forward, until something changes in this industry."

Law, Entertainment and Politics in Korea Feel the Wrath of #MeToo

The Bridge

Koreans witnessed the power of the people with the ousting of the president last March. Now they're seeing it again in the form of #MeToo and #WithYou.

9 March 2018

What Bitcoin, Tulip Mania and the Nigerian Stock Market Have in Common

The Bridge

"Though tulips had no practical use and lacked fragrance and medicinal value, at the height of tulip mania investors sold their homes to purchase a single bulb. Sound familiar?"

Pastor's Reduced Sentence for ‘Sex With Minors’ Casts Cloud Over International Women's Day in Jamaica

"Disgraced Moravian pastor Rupert Clarke got a slap on the wrist...He egregiously breached the trust and confidence of the people who look to him as a man of the clergy..."

8 March 2018

Netizen Report: Sri Lanka Blocks Social Media Amid Sectarian Violence


The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

Women March in Indonesia for Equality and Justice Amid Legislative Attacks on Rights and Freedoms

Marchers used the hashtag #LawanBersama (#FightTogether) to call for the protection of women's rights.

Evidence Says Iran Throttled Telegram Connections After January Protests


User reports and various data suggests even after the Iranian government removed censorship on the popular messaging and social media platform, they were still slowing down speeds.

Sand Mining in Uganda Poses a Serious Threat to the Environment

"Where there any hydrological as well as geology survey before sand mining to ascertain any risk on the highway?"

Rebels and Rebellion in Classic Chinese Literature

The Bridge

"These stories continued to be passed from generation to generation because they embody a spirit of disobedience and rebellion, an eternal source of inspiration for the Chinese people."

Thousands Protest on the Streets of Kashmir After Indian Army Kills Four Civilians

"#Kashmir is a place of a billion or more coverups...India had never been interested in human rights or accountability. They are interested in controlling Kashmir by fear."

A Struggle for Dignity: Women's Rights in Afghanistan

Empowerment on paper has not led to empowerment in practice.

7 March 2018

WordFrames: Are ‘Teens’ Getting a Bad Rap?


What do you think when you hear the word "teen"? In this post, we explore English-language media conversations around teens, adolescents, and youth.

Slovak Bloggers and European Leaders Demand Justice for Slain Journalist Ján Kuciak


"Supranational law enforcement tools must be established urgently to punish the killers. Strong words won't deliver justice."

Ecuador's Judicial System Leaves Crimes of Torture Against the LGBTQ Community Unpunished

The legal context that seeks justice for "de-homosexualization clinics" is insufficient in combating the impunity that protects those responsible for facilitating the existence of these centers of forced confinement.

Ulises Padrón: “In [Cuban] Society, LGBTQI People and Groups are Becoming More Visible”

"...[A]lthough the country important set of rights (health, education, culture, employment), there are others that fall to the wayside in the current national and regional situation."

A Record Number of African Athletes Participated in Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games

"A matter of pride for the african continent which doesn’t make light of the difficulties faced by African athletes to get here."

Sri Lanka Declares a State of Emergency Following Anti-Muslim Violence

"For 30 years, Sri Lanka, you witnessed the streets running red with the blood of your children. Have you forgotten the loss? The fear? The pain? Have you learned nothing?"

6 March 2018

Is France Finally Facing up to Its Homelessness Problem?

"I'm #SDF [no fixed abode] but I'm also a human being and full citizen...I have the right to protest about situations which disgust me"

What Were Global Voices’ Readers up to Last Week?

During the week of February 26-March 4, 2018, our stories and translations attracted readers from 204 countries. Number 129 on the list? Martinique. And number 13? Taiwan.

Murder of Investigative Journalist Ján Kuciak Shakes Slovak Society


"Judging by the past affairs in Slovakia, as well as experience with similar events in the world, it is very unlikely that we have will see justice. However, in order...

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