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Stories about Media & Journalism

9 March 2018

Pastor's Reduced Sentence for ‘Sex With Minors’ Casts Cloud Over International Women's Day in Jamaica

"Disgraced Moravian pastor Rupert Clarke got a slap on the wrist...He egregiously breached the trust and confidence of the people who look to him as a man of the clergy..."

7 March 2018

WordFrames: Are ‘Teens’ Getting a Bad Rap?


What do you think when you hear the word "teen"? In this post, we explore English-language media conversations around teens, adolescents, and youth.

Slovak Bloggers and European Leaders Demand Justice for Slain Journalist Ján Kuciak


"Supranational law enforcement tools must be established urgently to punish the killers. Strong words won't deliver justice."

6 March 2018

Murder of Investigative Journalist Ján Kuciak Shakes Slovak Society


"Judging by the past affairs in Slovakia, as well as experience with similar events in the world, it is very unlikely that we have will see justice. However, in order...

1 March 2018

Netizen Report: Tunisian Court Refuses to Ban Online LGBTQ Radio Shams Rad


The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in internet rights around the world.

Russian Authorities Are Trying Really Hard to Boost Turnout in the Upcoming Election, Good Taste Be Damned

RuNet Echo

"There's no doubt about the importance they’re attaching to the turnout...The money poured into this campaign is being squandered, because these campaign ads are cooked up by amateurs, not professionals."

Guinean Blogger Sally Bilaly Sow: “Accountability Must Be in the Minds of Every Citizen”

"Today, Guinean bloggers are indispensable actors in the construction of a new and democratic Guinea."

27 February 2018

Censored, But Not Backing Down: Cuban News Site Staff Say They Won't Change Their Editorial Line


Online news magazine "El Estornudo" has been blocked inside Cuba and its editor writes an open letter that can be read in other media outlets inside the island.

26 February 2018

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce Quits As Private Affair Becomes Public Scandal

The Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has resigned after his affair with a staff member turned the spotlight on his political integrity.

23 February 2018

One Country, Two Leaders and Four Censored TV Channels: Kenya's Political Crisis Takes a Toll on Human Rights


The illusion of an independent Kenyan media that is free from state interference has evaporated.

22 February 2018

Netizen Report: Mexican NGOs Push for Independent Investigation of Malware Attacks


The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

India's Investigation Agency ‘Defines’ Duties of a Journalist After Arresting Kashmiri Photojournalist Kamran Yousuf


"Indian authorities must stop trying to crush the independent press in the Jammu and Kashmir region. Authorities should immediately release Kamran Yousuf."

21 February 2018

Censorship in Serbia Hits a New Low After Newspaper ‘Edits’ an Obituary


A Serbian newspaper censored part of an obituary of a graphic artist, which noted that one of his last works was a book about censorship.

Tunisian Security Forces Target Journalists Covering Anti-Austerity Protests


The press in Tunisia is "too free," Tunisian president Essebsi said at a joint press conference with French president Macron on 31 January.

20 February 2018

Serbian Journalists Face Harassment for Investigating Spending by Defense Minister (and His ‘Aunt From Canada’)


In spite of threats, investigative journalists keep demanding accountability from Serbian Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin.

Protests in Trinidad's Capital as Residents Face Off with Police

Police say they shot and killed a man in a shootout, protestors claim it was an extrajudicial killing, wider society has no sympathy, and no solutions are being put forward.

19 February 2018

Chinese State TV Lambasted for ‘Racist’ Lunar New Year Sketch Featuring Blackface

"My first Chinese New Year watching the annual CCTV spring gala and they trot out a Chinese lady in blackface...with a pet "monkey" (played by a man from Cote D'Ivoire)..."

14 February 2018

How Indigenous Communities Are Using Data to ‘Reframe’ Their Narratives Through Digital Storytelling

Rising VoicesNewsFrames

"Tools of this kind can become an element to analyze our communication work and guide us in choosing the best way to respond to the information generated by traditional media." 

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