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Stories about Education

22 February 2018

Laughing in the Face of an Internet Shutdown In Bangladesh


"To stop the leaks, better to cancel the exam rather than shutting the internet down. Then you won't have to worry about leaks anymore."

20 February 2018

#MehfoozBachpan: Pakistani Activists Demand Policy to Safeguard Children from Sexual Abuse in 2018 Elections

"Protected childhood is a collective dream, each of us is responsible for our children...We will vote for protected childhood in next election."

9 February 2018

‘The Educational System Has Failed Us': The Grief and Frustration of Jordan's Unemployed University Graduates

"I thought that once I graduated I would be able to...make a better living," one graduate said "I now make the same amount as I did as a student."

25 January 2018

Afghanistan Reels From Two Deadly Attacks in Less than a Week

"A cowardly and heinous attack by a bunch of terrorists on a humanitarian organization that serves the Afghan children."

5 December 2017

In China, Skepticism Surrounding Police Investigation of Kindergarten Child Abuse Is Censored

"In a matter of a few minutes, thousands of questions popped up...Then in a matter of a few seconds, all the comments vanished and the comment function was closed."

26 November 2017

What's in a Scarf? A Robot Restaurant in Bangladesh Serves up Controversy

"I was not surprised to see that the robot had to wear a scarf. Isn't that normal here?

A Student's Suicide Prompts Demands for Higher Education Reform in Afghanistan

"Break the hand that pushed a person to kill herself!"

24 November 2017

An Affordable University Education Is at Risk in Post-Hurricane Puerto Rico

"The government and the university's administration have more than the necessary excuses to continue the privatization of the UPR and the access of education"

17 November 2017

Argentine Documentary ‘Education in Motion’ Spotlights Grassroots Learning in Latin America

"The people know very well that the school is here, conquered by the struggle, it is in struggle and lives in struggle."

14 November 2017

In India, Class and Gender Inequities Impede Justice for Sexual Harassment Victims


"...the entire justice system itself is aligned towards keeping patriarchy and caste system intact."

13 November 2017

How a Female Scientist Became a Symbol of Resistance to Sexism in Kyrgyzstan

"Take that patriarchs! A woman scientist is saving lives while you make judgements on how to correctly collect dirty socks!"

3 November 2017

Award-Winning Malian Blogger Boukary Konaté Was a Teacher, a Trailblazer and a Friend

Boukary Konaté traveled to regions of Mali far away from the capital to train the younger generations in the basics of blogging and safeguarding their culture.

24 October 2017

The Battle Over Education in Afghanistan Is Decades Old and Still Only Heating Up

"Education is the antidote to the Taliban: education is tantamount to freeing the minds from the cages of extremism and bigotry."

23 October 2017

A Macedonian Comic Strip Encourages Women to Pursue Computer Programming Careers

Neta, a comic strip about a young woman who works as software engineer, has become a fixture of Macedonian tech culture.

12 October 2017

‘The Position of Women in Science Has Changed for the Better’, but ‘Is Still Far From Ideal’

"...tenured women scientists are not paid salaries comparable to their male counterparts. They are more frequently overlooked for promotions and administrative positions."

27 September 2017

#WhereIsMySchool? Parents Fight for Proper Education for Children with Disabilities in Bosnia

"More and more parents...refuse to accept the social stigma that comes with developmental difficulties, and reject the misguided notion that they have to carry all the weight themselves."

20 September 2017

Speaking of Independence Is Getting Harder for Hong Kongers


"The universities can say they don’t support Hong Kong independence, but students and teachers should have the freedom of speech to discuss Hong Kong independence."

17 September 2017

Exploring Identities: Kazakhstan's Planned Shift to the Latin Alphabet

"Arguments against the adoption of Latin are inherently grounded in imperial Russian or Soviet ideology."

1 September 2017

The Complicated Morality of a Mixed Martial Arts Fight Club for Impoverished Chinese Boys

"Letting the kids be trained to participate in underground combat and to entertain the gamblers, this is the right path? My god!"

31 August 2017

Amid a Teacher Strike, a Powerful Image Shakes Up Peruvian Social Media

"The single gesture of caressing this petite lady on the face makes him –magically– a tender giant".

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