Spend time on your business.
Not sales tax.

Let TaxJar automate your sales tax calculations, reporting, and filings in minutes.

Start Your Free 30-Day Trial Today

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Join more than 10,000 businesses and developers who trust TaxJar each month:

TaxJar SmartCalcs Customers

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Easily connect to the places where you sell

  • Merchants: Simple one-click connection to your marketplace or cart. Say goodbye to spreadsheets and messy CSVs.
  • Developers: View our demo and get your API token instantly! Use our docs to send your first API call for your custom cart.

TaxJar instantly prepares your state return-ready reports

  • Merchants: Use TaxJar Reports to finish your returns in minutes, or choose to automate your filing with AutoFile.
  • Developers: Share TaxJar Reports with your clients to help them easily remit their sales tax payments to the state.

Enroll in AutoFile.
You’re done!

  • Merchants & Developers: Choose to automate your filings with AutoFile and let TaxJar handle filing.
  • Never miss a due date again. On-time, every time.
Sales Tax Support

Need help along the way?
Just ask!

We're proud to offer world-class customer support for all customers. When you partner with TaxJar, you’ll gain access to an experienced team of professionals who understand the ins and outs of sales tax.

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Learn more about how TaxJar can save you hours on sales tax. Request a Demo

See What Others Think of TaxJar

TaxJar Guarantee

Are you a developer looking for accurate sales tax calculations?

TaxJar SmartCalcs comes with detailed documentation and open-source clients on GitHub for languages such as Ruby, PHP, Node, and .NET with more on the way. All you need is an API key to get started.

  • Accurate Sales Tax Rates and Calculations
  • Shipping and Product-Level Taxability
  • International Support
  • Easy to Use and Developer Friendly

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