Italian Furniture and Design


"Made in Italy" calls to mind high-quality, customized design in which material, form, and function are seamlessly integrated. In the second half of the 20th century, Italian design attained worldwide recognition and became the international standard for luxury goods manufacturing throughout the 1960s and '70s. Spanning interior, fashion, industrial, and architectural design, Italian design is characterized by a tradition of artisanship, formal innovation, and a certain humorous irreverence. Sourced from established Italian fashion houses and niche production factories like Alessi and Cassina that specialize in areas like flatware, lighting, or seating, Italy's modern design industry has been centralized in Milan and Northern Italy. Notable examples of Italian design include The Moka Pot, designed by Alfonso Bialetti in 1933, The Libro Chair by Gruppo Dam (1970), and Cesare Casati and C. Emmanuele Ponzio's Pillola Lamps (1968).