- published: 24 Jun 2007
- views: 2131199
Coordinates: 50°50′N 4°00′E / 50.833°N 4.000°E / 50.833; 4.000
Belgium (i/ˈbɛldʒəm/; Dutch: België
[ˈbɛlɣijə]; French: Belgique
[bɛlʒik]; German: Belgien
[ˈbɛlɡiən]), officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a sovereign state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts several of the EU's official seats and as well as the headquarters of many major international organizations such as NATO. Belgium covers an area of 30,528 square kilometres (11,787 sq mi) and has a population of about 11 million people.
Straddling the cultural boundary between Germanic and Latin Europe, Belgium is home to two main linguistic groups: the Dutch-speaking, mostly Flemish community, which constitutes about 59% of the population, and the French-speaking, mostly Walloon population, which comprises 41% of all Belgians. Additionally, there is a small group of German-speakers who live in the East Cantons located around the High Fens area, and bordering Germany.
Belgium is a federal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of governance. Its two largest regions are the Dutch-speaking region of Flanders in the north and the French-speaking southern region of Wallonia. The Brussels-Capital Region, officially bilingual, is a mostly French-speaking enclave within the Flemish Region. A German-speaking Community exists in eastern Wallonia. Belgium's linguistic diversity and related political conflicts are reflected in its political history and complex system of government.
Het Goede Doel (in English: The Good Cause) is a Dutch pop duo made up of Henk Westbroek and Henk Temming.
The duo performed with an accompanying band made up of Sander van Herk (guitar), Roland Jongeneel, Stephan Wienjus (bass) and Ab Tamboer (drums). Others joining in later included Arnold van Dongen (guitar), Lené te Voorhuis (bass) and Danny Sahupala (drums).
They recorded an English version of their 1982 hit "België (Is er leven op Pluto?)".
Het Goede Doel - België
Het Goede Doel - Belgie (Officiele Videoclip)
Holland - België - Afl 1 2016
Jeroen Leenders legt België uit aan Nederlanders
#112: Verover België [OPDRACHT]
België leren kennen
Trump bezoekt België
Belgium welcomes Trump in his own words
Hysterische verkeersruzie in België
Belgie – dokument od Radynacestu.cz
Maxim Hartman maakt België met grond gelijk
#WATWEETJIJ?! | #22 Gent (BELGIË).
Telefacts 03-11-2015 nieuwe wetgeving voor Drones in Belgie
Spookstad Doel België: Wat is er gebeurd?
Top 10 Achtbanen België / Top 10 Montagnes russes Belgique
Bistain Belgie
Songtekst: Waar kan ik heen? Ik kan niet naar Duitsland Ik kan niet naar Duitsland, daar zijn ze zo streng Waar kan ik heen? Ik kan niet naar Chili Ik kan niet naar Chili, daar doen ze zo eng 'k Wil niet wonen in Koeweit, want Koeweit dat is me te heet En wat Amerika betreft, dat land bestaat niet echt Waar kan ik heen? Ik wil niet naar Noord-Ierland Niet naar Noord-Ierland, daar gaat alles stuk Waar kan ik heen? Ik kan niet naar China Ik wil niet naar China, dat is me te druk 'k Wil niet wonen in Schotland, want Schotland daar is 't me te nat En de USSR, dat gaat me net te ver Is er leven op pluto? Kun je dansen op de maan? Is er een plaats tussen de sterren, waar ik heen kan gaan Is er leven op pluto? Kun je dansen op de maan? Is er een plaats tussen d...
De officiele videoclip van Het Goede Doel met Belgie Dit nummer is te downloaden via iTunes
Een kwis tussen en met Belgische en Nederlandse bekenden.
Deze Belgische winnaar van het Leids Cabaret Festival 2010 doet een poging om het ingewikkelde Belgische politieke systeem uit te leggen aan een zaal vol Nederlanders. Nou .... Uit de theatershow "Sorry, ik ben Jeroen Leenders." www.jeroenleenders.be
Verplaats de grens en verover zo een stuk van België. Met dank aan: http://www.sidverhuur.nl/ -------------------------------------------------------------- Heb jij een opdracht voor ons? Dien deze dan NU in via http://www.stuk.tv/indienen -------------------------------------------------------------- Giel, Thomas en Stefan gaan compleet STUK voor JOU! Jij bepaalt welke onzinnigheden wij iedere week moeten uithalen. Op http://www.stuk.tv komen alle belachelijke ideeën bij elkaar en bepaalt de hoeveelheid stemmen welke stunt deze gasten dit keer moeten uithalen. Heb jij een goed idee, stuur dat dan in! -------------------------------------------------------------- OPDRACHTEN INDIENEN en STEMMEN: http://www.stuk.tv LIKE ons op Facebook: http://www.fb.com/stuktv VOLG ons op Twitter: ht...
Böhmis Baukasten: Wenn Gregor Gysi mal wieder nervt: http://amzn.to/2o40Ix6 Bei Anzeigen durch Staatsoberhäupter hilft: http://amzn.to/2opC1hg Erstklassige Pop-Musik: http://amzn.to/2oUbtGv Die dargestellten audiovisuellen Inhalte sind nicht mein geistiges Eigentum. Support me here: https://goo.gl/K1yy9T After the Netherland's Video, Belgium wanted to present itself to Donald Trump as well, so here we go. Watch other European countries' videos here: everysecondcounts.eu
Bedankt voor het kijken en vergeet geen duimpje omhoog te doen! ★ ☆⭐︎ Blog ⭐︎☆ https://tabellebeauty.wordpress.com ☆⭐︎ Social Media ⭐︎☆ Instagram ★astermarcus Twitter ★MarcusAster Facebook ★http://www.facebook.com/steryoutube Snapchat ★astermarcus ☆⭐︎ Speciale Bedanking ⭐︎☆ Bob Storms ★ Technische kant van het kanaal ☆⭐︎ Contacteer Mij ⭐︎☆ tabellebeauty@gmail.com ☆⭐︎ Over Mij ⭐︎☆ Hi, ik ben Aster en ik ben 15 jaar oud. Op mijn youtubekanaal 'STER' kan je video's over beauty, lifestyle en (een heel klein beetje) fashion verwachten. Als ik een leuke dag/tijd beleef vlog ik die ook. Ik upload elke woensdag en zaterdag om 12u 's middags. Als je abonneert, blijf je op de hoogte van al mijn nieuwe en leuke video's. Nog een pluspunt: HET IS HELEMAAL GRATIS! https://www.youtube.com...
Beelden van een hysterische verkeersruzie op de Belgische snelweg richting Antwerpen. Een Nederlandse vrouw raakt hier totaal over de kook als blijkt dat het asociale rijgedrag van haar man is gefilmd. Ook iets gefilmd met de dashcam? Tip ons via verkeer@telegraaf.nl
Čtyři města během jedné dovolené? V Belgii je to možné. Procestujte Brusel, Bruggy, Antverpy a Gent. Nechte se okouzlit středověkou architekturou a uměním. Belgie je jako perlorodka – musíte ji napřed objevit, ale za odměnu vám vydá poklad. Pojeďte hledat perly: http://www.radynacestu.cz/belgie/ Při prohlídce Bruselu navštívíte královský palác, král tu ale nebydlí, jen sem chodí do práce. Také spatříte dům Victora Huga a na každém kroku vás bude obklopovat vlámská gotika. Věděli jste, že slavná bruselská socha Manneken Pis, “čurající chlapeček”, má také svůj holčičí protějšek? http://www.radynacestu.cz/magazin/curajici-chlapecek/ Bruggy, středověké “Benátky severu” poznáte z paluby lodě. Budete se totiž plavit po říčních kanálech. Uvidíte nejslavnější zvonkohru na věži Belfort s 47 zv...
WAT ZOU JIJ VERANDEREN AAN BELGIE - Achterklap INSTAGRAM & SNAPCHAT : AchterklapErgin Abonneer op Achterklap : http://bit.ly/AbonneerOpAchterklap Vorige Achterklap Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl0UdmOX9_U Achterklap Vlogs : http://bit.ly/1VijEmp Achterklap Verlaten Locaties : http://bit.ly/1JocZj4 Achterklap Pranks : http://bit.ly/1hJHTvH Achterklap Recente Uploads : http://bit.ly/1NLZbnX Social Media: @AchterklapErgin | OVERAL ZELFDE NAAM :) FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AchterklapErgin INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/AchterklapE... TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/AchterklapErgin
Maxim Hartman was te gast in tv-programma De Afspraak en geeft zijn mening over de Belgen.
In #WATWEETJIJ?! onderzoek ik de algemene kennis van de mensen op straat. Vragen die heel simpel lijken, maar onder druk toch wat moeilijker kunnen worden. Vandaag ben ik het voor eerst in BELGIË, GENT! Abonneer op mijn kanaal via: http://bit.ly/1JzqfGN Elke zondag om 17:00 #WATWEETJIJ?! VORIGE VIDEO #WATWEETJIJ?! | #21 AWR SQUAD DEEL 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilsARUHWeog&index;=22&list;=PLn0m5v6sA9oLfTVAAQhuOUyFFT60D_eYT FOLLOW ME! | SOCIAL MEDIA SNAPCHAT: kidkidguapo. http://www.instagram.com/defano.holwijn http://www.twitter.com/defanoholwijn http://www.facebook.com/defanoholwijn Op dit kanaal vind je behalve mijn kenmerkende '10 dingen' filmpjes, Jantje Bijdehandje, #WATWEETJIJ?! nog veel meer.......... onzin. Wel grappige onzin, hoop ik. Elke Maandag, Woensdag, Vrijdag en Z...
De Belgische regering gaat ervoor zorgen dat we niks meer mogen doen met onze drones als amateur Zeg wel 10m hoog, Als ze privacy wetgeving problemen willen dan gaan ze die nu wel krijgen en zeg het zelf max 1KG een Phantom 3 weegt al meer. Iemand met een Phantom 3 zou dus een cursus moeten volgen van 3000 euro, een theoretisch examen en praktisch examen moeten afleggen. Daarna een medische controle. Dan moet men zijn drone laten registreren En dat zou allemaal gratis zijn. Denk het niet. Ze doden zo de amateur piloten. Hopelijk is er nog iets aan te doen als men in Belgie eindelijk gaat reageren.
Deze video gaat over de verlaten Spookstad Doel in België en de Kerncentrale, ik vertel wat er is gebeurd en waarom er bijna niemand meer woont. Als je meer informatie wil wees dan vrij om contact op te nemen. Abonneer als je meer van zulke video's wil zien en help mij dat voor elkaar te krijgen, het kost niets! Als je andere vette locaties kent waar ik heen kan gaan laat dat dan weten! Pokémon Go in Doel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeUsRR6Q63k http://arianworks.nl/ Vergeet niet te abonneren: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxtAcR86fXOAmf-zrqCF2jA SOCIAL SHIZZLE: Twitter: https://twitter.com/arianx_xbma Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arianworks/ Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/100194089157966499838 Dark Times van Kevin MacLeod is gelicentieerd onder een Creative Com...
Inspired by WHSQ en Défano Holwijn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 likes ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPD9SEFeS-c4JiSQLM1CKog?sub_confirmation=1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volg me ook zeker op m'n social media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelYT3001 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelYT3001/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelyt3001/ Snapchat: MichaelYT3001 of https://www.snapchat.com/add/michaelyt3001 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michaelyt3001
MIJN EIGEN HUIS! IK WOON IN BELGIË! http://youtube.com/mitchellvoeten https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc2Jdy0k6QL5C1pMNNPQOHA Abonneer voor meer video's! ↪ http://bit.ly/1sYY2Au Social media ↪ Twitter : https://twitter.com/Dutchtuber Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/job.vangrafh... Instagram : http://instagram.com/youtubejob Welkom op Dutchtuber2 Op dit kanaal worden dagelijks 3 Minecraft video's geüpload. Alle video's worden geüpload in HD, 720 of 1080. Wat ik voornamelijk doe zijn Minecraft minigames. Ook speel ik vele andere dingen in Minecraft, zoals: MineTopia, Survival, Roleplay en nog veel meer! Volg mij ook op Twitter voor nieuwtjes en meer!: https://twitter.com/Dutchtuber
www.Xtremerides.nl - The biggest rideschannel from Youtube! TOP 10 Video's from the best rides! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhEjaBu2UVpbuGUl3WyrOEyMvSxWg4uxP ---------- TOP 10 Achtbanen van België. Bobbejaanland en Walibi domineren de lijst natuurlijk TOP 10 verres de Belgique que j'ai métrage. Bobbejaanland et Walibi dominent la liste des cours ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like me at facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xtremeridesr... Subscribe it's free: https://www.youtube.com/user/Xtremerides Or visit my site for more photo's, reports and information! www.Xtremerides.nl Check also my other channels! https://www.youtube.com/user/Xtremeri... BIG GIANT GOOD GREAT Fireworks! Check also: www.Xtremerides1.nl for Photo's! h...
» +1500Likes? Zou sick zijn ! « » Bedankt voor het abonneren en het duimpje omhoog!« » Check zeker even de beschrijving als je meer wil weten over mij!« ◉ Social Media: ➤ Twitter:https://twitter.com/NathanxAcid ➤ Twitch:http://www.twitch.tv/yadsacid ➤ Instagram:http://instagram.com/vandergunstnathan/ ➤ Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/pages/Acid-Dagelijkse-Videos/765023840204876 ◉ Vaste Designers : ➤ Outro : https://www.youtube.com/user/LnnTDesigns ➤ https://twitter.com/RobertLigthart_ ➤ https://www.youtube.com/user/LnnTDesigns Mijn naam is Nathan ook wel bekend als Acid op YouTube ! Ik probeer dagelijkse video's te maken, soms lukt dit niet door school of prive zaken. Dit channel is een : Gaming channel, Vlog Channel, Praat Video Channel, Prank Channel & veel meer. Ik doe dus eigen...
http://bookinghunter.com/ Brussels is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union (EU). It is also the largest urban area in Belgium, comprising 19 municipalities, including the municipality of the City of Brussels, which is the de jure capital of Belgium, in addition to the seat of the French Community of Belgium and of the Flemish Community. The most important places to visit in Brussels: The Atomium (amongst the world's most fascinating buildings, represents a cell of iron crystal magnified 165 billion times. You can even take a walk inside), Manneken Pis (simply put, a statue of a boy urinating. No one expected a famous Brussels landmark. Often it's adorned with costumes), Royal greenhouses (built all the way back in 1873, it's a massive complex of greenhous...
We start in Bruges to check into a medieval hospital, savor the exquisite art of Memling, and climb a bell tower, getting up close and fortissimo at a carillon concert. Then we ride the train to Brussels, where passionate chefs — creators of French fries and Europe's finest chocolate — give us a taste of their art. © 2004 Rick Steves' Europe
Brussels, being the center of the European Union, is not only the capital of Belgium, but of whole Europe. The mediaval city core and square determine the atmosphere of the whole city. The Grand Palace is surrounded by magnificent baroque buildings, which were once centers of famous guilds. The building of the City Hall is remerkably beautiful. Not far away stands the Menneken Pils, one of the symbols of Brussels. In the elegant passages and on the streets one can find such Belgian rarities as lace, pralines, and beer. The most notable sights in the city are the Parliament and the City Hall, but we must not forget the Museums showing us the works of the authors of the Low Countries. Near the triumphal arch stands the famous Atomium, which was the symbol of the 1958 World Fair. We can take ...
Bruges, Belgium Tourism and Vacations 2016 - Bruges, Belgium Trips 2016 - Bruges, Belgium Travel Guide : Sponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com )) Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube bruges belgium, bruges belgium travel guide, bruges belgium tour, bruges belgium tourist attraction, bruges belgium christmas, bruges belgium winter, bruges belgium nightlife, in bruges belgium joke, belgium bruges and brussels, bruges belgium rick steves bruges belgium bruges belgium weather bruges belgium map bruges belgium tourism bruges belgium history bruges belgium airport bruges belgium things to do bruges belgium pronunciation bruges belgium language bruges belgium beer bruges belgium hotels bruges belgium attractions br...
IN BRUGES, GHENT, & ANTWERP - BELGIUM What's up guys, and welcome back to the Travel Dudes Channel !! This video is a mix of three different day trips to three different cities in Belgium. Bruges, Ghent, and Antwerp all have their own distinct vibes and cultural identities. Each city deserves at least a day to explore and Belgium itself at least a week to visit if you are travelling in the area. There is so much more we were unable to see and do, but I hope this video gives you a good overview of what the cities look like and some of the amazing experiences you can expect. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE Traveldudes.org For Travelers, By Travelers! twitter.com/traveldudes facebook.com/traveldudes plus.google.com/+TraveldudesOrg instagram.com/traveldudes pinterest.com/traveldudes Music: Magesti...
Getting close to Brussels, Belgium - This travelogue brings us to the heart of Europe. We visit the attractions Brussels is most famous for and move on to explore lesser-known areas. Join us in investigating what's so special about the Manneken Pis and grab a waffle along the way. Full post : http://www.gettingcloseto.com/things-to-do-in-brussels-belgium/ P.S. If you liked this video, please consider sending a donation so I can keep on producing them: http://paypal.me/gettingcloseto
A Brussels travel guide with insider tips for your city tour in the capital of Belgium | theTravellers show you the city Brussels and delicious Belgium food | Book your hotel: http://www.bitly.com/Best-Hotels-in-Brussels | Our hotel recommendation: http://www.bitly.com/Le-Coup-de-Coeur (Affiliate link) Recommended stay: Min. 2 days Songs: Secret Conversations - The 126ers Hang Ups (Want You) - Otis McDonald Sour Tennessee Red - John Deley and the 41 Players Hall Of Mirrors - Bird Creek Pas de Deux - Bird Creek Mountain Dub - Gunnar Olsen Wishing Well - Bird Creek Ever Felt pt.1 - Otis McDonald All music in this video are free for download with permission for commercial use.
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Belgium: Travel Belgium. Belgium Tourist attractions, Belgium Attractions, Belgium Tourist Destinations, Belgium Destinations, Belgium Travel Video. Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn Omega Tours Co., LTD Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam Website: http://Omegatours.vn Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library. Thank For Creative Commons of Authors. Photos Credited: 10. Leuven Town Hall Jiuguang Wang: www.flickr.com/photos/jiuguangw/9241363578 Tomasz Dunn: www.flickr.com/photos/tdd/6006564934 9. Mons Belfry Daxis: www.flickr.com/photos/daxis/4588047407 Tales of a Wanderer: www.flickr.com/photos/erke86joc/8476351140 8. Bouillon Castle Jean-Pol GRANDMONT: www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/F...
The Best & Worst of Visiting Brussels, Belgium, from the overrated Mannequin Pis Peeing Boy Statue to High Prices to the Amazing Museums and Restaurants, the 5 Things You Will Love & Hate about Traveling to Brussels, Belgium. Filmed in Brussels, Belgium at the Grand Place
Welcome to Brussels, Belgium. It is a fabulous city in Europe with so much to do and even more to see. You might expect a small city but it is actually pretty big. It is full of activities and things to do for tourists. There is lots of culture, history and beautiful architecture to enjoy. This video is just an introduction to the official travel guide that will be in my book to come out soon. Stay tuned to learn how to travel Europe on a budget and have an epic adventure of a lifetime. In the meantime here is a look into the tips and tricks for getting the most out of your trip to Brussels Belgium. The Christmas markets and lights show is great. I have never seen a light show as great as the one here. I have also heard they have fabulous fireworks show at New Years. Brussels is a definit...
Hope you enjoyed our Bruges travel video and thanks for watching! If you want more details about where we stayed, places you should eat and drink at and things to do in Bruges, Belgium visit my blog: http://kittycotten.com/2014/10/bruges-photo-diary-travel-guide.html Watch our the first part of our trip in Amsterdam: http://youtu.be/EUbvg1fuRaw (We visited Bruges, Belgium in September 2014) BLOG: http://kittycotten.com INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/kittycotten PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/kittycotten CAMERA: Canon S110 Canon 6D EDITING SOFTWARE: iMovie Photoshop
Here are 6 quick budget friendly travel tips for visiting Belgium on the cheap. 1. Drink free wine samples at the Colruyt 2. Eat Belgian Frites (Frys) 3. Drink lots of Belgian Beer 4. See the sights 5. Have a picnic 6. Drink more Belgian Beer at a local cafe Follow these tips & you are sure to have a good time (and catch a buzz) without breaking the bank! Find out more nifty travel tips over @ http://travellust.co/ Follow us on all of our adventures: https://twitter.com/TravelLust_co https://www.facebook.com/TravelLust.co/ https://www.instagram.com/travellust_co/ Don't forget to subscribe to the TravelLust YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC9FQWMuqKfLqeIqkVqIaOeQ?sub_confirmation=1
Come join us as we explore Bruges, Belgium! Our Bruges City Guide features things to do in the city along with suggestions for Belgian street food including waffles, chocolate and fries. Come find out what makes this one of the more charming cities we visited while traveling in Belgium. Bruges Playlist: In Bruges with Busabout Frites: Belgian Fries taste test in Bruges, Belgium Eating delicious Belgian chocolates in Bruges Belgian Waffles taste test in Bruges, Belgium GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: htt...
https://www.expedia.com.sg/Brussels.d178241.Destination-Travel-Guides Brussels, Belgium: This cosmopolitan capital city is a melting pot of languages, cultures and traditions, and the perfect destination for the discerning gourmand. This video takes you on a journey through cosmopolitan Brussels, with aerial drone video shots of the city from above and a time lapse through the colourful streets and Brussels attractions. Enjoy watching! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog for more travel tips, inspiration and city guides to help you plan your holidays: Singapore: http://travelblog.expedia.com.sg/ Malaysia: http://travelblog.expedia.com.my/
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Belgium Travel Guide http://bit.ly/1b1GSXS Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Waterloo in Belgium. The battle of Waterloo was a defining event for Napoleon and all Europe. That was where the world conquering French army was defeated by the troops of the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon resigned and was exiled to the island of St. Helen afterwards. The battle of waterloo was a defining event for Napoleon and all Europe. That was where the world conquering French army was defeated by the troops of the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon resigned and was exiled to the island of St. Helen afterwards. Of course, everything in the previously unknown Belgian village is all about the battle and two opposing generals. The Butte du Lion is a 40m...
Quick Trip to Brussels and Bruges Tips Video: https://youtu.be/j9sKPTuV1Vo In this video you will see how you can enjoy a quick trip to Brussels and Bruges. We did our own walking tour by looking on google maps and creating an easy to walk route, making sure to check out all the hot spots. Melange by AnvionMusic https://soundcloud.com/anvionmusic Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/LqVfbijhslA
Antwerp, Belgium HD, Antwerp, Belgium Tourism,Antwerp Travel Antwerp is a city and municipality in Belgium and the capital of the Antwerp province of Belgium. Antwerp's population is 512,000 (as of 1 January 2013), making it the second most populous city in Belgium, after the metropolis Brussels, which has around 1.2 million inhabitants. Antwerp's total area is 204.51 km2 (78.96 sq mi), giving a population density of 2,308 inhabitants per km². The metropolitan area, including the outer commuter zone, covers an area of 1,449 km2 (559 sq mi) with a total of 1,190,769 inhabitants as of 1 January 2008. The French name of Antwerp is Anvers [ɑ̃vɛʁ(s)]; it may be found written this way on signposts in French-speaking regions of Belgium and in French-language publications. Antwerp is located on t...
► Please Remember to Subscribe! ► https://goo.gl/P5ZUPk ► Follow me on Twitter: https://goo.gl/el5pYm ► Facebook: https://goo.gl/XflDvj --------------------------------------------- 10 Best Places to Visit in Belgium. Traveling in Belgium brings forth images of medieval rooftops, lovely canals, tasty beer, and even more indulgent chocolates. However, there is much for one to see in this remarkable European country, where time seems to move at a slower pace and the people are friendly and welcoming to tourists. From modern cities boasting designer shops and glamorous galleries to cobblestone streets laden with museums and native indulgences, the best places to visit in Belgium have something for everyone to enjoy on a vacation. 10. Mons 9. Dinant 8. Leuven 7. Tournai 6. Mechelen 5. Ardenne...
Top 10 Brussels. Top ten places to visit in Brussels.The capital of Belgium have lot to offer and my list is as follows:10. Belgium Waffles 9. Musées Royaux des Beaux Arts 8. Antiques market in Place du Grand Sablon 7. Maison du Roi 6. Basilica of the Sacred Heart 5. Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée 4. Mini-Europe 3. Manneken-Pis 2. The Atomium 1. Grote Markt (Dutch) Grand-Place (French) and Town Hall
Droves of civilians play into the plan,
It's a shame mediocrity is in demand,
With short-dime demeanor so clumsy my hands,
Hold on for one more phrase,
Lets be honest, be honest, this has got to stay off limits,
If we can't take these headaches that are bound to come with it,
Just say the word and I'll come to your coast,
I'll be the virus if you'll be the host,
Bore dumb defense for the absentee ghost,
Just slightly out of range,
It comes and goes but for the most part it's just not as bad as you once thought,