King is a Canadian television series on Family, also aired on Nicktoons TV in the UK from 4 March 2006, and showing on POP! on March 12, 2007.
The show is about a boy named Russel who finds a portal under his bed leading to an alternate universe called Under. Since he is from Up and acquires the crown of Under, he is proclaimed the King. Most episodes have multiple sub-plots, and deal with the menacing Bob-Wire's attempts to steal back the crown and become the king (having to be foiled by Russel and/or his friends). Other recurring themes are Under's former king Cliff's attempts to bully Russel into handing over the crown while he's in Up (Earth), and various confrontations between Under and the neighbouring country of Near-Under. Other issues involve monster problems, and more general topics such as money, environmental issues, and even time travel.
King is a Canadian police drama which premiered April 17, 2011 on Showcase. The series stars Amy Price-Francis as Jessica King, a veteran police officer who gets promoted to head of the Major Crimes Task Force in Toronto after her predecessor has a breakdown on television. Season 2 began production in September 2011 and premiered 29 February 2012.
On June 2, 2012, it was reported that King had been cancelled after 2 seasons.
King is a Canadian television series on Family, also aired on Nicktoons TV in the UK from 4 March 2006, and showing on POP! on March 12, 2007.
The show is about a boy named Russel who finds a portal under his bed leading to an alternate universe called Under. Since he is from Up and acquires the crown of Under, he is proclaimed the King. Most episodes have multiple sub-plots, and deal with the menacing Bob-Wire's attempts to steal back the crown and become the king (having to be foiled by Russel and/or his friends). Other recurring themes are Under's former king Cliff's attempts to bully Russel into handing over the crown while he's in Up (Earth), and various confrontations between Under and the neighbouring country of Near-Under. Other issues involve monster problems, and more general topics such as money, environmental issues, and even time travel.