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Browse Items for Download - G

  • G.R., 'Towards the emancipation of the Aborigines', Proletariat, Melbourne University Labor Club, Melbourne, August 1934. Image PDF Details
  • Galier, W. H., A visit to Blestland, G. Robertson [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1896. Image PDF Details
  • Gallagher, N.L., Release John Cummins Now!, ABCE and BLF; This copy courtesy Viola Wilkins, Melbourne, 19 July, 1990, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • Gay Activists Alliance, 'GAA', Canary - CAMP South Australia Newsletter July/August 1973, 1973, p. 1. PDF Details
  • Gay Liberation South Australia, 'Gay Liberation', Canary (CAMP South Australia Newsletter) [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], South Australia, 1973, p. 1. PDF Details
  • 'Gay Pride Week', Sydney Gay Liberation Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 10, Gay Liberation Front [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1973, p. 2. PDF Details
  • Gay Socialist, Gay Socialist Bulletin, Gay Socialist [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1981, 2 pp. PDF Details
  • Gay Trade Unionists' Group, Gay Worker, Gay Trade Unionists' Group [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1981, 2 pp. PDF Details
  • Gay Trade Unionists' Group, Gay Worker, Gay Trade Unionists' Group [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1981. PDF Details
  • 'A general demand for art', Overland, Overland, Melbourne, March 1959, pp. 19-20. PDF Details
  • General meeting - Tuesday July 16, 1.15 pm, Anonymous, Melbourne, July 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, R, 'Marxist study classes', in My years in the Communist Party, International Bookshop, Melbourne, 1966. PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, Freedom in the Soviet Union, Ruskin Press [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 193?. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, A Fair hearing for socialism / preface by the Bishop of Ballarat ; foreword by the Dean of Melbourne., s.n. [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1944?. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, War in Palestine, International Bookshop for Victorian State Committee, Australian Communist Party [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1948. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, 'Victory over the Hill group', in My years in the Communist Party, International Bookshop, Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, 'The 20th Congress and Hungary', in My years in the Communist Party, International Bookshop, Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, 'My approach to Communism', in My years in the Communist Party, International Bookshop, Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, 'The challenge of Trotskyism', in My years in the Communist Party, International Bookshop, Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, 'Struggle against war and fascism', in My years in the Communist Party, International Bookshop, Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph Siward, Socialist Melbourne, Communist Party, Victorian State Committee [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1938. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph Siward, The Soviet way of life : an inside view, Current Book Distributors [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria}, Sydney, 1954. Image PDF Details
  • Gifford, Kenneth H., Jindyworobak towards an Australian culture, Jindyworobak Publications, Adelaide, 1944, 2-20 pp. PDF Details
  • Gillett, Judy, 'Is there room for us all under the umbrella', Join hands; a journal of women, liberation and socialism, August 1972. Image PDF Details
  • Gilmore, Mary Jane, 'Colonia Cosme; the New Australia experiment', Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 5 November 1902. Image PDF Details
  • Glover, Rev. Neil, Why I went to gaol, Coronation Press, 1957. Image PDF Details
  • Glyn, Tom, Industrial Efficency and its Antidote, Solidarity Pamphlets - Mental Dynamite Series, Industrial Workers of the World, Albany, 2006. Image PDF Details
  • The Gold Diggers' Advocate and Commercial Advertiser, vol. 1, no. 19, George Black [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, Saturday 20 May, 1854, 16 pp. images PDF Details
  • Goldstein, Vida, 'By way of introduction', The Woman's Sphere (Melbourne), vol. 1, no. 1, September 1900. Image PDF Details
  • Goldstein, Vida, 'Open Letter of Members of the Commonwealth Parliament', The Woman Voter, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Goldstein, Vida, 'Manifesto. Australian Women's Peace Army. Conscription. Vote NO.', The woman voter, 5 October 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Goldstein, Vida, 'Senate Election Manifesto of The People's Candidate, Miss Vida Goldstein', The woman voter, 3 May 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Goldstein, Vida; John, Cecilia, and Pankhurst, Adela, The Social Evil; Women's Convention, May 6 1916, Women's Political Association, Melbourne, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Gollan, R. A., 'Labor History', Bulletin, no. 1, January, 1962. Image PDF Details
  • Gollan, Robin, Radical and working class politics: a study of Eastern Australia, 1850-1910, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1960. PDF Details
  • Gollan, W.E., Education in crisis; and the way forward, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, 1959. Image PDF Details
  • González, Alejandra Seguel; Aconley-Jones, Rhys; Adam, David, Occupy Policing: A Report into the Effects and Legality of the Eviction of Occupy Melbourne from City Square on 21 October 2011, Sara Dehm, Erin Buckley and Julia Dehm, Occupy Melbourne Legal Support Team, Melbourne, 2012, 83 pp, https://occupypolicing.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/occupy_policing_2012.pdf. PDF Details
  • Goonan, Katherine, New Left Party Group, 28 June 1989. Image PDF Details
  • Gosman, A, Socialism; in the light of right conduct and religion, Mullen and Slade, Melbourne, 1891, 57 pp. Image PDF Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • Gould, L.H & Wood, W.A., How Russia smashed its fifth column, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, 1945. Image PDF Details
  • Gould, L.H., 'Intellectuals and the party', Communist Review, October 1944. Image PDF Details
  • Gould, L.H. [Llewellyn Henry] and W.A. Wood, 'Trotskyism--"the left claw of the fascist pincer"', in How Russia smashed its fifth column, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, c1943. Image PDF Details
  • Graeme J Harris, 'Catholic CAMP', Canary - CAMP South Australia Newsletter March 1973, Canary (CAMP South Australia Newsletter) [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1973, p. 1. PDF Details
  • Graham Purchase, Anarchist Society and Its Practical Realization, See Sharp Press, San Francisco, 1990, 10 pp. images PDF Details
  • Graham, Irene (ed.), The Rabelais Case, Irene Graham. This copy courtesy of Irene Graham, 21 August, 1999, 15 pp, http://libertus.net/censor/rdocs/rabelais.html. PDF Details
  • Graham, Irene (ed.), 'Censorship laws threaten freedom to access case law', Electronic Frontiers Australia, Electronic Frontiers Australia; This copy courtesy Irene Graham, Canberra, 22 March, 2000, https://www.efa.org.au/Issues/Censor/oflcappl.html. PDF Details
  • Grancharoff, Jack, 'Marxism and Anarchism', in LaTrobe University Anarchist Collective (ed.), National Anarchist Conference, LaTrobe University, Bundoora, 8-10 June, 1996., Melbourne, 9 June, 1996, p. 3. images PDF Details
  • Graves, A.A, 'The abolition of the Queensland labour trade: politics or profits', in Wheelwright, E. L & Buckley, K. D. (ed.), Essays in the political economy of Australian capitalism, volume 4, 1980 edn, vol. 4, Australia & New Zealand Book Company, Brookvale, 1980, pp. 41-57. Image PDF Details
  • George Wragg, 1977. images Details
  • Gray, Peter and Lane, Garry, The Battle for Bowen Hills, 21 mins; black and white; digitised from the original 16mm film, Peter Gray and Garry Lane [This copy courtesy of Peter Gray], 1975. Also available at http://vimeo.com/21222102. Details
  • A great day for the Australian Labor Movement, 1942. Image PDF Details
  • 'The great questioning', Outlook, October, 1968. Details
  • Green Left Weekly, The Big Lie, Green Left Weekly, 21 November, 1 pp, https://www.greenleft.org.au/node/10304. PDF Details
  • Greenpeace: Australia News, vol. 1, Greenpeace Australia, 1990. Image PDF Details
  • Greenpeace: Australia News, vol. 2, Greenpeace Australia, Autumn 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Greenpeace: Australia News, vol. 2, Greenpeace Australia, Winter 1991. Image PDF Details
  • 'Greetings to all young workers', The Young Worker, no. 1, 1 March 1931. Image PDF Details
  • Griffiths, Jennie Scott, 'The New South Wales "Strike."', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), vol. 4, no. 4, October 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Griffiths, Phil, 'Where to now for anti-war activists?', The Socialist, no. 249, 15 March 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Grover, Montague, The time is now ripe: revolution without tears, Robertson & Mullens [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1937. Image PDF Details
  • A guide to people’s struggle for an independent Australia, Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1974. Image PDF Details