
Browse Items for Download

Browse Items for Download - P

  • Palm Sunday Rally '99, Jabiluka Action Group (JAG), Melbourne, 1999. Image PDF Details
  • Palm Sunday Rally '99: stop Jabiluka uranium mine; stop nuclear threat; land rights now, Jabiluka Action Group (JAG), Melbourne, March 1999. Image PDF Details
  • Palmer, Helen G., 'Elitism in education and the radical initiative', in Wheelwright, E.L. & Buckley, K. (ed.), Essays in the political economy of Australian capitalism, volume three, 1978 edn, vol. 3, Australia and New Zealand Book Company, Brookvale, 1978, pp. 190-208. Image PDF Details
  • Palmer, Nettie, 'The frame', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), vol. 2, no. 5, December 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Palmer, Nettie, 'Will Dyson creative militant', Courier, 4 January 1930. PDF Details
  • Palmer, Nettie and Len Fox, Australians in Spain : our pioneers against fascism, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, 1948. Image PDF Details
  • Palmer, Vance, 'Our national ideals', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), vol. 3, no. 6, January 1917. Details
  • Palmer, Vance, 'Australian's transformation', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), vol. 7, no. 8, March 1921. Image PDF Details
  • Palmer, Vance, 'The future of Australian literature', The Age, Saturday, 9 February 1935. PDF Details
  • Palmer, Vance, Australian culture, Department of Information, Melbourne, 11 December 1940. PDF Details
  • The parable of the water tank, Vanguard Tract No. 12, Social Democratic Vanguard, Brisbane, c1901. Image PDF Details
  • Parliamentary Labour Party Platform, 1893, 1893. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • The Parsons: A Story of Imposture, Socialist Labour Party of Australia, Sydney, 1929. Image PDF Details
  • 'Party doesn't fear Royal Commission', Guardian (Melbourne), 13 May 1949. Image PDF Details
  • 'Party is ready to give full account of aims, activity', Guardian (Melbourne), 10 June 1949. Image PDF Details
  • Patten, John, Ned Kelly's Ghost: The Tottenham I.W.W. and the Tottenham Tragedy, Kate Sharpey Library, London, 1997. Image PDF Details
  • Peace and trade with Asia, Vote Communist 1, 1954?. Details
  • Peace Dossier 3: Is There a Soviet Threat, vol. 1, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, July 1982. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier 6: Peace: A Witness of Faith, vol. 1, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, June 1983. image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier: Debate on the ANZUS Alliance, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, October 1983. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier: Medicine and Nuclear War, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, March 1983. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier: Nuclear War: The Threat to Australia, vol. 1, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, October 1982. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier: Why we Have a War to Stop, vol. 1, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, April 1982. Image PDF Details
  • Peace File: Why didn't the US ratify the comprehensive test ban treaty?, Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament, Melbourne, November 1999. images PDF Details
  • Peace forces precent Cuba invasion, Defend world peace, E.A. Bacon at Coronation Print, Brisbane, 6 November 1962. Image PDF Details
  • Peace is Trade Unioin Business, Amalgamated Engineering Union, 1960. Image PDF Details
  • Peace is your business, c1961. Image PDF Details
  • 'Peace Movement Broadened by Students, Ex-Servicemen', Tribune, 1 Febuary 1950. Image PDF Details
  • 'Peace movement gathers way; plans for congress on April 16', 15 March 1950. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Pledge Union, Statement of Principles - Peace Pledge Union. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Quest Forum, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • A peace songs, c1965. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Studies, vol. 1, no. 7, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, October 1984. Image PDF Details
  • PEACE...and the German Problem, Queensland Peace Committee for International Co-operation & Disarmament, Brisbane, c1951. Image PDF Details
  • Peace: Candlelight Vigil - an End to War in the Gulf, This copy courtesy Viola Wilkins, Melbourne, 1 February, 1991, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • 'Peaceful foreign policy of Indo-Chinese nations', Bulletin - Socialist Party of Australian Publication, Socialist Party of Australia, Melbourne, 1 May 1983. Image PDF Details
  • Pearson, William Talbot, The Temple of Sahr, Lothian Publishing Co. [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1932. Image PDF Details
  • Peel, Gerald, Two worlds in Europe: the old and the new, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, October 1949. Image PDF Details
  • People for Nuclear Disarmament, People for Nuclear Disarmament, 1985. Image PDF Details
  • People for Nuclear Disarmament, Palm Sunday Rally Disarm/feed the world, 23 March. Image PDF Details
  • People for Nuclear Disarmament, Disarm the nuclear powers, 15 April?. Image PDF Details
  • People: Offical Organ of the Socialist Labor Party of Australia, 1 March 1919. Image PDF Details
  • The People's Conference: the Alternative to the World Economic Forum, Public First [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilikins], Melbourne, 2000, 2 pp. images PDF Details
  • People's Parliamentary Platform, 1890. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • Proposal for a new broad paper of the left, 21 June 1990. Image PDF Details
  • Perrinjaquet, Mariette, Yes / No, A time to choose: Australian poets and artists express their desire for a nuclear-free world, Anti-nuclear poetry book collective, 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Peter Cochrane, Drew Cottle, Michael Dunn, Humphrey McQueen, Kosmos Tsokhas, 'Editorial', Bowyang, vol. 1, no. 1, 1978?, p. 1. PDF Details
  • Peter Cochrane, Drew Cottle, Michael Dunn, Humphrey McQueen, Kosmos Tsokhas, 'Comment: the Bicentennial History Project', Bowyang, vol. 1, no. 2, 1979, pp. 5-8. PDF Details
  • Peter Gray, 1967 Civil Liberties March, Brisbane, Australia, Peter Gray [This copy courtesy Peter Gray], Brisbane, 1967. Also available at http://vimeo.com/20105643. Details
  • Peter Gray, HARPO Theatre / Music Event (in Toowoomba, Australia, 1972), Peter Gray [This copy courtesy Peter Gray], Brisbane, 1972. Details
  • Peter Gray and Garry Lane, Know Your Friends, Know Your Enemies, Narrated by Max Strong (shop steward) Location Sound by Lou Chin, Peter Gray [this copy courtesy Peter Gray], 1977. Also available at http://vimeo.com/21668006. Details
  • Peter Mickelburough, 'Comrie Attacks Protest Course', The Herald-Sun (Melbourne), 2000, p. 1. PDF Details
  • "Peter Plainspeech", The problem of the ages, Vanguard Tract No. 10, Social Democratic Vanguard, Brisbane, c1901?. Image PDF Details
  • Petersen, Eric, 'The long struggle for land rights', Socialist Action, no. 37, February 1989. Image PDF Details
  • Pha, Anna and McPhillips, Jack, The crisis, the Accord and Summit communique : what they mean for workers, New Age Publishers for the Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1983. Image PDF Details
  • Phillips, Arthur, 'The cultural cringe', Meanjin, no. 43, Summer 1950, pp. 299-302. Details
  • Phillips, Arthur, The Australian tradition, studies in a colonial culture, F. W Cheshire, Melbourne, 1958, 58-88 & 132-138 pp. Details
  • Phillips, John, 'In honour of a poet, lover and pacifist', The Age, 21 April 1999, p. 17. PDF Details
  • Phillips, Lorraine, 'Plenty more little brown man! Pearlshelling and white australia in Queensland 1901-18', in Wheelwright, E. L & Buckley, K. D. (ed.), Essays in the political economy of Australian capitalism, volume 4, 1980 edn, vol. 4, Australia & New Zealand Book Company, Brookvale, 1980, pp. 58-84. Image PDF Details
  • Phillips, Murial, 'Sex and the Truth', Women Today, 1939. Image PDF Details
  • Philosophy - Dialectical and Historical Materialism (Tutors' Guide), July 1950. Image PDF Details
  • 'The Pioneer Players announce the production of a new and original comedy, in four acts, 'A happy family' by Vance Palmer', 1923?. PDF Details
  • Playford, John, 'Who rules Australia?', in John Playford & Douglas Krisner (ed.), Australian capitalism: towards a socialist critique, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1972, pp. 108-155. Details
  • Playford, John & Kirsner, Douglas, 'Introduction', in John Playford & Douglas Krisner (ed.), Australian capitalism: towards a socialist critique, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1972, pp. 7-8. PDF Details
  • Please take a minute to read this important letter from the Australian Peace Movement, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Sydney, 1990?. Image PDF Details
  • Plews, Barry, 'Lawson -- lost and found', Bowyang, vol. 3, April 1980, 1980. Image PDF Details
  • Plummet the Summit, This copy courtesy Viola Wilkins, Melbourne, 2000, 1 pp. PDF Details
  • Poland: the Crisis of State Capitalism, International Socialists, Melbourne, December 1981. Image PDF Details
  • Police thuggery in Brisbane, Central Rail Disputes Committee, Brisbane, 1948. Image PDF Details
  • Political Labor Council of Victoria Central Executive, Anti-conscription manifesto, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Political Power - "Shield" or "Dictatorship": Judd - Reardon Debate (S.L.P. v. A.S.P.), Australian Socialist Party [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1920. images PDF Details
  • 'Political Resolutions', in The Way Forward. Resolutions of the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of Australia, 1948. Image PDF Details
  • Politicians--NOT a court---can decide that---YOU are a communist, if the referendum on September 22 is passed, 1950. Image PDF Details
  • Pollard, James, Marginality and Universality: The Indigenous Working Group and the 17th General Assembly of Occupy Melbourne, 2011. Also available at http://libcom.org/news/marginality-universality-indigenous-working-group-17th-general-assembly-occupy-melbourne-18. PDF Details
  • Pollock, Ted, 'Billy Graham and the Working Class', Western Socialist, 1959. Image PDF Details
  • Portrait of E.E. Judd. Image Details
  • Prahran Manifesto, Prahran Workers for a Democratic Society, Melbourne, 1968. images PDF Details
  • The Prahran Worker, vol. 2, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1969. images PDF Details
  • Premiere Screening: Fight for Country - the Story of the Jabiluka Blockade, Friends of the Earth Anti-Uranium Collective, Melbourne, 2001, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • The present and the future demand more child care facilities, Women's Committee Australian Communist Party (Qld), Brisbane, February 1944. Image PDF Details
  • The President, 'Marriage for Homosexuals', West Campaigner, vol. 1, no. 4, CAMP WA [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1973, p. 2. PDF Details
  • President's Address, Women's Political Educational League, 1904. Image PDF Details
  • Preston, Margaret, 'On the birthday of Jindyworobak', Jindyworobak Review 1938-1948, Jindyworobak Publications, Melbourne, 1948, p. 44. PDF Details
  • Prevent a Nuclear Holocaust, Congress for International Co-opreation and Disarmament, Melbourne, 1981. images PDF Details
  • Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 'On purpose and propaganda', in Throssell, Ric (ed.), Straight left : articles and addresses on politics, literature and women’s affairs over almost 60 years, from 1910 to 1968, Wild & Woolley, Sydney, 1982, pp. 117-21. PDF Details
  • Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 'The causes of war are economic; the movement against war and fascism', in Who wants war?, The Franklin Press, Perth, 1935. Image PDF Details
  • Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 'Anti-Capitalist core of Australian literature', Communist Review, August, 1943, pp. 106-7. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 'Hoax renders service to literature', Communist Review, March, 1945, pp. 457-7. Image PDF Details
  • Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 'Some thoughts on Australian Literature', The Realist, no. 15, 1964, p. 11. PDF Details
  • Prichard, Katharine Susannah, Why I am a Communist, Newsletter Printery, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • Prichard, Katherine Susannah, 'Communists are always young', in N’Goola and other stories, 1959 edn, Australasian Book Society, Melbourne, pp. 125-9. Details
  • Prichard, Katherine Susannah, 'Naninja and Janey', in N’Goola and other stories, 1959 edn, Australasian Book Society, Melbourne, pp. 169-74. Details
  • Prichard, Katherine Susannah, 'N’Goola', in N’Goola and other stories, 1959 edn, Australasian Book Society, Melbourne, pp. 8-24. Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, August 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, vol. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, vol. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, vol. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, vol. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, March 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1969. images PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, March 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, March 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, March 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, August 1969. images PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, March 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Pritchard, Katharine Susannah, 'International Women's Day: 1945', in Throssell, Ric (ed.), Katharine Susannah Pritchard: Straight Left, 1945. Image PDF Details
  • 'Program for peace, plenty, independence of Australia: communist Senate manifesto', Guardian (Offical organ Victorian State Committee Communist Party of Australia) (Melbourne), 11 November 1949. Image PDF Details
  • Project Iceberg, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne, July 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 1, no. 1, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, April 1932. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 1, no. 2, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, July 1932. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 1, no. 3, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, september 1932. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 2, no. 2, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, June 1933. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 2, no. 1, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, February 1933. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 2, no. 3, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, October 1933. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 3, no. 1, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, March 1934. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 3, no. 2, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, August 1934. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 4, no. 2, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, July-September. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 4, no. 3, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, October-December 1935. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat, vol. 4, no. 1, Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne, April-June 1935. Image PDF Details
  • Proletariat : organ of the Melbourne University Labour Club, Melbourne University Labour Club [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1932-1935. Image PDF Details
  • Prospectus of the Melbourne Anarchist Club, 1886. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • 'Protection as wanted. Manifesto of the Council of the Social Democratic Federation of Victoria', The Champion (Melbourne), vol. 1, no. 3, 6 July 1895. Image PDF Details
  • Public meeting for a nuclear free Australia July 17, Coalition for a Nuclear Free Australia, Melbourne, 17 July. images PDF Details
  • 'Public Meeting: enough of right-wing agendas it's time for a new politics', October 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Public Statement by Karl Armstrong, November 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Purchase, Graham, Anarcism and Ecology: The Historical Relationship, Jura Books, Sydney, 1993. images PDF Details
  • Purchase, Graham, The New Anarchy, A talk given by G. Purchase in the Migrant Resource Centre, West End, Brisbane at a conference. Mayday, 1994., Black Swan [This scan courtesy of Graham Purchase], Sydney, 1994, 7 pp. images PDF Details
  • Purchase, Graham, Anarchism & Envrionmental Survival, See Sharp Press [this scan courtesy of Graham Purchase], Tucson, 1994, 85 pp. images PDF Details
  • Purchase, Graham, New Anarchy Pamphlet Series: Mapping our Green Anarchist Future, Jura Books, Sydney, 1996. Image PDF Details
  • Purchase, Graham, 'Green Flame: Kropotkin & the Birth of Ecology', ASR, no. 54, 2010, pp. 29-32, 35. images PDF Details