
Browse Items for Download

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  • L. L. Sharkey (ed.), Communist Review, no. 55, Communist Party of Australia, Sydney, March 1946. Details
  • L. L. Sharkey (ed.), Communist Review, no. 54, Communist Party of Australia, Sydney, February 1946. Image PDF Details
  • L. L. Sharkey (ed.), Communist Review, no. 53, Communist Party of Australia, Sydney, January 1946. Image PDF Details
  • La Mama, La Mama presents Traitors, Melbourne, April - May 2004. PDF Details
  • Labor Anti-war Committee, Labor's case against war and fascism, Industrial Print, Melbourne, c1935. Image PDF Details
  • 'A "Labor Day" Demonstration', The Age (Melbourne), 1 May 1893. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, August 1983. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 3, no. 2, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, June 1983. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 3, no. 6, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 3, no. 3, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, July 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 4, no. 9, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, Novermber 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 4, no. 1, March 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 4, no. 2, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, April 1984. Image Image PDF PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 4, no. 4, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, June 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 4, no. 5, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, July 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 4, no. 8, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 4, no. 6, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, August 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Militant, vol. 4, no. 7, Labor Militant [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, September 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Movement at the Crossroads: The Way Forward After the 1963 Elections, Current Book Publications, Sydney, 1964. Image PDF Details
  • 'Labor unity spells victory; why Communist Party seeks ALP affiliation', Guardian; offical organ Victorian State Committee Australian Communist Party (Melbourne), no. 127, 4 February 1944. Image PDF Details
  • Labour's Objective, Fighting Platform and General Programme, 1913, 1913. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • Labour's religon, Social Democratic Vanguard, Brisbane, c1901. Image PDF Details
  • Laidler, Percy, Ruskin Press [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1924. Image PDF Details
  • Lambert, Eric, The twenty thousand thieves, Newmont, Melbourne, 1951, 1-11 & 40-9 pp. Details
  • Lambert, Eric, The five bright stars, Australasian Book Society, Melbourne, 1954, 1-10, 233-44. pp. Details
  • Lance Gowland, 'Strategy for the Gay Movement', CAMP Ink Vol 4 No 3/4 April 1975 Issue, CAMP Ink [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1975, p. 1. PDF Details
  • 'Land armies must join air forces to smash Axis Powers in Europe', North Queensland Guardian, 11 June 1943. Image PDF Details
  • 'Land Rights', Aboriginal and Islander Identity, Aboriginal Publications Foundation, Perth, 1978. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • Lane, E. H., Dawn to Dusk, SHAPE, Brisbane, 1939. Image PDF Details
  • Lane, William, The workingman’s paradise : an Australian labour novel by John Miller, Edwards, Dunlop and Co [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1892. Image PDF Details
  • Lane, William, 'New Australia', The Worker [Queensland] (Brisbane), 24 August 1890. Image PDF Details
  • Lang, John Dunmore, Freedom and Independence for the Golden Lands of Australia: The Right of the Colonies, and The Interest of Britain and of the World, Longman, Brown, Orme, & Longman. [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], London, 1852. Image PDF Details
  • Lang, John. T, Communism in Australia: A Complete Exposure, W. Brown, [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 194?. Image PDF Details
  • 'The Late Hugh Gilmore', The Pioneer, A. Timmann, Adelaide, 14 November 1891, p. 1. Image PDF Details
  • 'Latest book news', Guardian, The Guardian, Melbourne, 24 March 1950. PDF Details
  • Launch of the Transition Decade, 23 January 2010, 2 pp. Also available at http://www.t10.net.au/. PDF Details
  • Lawrence, Carmen; with thanks to Joshua the destroyer, The Art of Shoplifting, Rabelais, Ben Ross, Michael Brown, Melita Rogowsky, Valentina Srpcanska, vol. 29, LaTrobe University Students' Representative Council, Melbourne, July, 4 pp. images PDF Details
  • Lawrence, Rosa, 'Prayer', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), vol. 5, no. 4, November 1918. Image PDF Details
  • Lawson, Henry, 'Freedom on the wallaby', The Worker [Queensland] (Brisbane), 16 May 1891, p. 8. Image PDF Details
  • Lawson, Henry, 'When I was King', Angus & Robertson [This Scan Courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1905. Image PDF Details
  • Lawson, Louisa, 'Women's Suffrage', The Dawn, July 1889. Image PDF Details
  • Leaflet of ‘Revolutionary Socialists’ at The Bakery to advertise series of classes on ‘The State’, Revolutionary Socialists, Melbourne, February 1969. images PDF Details
  • Left Alliance (ed.), Incite, Incomplete copy, Left Alliance, 1992, 6 pp. images PDF Details
  • 'Left-wing perspectives', International - organ of the Australian Section of the Fourth International (Sydney), no. 16, 15 August 1961. Image PDF Details
  • 'Legality won for the Communist Party', North Queensland Guardian, 8 January 1943. PDF Details
  • Legislation affecting Women and Children, 1904. Image PDF Details
  • Legislative Assembly New South Wales, Report of Royal Commission of Inquiry (Hon. N.K.Ewing) into the Matter of the Trial and Conviction and Sentences imposed on Charles Reeve and Others, Sydney, 11 August 1920, 17 pp. PDF Details
  • Leon, Daniel De, Revolutionary Strategy and Tactics: Two Pages From Roman History, Socialist Labour Party of Australia, Sydney, 1921. Image PDF Details
  • Lesbian Anon (ed.), Lesbianon, vol. 1, no. 1, Lesbian Anon [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], Perth, 1974, 2 pp. PDF Details
  • Lesbian Anon, 'The A.B.C. of Living', Lesbianon, no. 3, Lesbian Anon [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], Perth, 1974, p. 4. PDF Details
  • Lesbian Anon, 'International Women's Year', Lesbianon, no. 5, Lesbian Anon [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], Perth, 1975, p. 1. PDF Details
  • Lesley Podesta, Reply to Communist Party of Australia's "Collective Statement" to Socialism and Homosexuality Conference, International Socialists [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1981. PDF Details
  • Leslie Alexander, 'Homosexuality & Human Rights', West Campaigner, vol. 2, no. 2, CAMP WA [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1974, p. 2. PDF Details
  • Leslie Alexander, 'CAMP Goes to Parliament', West Campaigner, vol. 2, no. 1, CAMP WA [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1974, p. 2. PDF Details
  • Letter appealing for funds to support imprisoned striking miners, 1910. Image PDF Details
  • 'A letter from "Down Under"', Western Socialist, 1948. Image PDF Details
  • Letter from Jesse Street to Mr Hughes of the Federated Clerks Union regarding an application of the Full Bench of the Industrial Commission for Equal Pay, 1939. Image PDF Details
  • Letter from Sandra Zurbo of Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, Melbourne, March 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Letter to H.H. Champion, President, Socialist Party, Melbourne, . Image PDF Details
  • Letter to Ken Mansell (member of Monash Labor Club and the Young Socialist League) from Miss Dale Sutherland on behalf of Dr Jim Cairns. Image PDF Details
  • Levien, Harold, Vietnam: Myth and Reality, Harold Levien, Sydney, 1967. images PDF Details
  • Lewis, Glen, 'Queensland nationalism and Austrlain capitalism', in Wheelwright, E.L & Buckley, K (ed.), Essays in the political economy of Australian capitalism, volume two, 1978 edn, Australia and New Zealand Book Company, 1978, pp. 110-147. Image PDF Details
  • Lex Watson, Sue Wills, 'Where Are We Going?', CAMP Ink Vol 2 No 7 May 1972 Issue, 1972, p. 1. PDF Details
  • Libertarian, no. 3, Libertarian Society at Sydney University [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Sydney, January, 1960, 25 pp. images PDF Details
  • 'Lightening the young workers' burden', Young Worker (Sydney), 15 December 1933. Image PDF Details
  • Lindsay, Jack, 'A note on my dialectic', in Smith, Bernard (ed.), Culture & history: essays presented to Jack Lindsay ., 1984 edn, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, pp. 365-73. Details
  • Lindsay, Jack, 'Breakthrough', in Fanfrolico and after, 1962 edn, The Bodley Head, London, pp. 246-68. Details
  • Lindsay, Jack, 'The alienated Australian intellectual', in Decay and Renewal: critical essays on twentieth century writing, Wild & Woolley and Lawrence & Wishart, Sydney & London, 1976, pp. 246-61. Details
  • Lindsay, Jack, 'Towards a Marxist aesthetic', in Decay and Renewal: critical essays on twentieth century writing, Wild & Woolley and Lawrence & Wishart, Sydney and London, 1976, pp. 422-47. Details
  • The Little Green Book: The Facts On Green Bans, Tomato Press, Sydney, 1974?. Image PDF Details
  • Liz Ross, Tom O'Lincoln & Graham Willett, Labor's accord: why it's a fraud, Socialist Action [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1986. Image PDF Details
  • Lloyd Ross, 'Writers and social progress', The Australain observer, July 26, 1947, pp. 111-112. PDF Details
  • Lobascher, Bryan, The case for holding a referendum on the issue of a republican constitution for Australia, c1988?. Image PDF Details
  • Lobez, Susanna (ed.), 'Euthanasia; Women Police Officers; and Rabelais', The Law Report, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney, 30 July, 1996, http://web.archive.org/web/20080518022914/http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/lawrpt/lstories/lr300796.htm. Details
  • Lockwood, Rupert, Jim Healy: leader of the Waterside Workers' Federation, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, August 1951. Image PDF Details
  • Lorkin, Max, On the path to unity, c1954. Image PDF Details
  • Lovegrove, D, Communists and the War, Labor Call Print, 1942. Image PDF Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with MB and HE side b, RR45 MB and HE 3 side b. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with TC and CC side b, RR48 T and C C 1 of 2 side b. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with PB side b, RR46 PB side b. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with TC and CC side a, RR48 T and C C 1-1 side a. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with AC part one: side b, RR49 AC 20-6-87 1-1 side b. Recorded on 20 June, 1987. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with AC part one: side a, RR49 AC 20-6-87 1-1 side a.Recorded on 20 June, 1987. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with AC part two: side a, RR49 AC 2-1 side a. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with AC part two: side b, RR49 AC pt 2 side b. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with MB and HE side a, RR45 MB and HE 3 side a. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Lowenstein, Wendy, Interview with PB side a, RR46 PB side a. Digitised from cassette by Reason in Revolt, [Cassette recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details